Chapter Six

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*narrator pov*
A ship landed on Titan. Aboard were Tony, Peter and Strange.
Peter lowered himself down from the ceiling.
"Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something...And I end up eating you, I'm sorry" Peter said.
"I don't wanna hear another single pop culture out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?" Tony told him.
"I'm trying to say that something is coming."
A grenade suddenly rolled towards them.
They stepped back, and Quill, Drax and Mantis appeared in the doorway.
"Thanos!" Drax yelled, and they charged into battle.
They fought.
Quill ended up with Peter in a headlock, Iron man was standing over Drax with a gun, and Strange was standing near Mantis.
"Everybody stay where you are chill the F out" Quill took off his helmet. "I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where is Gamora?"
"I'll do you one better. Who is Gamora?"
"I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora?"
"Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I'm gonna French fry this little freak."
"Let's do it. You shoot my guy I'll blast him. Let's go."
"Do it Quill... I can take it."
"No he can't take it!"
"She's right. You can't."
"Yeah you don't wanna tell me where she is. That's fine. I'll kill all three of you, then I'll beat it out of Thanos myself. Starting with you..."
"Wait what Thanos? Alright let me ask you this one time... what master do you serve?"
"What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say? Jesus?"
Tony rolled his eyes.
"You're from Earth."
"I'm not from Earth, I'm from Missouri."
"Yeah that's on Earth, dipshit. What are you hassling us for?"
"So you're not... with Thanos?"
"With Thanos? No. I'm here to kill Thanos. He took my girl. Wait who are you?"
Peter took off his mask, revealing his face.
"We're the avengers, man."
"You're the ones Thor told us about" Mantis said.
"You know Thor?" Tony asked.
"Yeah" Quill sighed. "Tall guy, not so good-looking. Needed saving."
"Wait..." Peter interrupted. "What do you mean needed saving?"
"His ship exploded. We found him just floating around" Quill informed.
"Was y/n with him?"
"His sister. She went to see him yesterday" Tony recalled.
"Thor was alone" Quill said.
"Well where's y/n then? Did he say?" Peter asked.
"Yes" Mantis corrected. "He... he said Thanos... killed his siblings."
"What?" Tony questioned. He lowered his gun, and stepped away from Drax.
"No... you're lying right?" Peter asked. "Please tell me she's lying..."
Quill let go of him, and he stumbled slightly.
"She's not" Drax said as he stood up from the ground. "He did say that."
"Oh my god" Peter whispered.
"Shit" Tony muttered.
Peter quickly webbed away.
Tony was about to go after him, but Strange stopped him.
"Tony... we need to do something about Thanos" Strange reminded him.
Peter was sitting outside, staring at the skyline.
Tony finally joined him, after he had made a plan with the others.
He sat down next to Peter.
"Hey kid. Are you okay?"
"What's wrong?"
"Are you kidding? She's gone, Mr Stark" Peter said blankly. "We just found out y/n died. So no I'm not okay... You don't seem to care very much."
"Of course I care."
"You aren't showing it."
Tony paused and looked down at his feet. When he looked up again, he had a teardrop rolling down his cheek.
"The last things I said to her..." Tony remembered. "I was saying I couldn't wait for her to go. She was being annoying - typical y/n. I just wish I had said goodbye."
"Me too. She was like, one of my best friends."
"We are all going to miss her, kid. She was part of our family. She... she felt like a daughter to me. Even though she was technically older than me" Tony chuckled lightly. "I felt a need to protect her. And to look after her. All because she had a panic attack once, but I needed to make sure she was okay after that. No one else seemed to be there for her. She was just a kid."
"She did act childish" Peter couldn't help smiling as he thought about memories of you. For instance, the nerf war you engaged in not even 60 hours ago.
"Mr Stark..."
"We- we need to avenge her."
"And we're going to. We will stop Thanos" Tony nodded.
Peter and Tony sat in silence for a while longer, looking at the broken planet.
"Bucky's going to be heartbroken" Peter realised after a while.
"Maybe we don't tell him until this is all over."
"He'll be waiting for her."
"Excuse me" Mantis said from behind them. "Does your friend often do that?"
Peter and Tony turned to see Strange, sitting cross-legged. His eyes were closed, and his head was jerking from side to side.
"Strange... we alright?" Tony asked.
Strange suddenly snapped out of it.
"You're back. You're alright" Tony nodded.
"Hey, what was that?" Peter asked.
"I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict" Strange informed them.
"How many did you see?" Quill wondered.
"14, 000, 605."
"How many did we win?" Tony asked.
Tony and Strange stared at each other intensely, not breaking eye contact for a second.
"Like, three" Strange shrugged. "But each one had very specific things happen that lead to a similar ending to stop the war."
"Okay what is it? What do we have to do?" Peter enquired.
"I can't say. It will change the course of the future."
"Great" Quill sighed sarcastically.
"Well then. Let's not mess this up" Tony said. "We will stop Thanos."
"For y/n" Peter nodded.
"Mhm" Tony smiled softly at him. 
"And to save the rest of the universe" Strange reminded.
"Yeah of course" Tony said. "That too."
On Earth, the avengers gathered at Wakanda, preparing to fight Thanos' army.
They were still waiting in the building for the attack to arrive, and Steve noticed Bucky looking agitated.
"What are you thinking about Bucky?" Steve asked.
"I... I need to see y/n. She hasn't come back yet, and I don't know if she's safe. I don't know. Maybe something happened to her while she was up in space. Or what if something happens when we fight Thanos that means we never see each other again..."
"Bucky, we will win this. You and y/n will see each other again. She'll come home and everything will be fine" Steve assured.
"I just have a really bad feeling Steve..."
"I'm sure it's nothing."
Later, during the battle.
Lightning blasted through the sky at the arrival of Thor on Earth.
Bucky looked up hopefully, and ran towards where he landed.
He was stopped as some aliens ran at him.
Bucky fired at them, but more and more kept coming.
Thor got further and further away from him.
Rocket was fighting near Bucky, and together they suddenly became surrounded.
Bucky picked him up and they spun around firing their guns.
"Hey how much for the gun" Rocket asked when the aliens weren't particularly near them.
"Not for sale" Bucky told him.
"Okay how much for the arm?"
Bucky glared at him.
Steve walked over.
"Thor's here. Have you seen her?" Steve asked.
"No. I haven't had the chance to talk to him" Bucky sighed. "Steve, she should be with him."
"Wait who should be with him?" Rocket asked.
"My girlfriend, y/n."
"As in Thor's sister?"
"You know her?" Steve wondered.
"Wow I really hate to be the one to tell you this..." Rocket groaned.
"Tell us what?" Bucky asked.
"Y/n is dead. Thor said Thanos killed her."
Bucky stared at the raccoon.
"No she's not" he shook his head in denial.
"I'm sorry" Rocket sighed.
An alien lunged for the three of them, and Steve quickly threw his shield at it. 
Once he caught it again, he looked at Bucky.
"Buck... I'm sorry. But we're in the middle of an attack. Can you still fight?"
Bucky quickly raised his gun and shot an alien coming up behind Steve.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him" Bucky hissed, and he stormed off on a rampage.
Thanos had arrived. And he had the stones.
Suddenly, Thor came crashing down on top of him, forcing the axe into his chest.
"You murdered my brother. You are responsible for the death of my sister. I told you, you die for that."
"You-" Thanos whispered.
Thor pushed the axe into him even more.
"You should have gone for the head" Thanos muttered.
"NO!" Thor exclaimed, but it was too late - Thanos snapped his fingers.
Moments later, he fell back through a portal and disappeared.
Thor looked around him.
The avengers started to dissolve in thin air.
Bucky stumbled towards him.
"Y/n..." he whispered, but he was gone before he could say anything more.
Thor fell to his knees. He had not properly mourned for you or Loki yet. Now, as his friends were disappearing around him, felt like the right time to break down.
His hand clutched his chest as the emotional pain of losing his family hit him with full force. A single tear rolled down his cheek, and he let out a deafening scream of despair.
Everything he loved was truly gone.
*5 years later*
Tony told everyone to leave his home. He turned to Morgan.
"Why don't you go wait inside? I'll be there in a minute" he smiled at her.
She grinned and nodded, before running inside.
She happily skipped through the house, until she got to the living room.
She froze when she saw someone on the other side of the couch.
"Who are you?" she tilted her head curiously.
"Oh... hi... what's your name?"
"Morgan" she grinned proudly.
"Hi Morgan. Do you, uh, do you know Tony?"
"That's my dad! Are you one of his friends?"
"Morgan? Honey, who are you talking to?" Tony called as he stepped through the front door.
He walked through the cabin until he saw Morgan in the living room. And not alone.
He froze in place.
"Hey Tony."

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