Chapter Thirty

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*narrator pov*
You were walking through the hundreds of shipping containers. Bucky was next to you, but you didn't say a word to each other.
"Madripoor could give New York a run for its money" Sam said.
"They know how to party" Zemo remarked. 
"With that bounty on your head, the longer you're in Madripoor, the less likely you're leaving" Sharon said, then pointed. "All right, he's in there. I'll keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry, we're on borrowed time."
Sharon handed out earpieces.
"What? I don't get one?" you asked.
"I only have four" Sharon claimed, and walked away from you.
You walked over to the container she had pointed at and Sam opened the door.
The guys walked in. Bucky turned back.
"Are you coming?"
"It looks empty. I'm not stepping inside until I know there's somewhere to go."
Zemo pushed open a hidden door at the other end of the shipping container, and you could hear music coming out.
You stepped inside, and followed the others up the stairs, looking cautiously back at the door before you did so.
The stairs led up to a lab, where a man was standing mixing things in test tubes together.
Sam stopped the music, and the man turned around.
"Dr Nagel?" Sam asked.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Nagel enquired.
"We know you created the super-soldier serum."
"Get out of my lab."
"Hey" Sam grabbed Nagel's arm. Nagel looked up at Bucky and Sam asked him "you know who he is, right? And this is Baron Zemo. I know you've heard of him, too, right?"
"And the girl?" Nagel looked at you.
"She doesn't matter right now" Bucky said.
"Aw, I love you too baby" you said sarcastically.
"You seem like a pretty smart guy" Sam continued. "So you better become conversational real quick."
"How bout a counter proposal?" Nagel suggested. "Make me a better offer and I'll talk."
"Guys, we have company" Sharon told the others through the earpiece.
"What?" you asked when their faces looked concerned.
"We've got to hurry this up" Sam said.
Bucky grabbed Nagel and sat him down in a chair.
He pointed a gun at his head.
"Every bounty hunter in the city is here" Sharon informed. "We gotta go!"
Bucky shot next to Nagel's head, a warning shot.
"Okay! Okay" Nagel gave in. "I was brought into Hydra's Winter Soldier program to pick up their work after the five failed test subjects in Siberia. When Hydra fell, I was recruited by the CIA. They had blood samples from an American test subject with semi-stable traces of serum in his system. After much labour, I was able to isolate the necessary compounds in his blood..."
"Okay he said we need to hurry up. So... could you finish up the monologuing" you requested.
"I was a god. I did what no other scientist since Erskine was able to do. But mine was going to be different. No clunky machines or jacked up bodies. Mine was going to be subtle, optimised... perfect."
"How have we never heard about this?" Sam asked.
"Because... before I was able to complete my work, I turned to dust. Then when I returned, it was five years later, program had been abandoned, so I came here. The power broker was more than happy to fund the recreation of my work."
"How many vials did you make?" Sam asked.
"Twenty. Karli Morgenthau stole those, so... I can only imagine what the power broker has planned for that poor girl."
"Where's Karli now?"
"I don't know where she is. But a couple of days ago, she called and asked if I could help someone named Donya Madani. Poor woman has tuberculosis. Typical of overpopulation in displacement camps like that..."
You had zoned out a while ago, and you were now noticing what Zemo was doing. He was feeling the underside of the table, and now you saw why. He had found a gun.
You looked at him questioningly, but did not stop him yet.
"Is there any serum in this lab" Bucky asked, and you started listening to what they were saying again.
When Nagel didn't answer, Bucky touched the gun to his cheek.
"No" Nagel claimed.
"Now what?" Bucky asked.
"Someone's coming" you said. You heard footsteps.
Sharon ran through the door.
"Guys were seriously out of time here."
Zemo raised the gun and shot Nagel.
"No!" Sam yelled and tackled Zemo. Sharon took the gun off him.
"What did you do?" she cried.
A missile shot through the window, and the lab exploded.
An alarm started blaring.
You got up on your own, and watched where Bucky was helping Sharon up. He helped Sam up, and Sam and Sharon ran out.
"Y/n?!" Bucky turned around to look for you.
You walked towards him.
"Are you okay?" he hugged you tightly.
"Yeah. Buck, we gotta go."
He took your hand and pulled you out the shipping container, just as the lab behind you exploded.
You stumbled slightly.
"I've got you" Bucky put an arm around you.
"I'm fine" you mumbled as he helped you outside.
"All right!" Bucky called when he saw the others. "Wait for my signal!"
Sam ignored him and started shooting. He ran off to take cover.
"Damn it!" Bucky muttered.
He ran out and started firing.
Sharon grabbed your hand and pulled you away.
"Hey get off me!"
"I'm trying to help you!"
"I don't want your help!"
Sharon let go of you and you ran on your own to take cover.
Sam, Bucky and Sharon stood around you, firing their guns at the bounty hunters.
Bucky ducked and turned to you.
"Hey baby. It would be really useful if you could do your thing right now."
"Bucky no!"
"I'm not doing it. Sharon is here!"
"Sharon's not exactly going to tell anyone. You heard what she said about her family."
"Bucky don't make me do this."
"Y/n please."
"What are you trying to get her to do?" Sharon asked.
You shook your head at Bucky.
"Y/n has powers. There, she knows. You gonna help now?"
"She what?!"
You looked up at Bucky, feeling utterly betrayed, and you didn't say anything.
Bucky shook his head in disappointment.
"Fine" he said, then turned back to keep shooting with the others.
You snuck off while he wasn't looking.
Bucky ran out of ammo, and he crouched down next to Sam.
"I thought we were gonna go left?" Bucky argued.
"You went the wrong way!"
"I was clearing the way!"
"I came out first! You had to follow me!"
"And where are we now?"
"Guys not the time!" Sharon said, then turned to face them. "I'm out!"
"This is a barricade!"
"It's in every action movie!"
Suddenly, there was a large explosion of flames not far away, and the impact caused everyone to fall back to the ground.
Zemo was wearing a mask, and he jumped down to fight them off.
"Go. Come on let's go" Bucky got Sharon and Sam to run off, then turned to get you. "Y/n let's g- y/n?"
You weren't sitting where you had been a minute ago. "Y/n?!"
"Dude we gotta go!" Sam called back.
"Y/n!" Bucky yelled, looking around. He couldn't see you, so he ran off with Sam and Sharon.
They ran into more shooters.
"Buck!" Sam cried, and opened a shipping container door to shield him. Bucky ripped off a pole and hit them with it. He launched it towards someone, stabbing them in the chest.
"Let's go!" Sam pulled him into the shipping container.
When the gunshots had come to an end, they came out, and Bucky didn't hesitate to walk off.
He was stopped short as Zemo pulled up in a car in front of them.
You were in the front seat, arms folded madly.
"Y/n where the hell did you go?" Bucky asked angrily, bending down over the door of the car.
You ignored him, turning to face away from him.
"You know that could have been a lot easier if you were there."
You didn't say anything.
He opened the door.
"Get out."
"Y/n get out the car, I need to talk to you."
"Then talk... Oh right. You're not going to because she's here."
"What?" Sharon asked.
"Y/n" Bucky said, his tone was very not happy.
You got out the car and Bucky grabbed your arm.
He walked around the corner, out of sight from the others, who were arguing about Zemo going back to jail.
You leaned against a wall, as Bucky paced in front of you.
"What the fuck y/n?" he sighed. "You have been nothing but a pain in the ass since we've been on this mission."
"Oh? Should we review why that is? First, you leave me... no note, no text, no call, nothing! I spend almost two days trying to find you, and you've been arrested! You keep telling me to shut up, or you just straight up ignore me! Which only got worse when she showed up! And you still haven't told me who the fuck she is! We're still strangers to each other! And then you go and tell her that I have powers! You know that's a secret! So why would you do that?!"
"I just wanted a little bit of help, is that too much to ask?"
"Bucky you know how I feel about it!"
"We were in trouble!"
"You think I don't know that? I just couldn't..."
"Yeah. You're scared. I know. Y/n, would you let me die? Because you were too scared to save me?"
"Bucky, no..."
"Is that how your brother died?"
"Excuse me?"
"Could you have saved him, but didn't because you were too afraid?"
"Oh you did not just go there" you whispered angrily.
"Maybe if you weren't being a coward, he would still be alive."
You shook your head angrily and turned to leave.
"Where are you going?"
"Home. That's what you wanted right? Me gone? I'm leaving. You fucking happy now?"
"Goodbye James."
"Fine! Go! Leave!"
Bucky watched you walk away until you were out of sight.
You turned a corner so he couldn't see you anymore.
Then you stopped walking to lean against a wall, and you pulled out your phone.
There were dozens of texts and missed calls from Peter. You started to read through them, until a new message popped up at the top of the screen.
"I know who you are, and I'm coming for you - The Power Broker."
'Fuck' you thought.
You debated whether or not to run after Bucky and tell him.
"Where is she?" Sam asked when Bucky came back into sight.
"Did you kill her?" Sharon laughed.
"She left" Bucky explained.
"Hm. Finally" she shrugged.
Sharon and Bucky both went for the car door, and they crashed into each other. Sharon held onto his jacket as Bucky put his arms around her so he could move her out the way, but he stayed put. Sharon slowly started to lean closer before Bucky registered what was going on.
"Um... Buck..." Sam called.
Bucky looked up over Sharon's shoulder, and he saw you staring at him with hateful tears in your eyes.
"Oh you just couldn't wait for me to leave, could you?"
Bucky looked down at Sharon, and finally realised the position they were in. He pushed her back in anger and turned to where you had been standing.
But you were already gone.

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