Chapter Thirty-One

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*narrator pov*
Tony, Pepper and Morgan were sat round the dinner table, eating the family dinner meal.
Tony's phone started to ring.
"Who's that daddy?" Morgan asked.
"It's y/n..." Tony replied. "Wonder what she wants... I'll be right back."
Tony answered the phone as he stepped out the room for a minute.
"Y/n?" he asked. "Hello?"
No one said anything on the other end of the line, but he could hear someone breathing heavily.
"Y/n? Are you there? Hello?"
"T-Tony i-it's... I think it's h-happening again..."
Tony could hear your unsteady breaths between the sound of your sobs.
"What? What's happening?"
"I think... I think I'm having a p-panic atta-ack."
"Okay just breathe..."
"No shit Tony... Please... I need... you..."
"Okay. Okay y/n, where are you?"
"I don't know!" you started to sob louder.
"Okay, y/n, I'll find you. Just... stay on the phone to me. Keep talking" Tony said. He walked back in to see the others quickly. "I've got to go, I'll be back soon."
"Is everything okay?" Pepper asked.
"I don't know. I promise, I won't be out long" Tony said, then left again.
He walked outside, and his suit flew out the garage and started to form around him.
The call connected through F.R.I.D.A.Y.
"Y/n you still there?"
"Okay. I'm on my way. Tell me what happened."
"I- I was with Bucky."
"Yeah? Where is he now?"
"He l-left."
"What do you mean he left?"
"He's gone Tony!"
"Okay. Calm down."
"Where... are... you?" you moaned tearfully.
"I'm nearly there. Promise."
"I c-can't do t-this..."
"Just hang on for one minute."
"It's not fair."
"I know. I know, nothing ever is."
"Tony..." you were getting quieter.
"Come on y/n. Keep talking. Bucky left, what happened before that? Why did he leave?"
"B-because he's a- a jerk..."
"Yeah I know that. Why this time? What did he do?"
"I trusted him..."
"Y/n, what did he do?"
"He got mad at me, for not helping him. But I didn't want to use my powers. Because there were other people with us. Then he told them anyway... and now they know and then I..." you were sobbing so uncontrollably that at this point your words were indistinguishable. Eventually you resorted to breathing slowly and heavily.
"Y/n? Are you still there? Come on, talk to me."
"I- I did something b-bad."
"What did you do?"
No answer came through the phone.
"Y/n what did you do?"
"I used my powers."
"Shit" Tony muttered under his breath. "Did you put anyone to sleep?"
"No. No I don't think so."
"You don't think so? Is anyone hurt?"
There was a pause.
"Y/n? Y/n is anyone hurt?!"
"I d-don't know! I swear I didn't mean to!"
"Okay. Okay, I'm sorry for yelling."
"T-Ton-ny... w-where a-are- where are y-you?" you cried.
"I'm here."
"I'm here" the suit suddenly landed in front of where you were sitting leaned up against a broken chunk of metal on the floor. "I'm here. It's okay."
The suit opened and Tony knelt down beside you, hugging you tightly.
"It's okay. I'm here now."
You grabbed onto Tony's shirt and cried until it became inaudible and you started gasping for breath.
Tony stroked your back comfortingly, while looking over your shoulder at your surroundings. He shook his head, feeling a mix of disappointment, pity, and fear.
"Oh what did you do?"
After you had seen Bucky with Sharon, you stormed off. You had to get out of there.
You walked for only five minutes, when you heard their car leave in the distance.
Anger overcame you and your hands started to glow.
You directed the power at a nearby shipping container, but you didn't realise how powerful the blast was going to be until you shot it. It knocked over the shipping container, and it least twenty others around it.
You looked behind you and saw someone staring at you. They slowly raised a gun. They fired.
You held your hand up to stop the bullet, but instead shot another blast of a much larger magnitude in the other direction.
Scraps of metal through flew the air, certainly crushing the man that had just been stood there.
You looked all around you, and everything within about 500 meters was destroyed.
You hadn't used your powers in months, so no wonder the energy had been building up inside you.
Your hands stopped glowing and you lowered them regretfully.
You all of a sudden felt an overwhelming feeling consume you.
You stumbled forward, tripping over your own feet.
There was a large piece of metal next to you, and you crawled over to lean against it.
You leaned back, facing the mess you had made.
Tears started to slowly roll down your cheeks.
You pulled out your phone. You wanted to call Bucky. Tell him to come back. Tell him you were sorry. Tell him you needed him.
The message from the Power Broker was still displayed across your screen.
Your hands started shaking nervously as you unlocked your phone and found Bucky's contact.
You called.
It rang once.
"Come on baby pick up" you sobbed.
It rang twice.
"Pleeease pick up..."
It did not ring a third time. It went to voicemail.
"No, no, no, no!"
You cried for a moment, before having the idea to call Tony.
You pressed his contact name and the phone started ringing again.
You shakily held the phone up to your ear, praying he could answer.
"Y/n? Hello?"
You smiled for a split second when you heard his voice.
"Y/n? Are you there? Hello?"
"Oh, what did you do?" Tony sighed.
"I-I'm s-so-sorry. I didn't m-mean to" you cried into his shirt.
Tony looked down at you pitifully.
Your face was bright red and your eyes were pouring with tears.
"It's okay. Let's get you home" he said, and helped you up.
You let go of him for a moment as he put his suit back on, then he held onto you tightly.
"Don't let go" he warned.
You nodded and put your arms around him.
He took off.
When you were in the air, you felt your hands start to slip.
Tony's grip around your waist tightened.
"I've got you. It's okay" he assured.
It didn't take long to get from Madripoor back to Tony's home.
He put you down on the grass, but held on to keep you standing.
Tony put a hand on your back and walked you inside.
"Y/n... oh my god are you okay?" Pepper asked as you walked in the door.
You nodded slightly, but saying yes felt like a lie.
Tony took you to the kitchen and was pouring you a glass of water when Morgan ran in.
"Y/n!" she exclaimed happily. She ran over and was about to give you a hug when Tony stepped in the way.
"Hey Morgz let's just give y/n a while to relax, okay?"
"She just needs a breather, sweetie. Why don't you go play in your room for a bit?"
"Okay. Bye y/n" Morgan waved.
Tony passed you the water.
"Thank you Tony."
"No problem."
Tony was about to go see Pepper when you stopped him.
"Do you... um... you can say no... do you mind if I..."
"Yes. You can stay here as long as you need" Tony smiled.
You half-smiled back and sipped your water as he left you alone.
After a minute or two, your phone started buzzing on the table. You let it ring.
Then someone called again. This time, you picked it up to see who was calling.
You saw it was Bucky, and started to fill with rage.
Talking to him was the last thing you wanted to do.
You slammed the phone down on the table and let it finish ringing.
He didn't call again.
Tony returned, and you began to tell him everything that happened. Everything except the message from the Power Broker.
"I'm gonna kill Barnes" Tony remarked when he had heard it all.
"Tell me about it."

Y/n Odinsdottir 2Where stories live. Discover now