Chapter Eight

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*narrator pov*
Tony sat back in his chair, stunned at his results.
"Shit" he exclaimed.
"Shit" Morgan smiled behind him.
Tony turned and raised a finger to his lips, shaking his head at her.
"What are you doing up, little miss?"
"Shit" Morgan repeated.
"No, we don't say that. Only mommy says that word. She coined it. It belongs to her."
"Why are you up?"
"Cause I've got some important shit going on here! Hey, where's y/n?"
"She fell asleep on my bed."
"That's where you should be." 
"I didn't want to wake her."
"That's sweet."
"And also I wanted a juice pop."
"Great minds think alike. I was thinking the exact same thing."
Tony took her to get a juice pop, then took her upstairs to his bed.
He sat with her until they finished their snack.
"You done? Yeah, now you are" Tony took her the stick and finished it off. Then he wiped her lips clean.
She lay down on the pillow.
"Tell me a story" Morgan pleaded.
"I thought y/n has been telling you stories all evening?"
"She was. But I want one from you."
"Okay... a story...once upon a time Maguna went to bed the end."
"That is a horrible story. I think y/n wins."
"Fine then. Tell me one of her stories."
"Okay" Morgan smiled and sat up in bed again. "She told me a story about a princess. And the princess loved to dance. And she danced with a man and then she fell in love with him. But one day her evil father locked her away for a hundred years. But then she finally escaped. And she found her true love again."
"That's a beautiful story" Tony said.
"But i think it's time you go to sleep now. Okay?"
"Okay" Morgan lied down in bed once again.
"Love you tons."
"I love you 3000."
"Wow. 3000. That's crazy" Tony said as he turned off the light and opened his bedroom door. "Go to bed or I'll sell all your toys. Night night."
He shut the door and headed for Morgan's room.
He opened her door.
You were curled up in a ball asleep on her small bed.
Tony walked over and pulled the duvet cover up to your shoulders.
He kissed your forehead and left you to sleep.
The next morning you walked down the stairs to see the Stark family sat around the table.
"Good morning" Pepper smiled and hugged you as you sat down.
"Y/n!" Morgan cried happily.
"Hi. Sorry I slept in your bed" you apologised to Morgan.
"It's okay. You looked very tired" Morgan grinned.
She shuffled her chair around to sit next to you.
"Y/n I have news" Tony smirked as he slipped a plate of breakfast in front of you.
"Thank you. What is it?"
"I did it."
"You did what?"
Tony's smirk grew bigger.
"Holy shit you did it?!" you exclaimed.
"Shit" Morgan laughed.
"Shit sorry. No! Sorry! Don't swear! Really, Tony?"
"Really" he chuckled. "Fancy going on a time heist?"
"Fuck yeah!" you high-fived Morgan.
"Fuck yeah!" she smiled at you.
You looked guiltily at Tony and Pepper.
"I am so... so... sorry" you nodded slowly.
They just smiled and rolled their eyes at you.
You paused for a moment, before jumping up and hugging them both.
"Oh my god thank you both so much! For everything!"
"Of course" Tony replied.
"If you ever need anything" Pepper offered "just come to us. We'll always be here for you."
You thanked them again, and sat back down to eat your breakfast.
Morgan leaned onto your chair.
"Y/n, can you tell me another story?" she asked.
You chuckled and looked up to see her parents smiling at you.
"Of course I can" you agreed, and she crawled onto your lap to continue eating her food there.
"Okay. So, you remember the princess?"
"This story is about her."
"Good. I liked the princess story."
"Okay so... once upon a time, there was a princess who lived in space all alone."
"What happened to her prince?"
"He's not in the story until later... one day, the princess decided to go on a trip to see her friend that she hadn't seen in the longest time! But when she went to his house, she saw the prettiest princess she had ever seen."
"Even prettier than her?"
"EVEN prettier than her. And her name was Morgan."
"That's just like my name!"
"Mhm. So the two princesses became best friends, and they would tell each other all about their adventures. Then, one day, an evil alien came to their home, and threatened to TICKLE everyone in sight!"
"AHAAH!" Morgan screamed as you playfully attacked her, tickling her stomach.
"So the two princesses worked together to protect everyone from the evil alien. And he went back to his home after promising never to come back. When he was gone, the princesses true love came back. It turned out the evil alien had taken him! But he was okay now. When he saw princess Morgan, he bought her all the toys in the world to reward her for protecting his princess."
"Do I get all the toys?"
"Of course! So Princess Morgan, the princess and her prince, they all lived happily ever after!"
"The end?"
"The end."
Tony and Pepper had been sitting and smiling, listening to the story too.
"No, no" Tony objected. "You haven't mentioned Princess Morgan's super awesome mom and dad yet."
You laughed and looked back at Morgan.
"And Princess Morgan's parents were super awesome too, just like her" you finished. "They loved her more than anything, because they're the best mom and dad ever."
"Yeah that sounds right" Tony grinned proudly.
"See dad! I told you her stories were better!"
"Oh that's because they're more than stories" Tony smirked.
You froze for a moment, but quickly decided you were fine with it.
"What do you mean?" Morgan asked.
"Hey Morgz, did I tell you about the princess's special powers?"
"Yeah! You said they're purple and they're glowing and it's like she has the magic of fairies!"
"It's a little bit..." you held out your hand next to the table " this."
A little ball of purple energy hovered between your finger.
Morgan's jaw dropped.
"Are you the princess?!" she exclaimed. "From the stories?!"
The magic disappeared and you raised your finger to your lips.
You bent down and whispered in her ear.
"That makes you the Princess Morgan. You're a princess too Morgz."
"But I'm not a real one, like you!"
"Yes you are. Morgan Stark, I... Y/n Odinsdottir, crown you the official princess of the Stark cabin."
"Oh my god yay!" she squealed. "Dad I'm a princess!"
"You've always been my little princess" Tony smiled and went to put his dishes in the sink, kissing Morgan's forehead as he passed her. "Y/n you wanna get ready and we'll go soon?"
"Get ready? I didn't exactly bring any luggage."
"You can borrow some clothes" Pepper offered.
"Thank you Pepper."
You wore a matching black skirt and blazer that Pepper had grown out of. It was almost too small for you, too.
"Hey woah... what are you wearing?" Tony protested.
"Pepper's old clothes" you shrugged.
"You think that's suitable for a mission? Or just, going out?"
"I have nothing else. I'll find something when we get there" you said as you walked past him.
"You're going to be such an overprotective father" Pepper grinned and took Tony's arm.
"Not overprotective... the appropriate amount of protective..." Tony said as they walked out the door.
You were talking to Morgan outside.
"You're going already?" she asked.
"Yeah. But I'm coming back. I can't leave the little princess on her own" you smiled at her.
"This is safe, right? You and daddy will be okay?"
"Of course we will" Tony hugged her from behind. "I promise I'll look after her."
"I'll look after him more" you whispered, and she laughed at Tony's reaction. He rolled his eyes disapprovingly.
"Come on. Get in the car" Tony sighed.
You hugged Pepper goodbye and got in the front seat.
"You're sure this is perfectly safe?" Pepper asked.
"I'm sure. I wouldn't do it if not. Too much on the line" he looked at Morgan, who was excitedly waving at the car window. "Bye Morgz."
"Bye daddy!"
Tony got in the car seat next to you.
He rolled down the window and kissed Pepper through it.
Then Pepper picked up Morgan's hand and they watched as Tony pulled out the driveway.
In the car, you were fidgeting quietly.
"Hey you okay kid?" he asked.
"Mhm. Totally... hey Tony..."
"I- I don't want to know the... the full list of who's gone... but... well was Thor one of them?"
"I... haven't spoken to him in five years... but nothing happened to him. I'm sure he's fine."
You shut your eyes and smiled, letting out a sigh of relief.

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