Chapter Twenty-Four

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*narrator pov*
"Okay y/n it's your turn again. Truth or dare?"
You'd been playing for at least half an hour now.
"Oh definitely dare!"    
"Okay let's think..."
"Challenge me" you smirked. "They've been too easy so far."
"Okay. I dare you to stand on the kitchen table and, in front of everyone, do a... dirty dance."
"Dirty dance?"
"Yes. A verryyyyy dirty dance."
You hesitated for just a second.
"Consider it done" you grinned.
The others lifted their glasses of the table, clearing it for you to stand on.
You took two full shot glasses and drank them, then threw the empty cups onto the couch.
You climbed onto the table, stumbling slightly.
"Woah. Careful" someone caught you, supporting you on the lower back...
"Get off" you giggled and playfully smacked his hand away. 
When you stumbled again, you kicked your heels off and stood on the sticky table barefoot.
"Mmkay. Let's do this" you smiled.
You started to dance around on the table.
"Come on" someone sighed. "I said dirty!"
You smirked at him, then turned your back on him.
You slut-dropped right in front of him, sticking out your ass inches from his face.
"Oh... perfect" he smiled.
You continued to dance, and all around you, everyone started to go quiet.
But they weren't focused on you.
You didn't notice who they were looking at, someone that had just walked through the door.
A few moments ago...
Peter was sitting, pouting, on the doorstep of the party.
He watched disgustedly as someone was vomiting in a nearby bush. 
A car pulled up in front of the house, and Peter watched to see who got out.
Bucky stepped out, and slammed the door shut behind him.
Peter got up quickly to stand in front of him.
"Where is she?" Bucky sounded mad.
"Inside" Peter informed him. "She refused to leave. I hope it was okay that I called you?"
Bucky didn't answer as he stormed inside angrily.
He pushed through the crowd, which began to quieten down as they recognised him.
"It's the Winter Soldier."
"Why is he here?"
"What is he doing?"
Bucky ignored the murmurs as he marched through the house to find you.
He got to the door of the lounge, where he finally saw you.
You were dancing on the coffee table, yet to realise that he was there.
"Y/n" Bucky said as he stepped towards you. 
You stopped dancing and faced him.
When he got close enough, you placed your hands on his cheek.
"Hey baby" you smiled. "What are you doing here?"
"The fuck are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm having fun" you cried, throwing your hands up in the air to prove your point.
"Get down."
"Get down now."
"Hm. No."
"James... hey you should have a drink!" you laughed and bent down to pick a bottle on the floor. You stood back up straight on the table and offered the bottle.
"Suit yourself" you shrugged and held the bottle up to your lips.
"No. Give me that" Bucky snatched it off you. He dropped it to the floor and smashed it with his foot.
He looked up to see you grinning at him.
"Hot" you bit your lip.
"You're done" Bucky sighed. He put his arm around your waist and lifted you off the table.
You squealed excitedly as he held you over his shoulder. 
He began to leave the party, holding onto your legs as you leaned over him.
You straightened up, and your head hit the ceiling, so he dropped your feet onto the floor.
Before you could take one step, he had his arm around your shoulders, holding you close to him.
You frowned shamefully as you walked out with him.
"Hey Penis Parker. Where are you going?" Flash called when he noticed Peter following loosely behind you.
You shrugged Bucky off your shoulder and stamped towards Flash.
"Shut the fuck up!" you yelled, full-on prepared to punch him again before Bucky grabbed you around your chest.
You glared at Flash, and Bucky picked up your hand to pull you out to his car.
"I really hate him" you muttered.
Bucky ignored you.
He opened the car door for you without saying anything, and you climbed in grumpily.
You crossed your arms as he slammed the door shut before you had the chance to say goodbye to Peter.
He had decided to walk home, trying to avoid suspicion by not going home with you and Bucky.
It was only a ten minute walk back to his apartment, so he would be fine.
Bucky got in the car next to you, and immediately started driving in silence.
You hadn't gotten to the end of the street when you realised you didn't have your phone.
"Shiiiit" you whined and grabbed the door handle.
You pushed it open, and fell out as you didn't have your seat belt on.
"Y/n! Damn it!" Bucky exclaimed as he slammed down on the brakes and got out the car.
He ran around to where you had landed on the road and were now trying to crawl back to the party.
"Are you okay?"
"Yea I'm fine-"
"Good... what the fuck are you doing?!"
"I left your jacket at the party! I had to gotta- I gotta go and get it!"
"I don't care about my jacket y/n! You could've got hurt! You can't just jump out a car! Especially when it's fucking moving!" 
"I'm sorry" you frowned.
"I told you not to do anything stupid doll."
You looked up at him apologetically.
"Come on. Get in the car."
"What about your jacket?" you cried.
"Leave it!"
"Noooo!" you whined. "It's your favourite! We can't leave it!"
"Okay fine. I will go back and get it. You stay here."
"Okay" you agreed and headed back for the car.
"Nu uh. Get in the back."
"What? Why?"
"Child lock."
You giggled, until you found yourself laughing hysterically as he pushed you into the backseat of the car.
You lay back on the seat, giggling to yourself, and Bucky shut the door.
He locked the car and returned briefly to the party to find his jacket.
You slowly stopped laughing, and he eventually returned.
He unlocked the car again, tossing the jacket into the back before getting in the driver seat.
You wrapped it around you as he started driving.
You got bored and tried the door handle of the back door.
"Y/n!" Bucky yelled.
"Sorry! I just wanted to see if you were bluffing!"
He wasn't. The doors were locked.
You sat up properly and stared despairingly out the window.
Bucky glanced at you in the rear-view mirror.
"What's wrong doll?" he sighed.
"Nothing..." you paused. "Are you mad at me?"
Bucky hesitated.
"Shit, you are?" you moaned.
"I'm not... mad. I was just worried about you."
"Peter said you were upset. He said you punched someone."
"That's not true."
"Why were you upset?"
"I just said-"
"I know what you said. But I also know that you're lying. What happened?"
"Nothing happened."
"Why did you punch someone?"
"They were being a jerk. Being mean to Peter."
"Is that why you were upset?"
"No I- I was upset with Peter."
"I thought he was one of your best friends."
"Yeah he was... is!"
"You never fight."
"I know."
"So what did he do?"
"Um... I don't think he did anything."
"Okay then what did you do?"
"Nothing? I don't know, I guess I blamed him for something that wasn't really his fault."
"What did you blame him for?"
"His friend figured out who I was, and I got mad at Peter. But it really wasn't his fault."
"Someone figured out who you were?"
"Right. And that was when you started drinking by the bottle?"
You fidgeted with your hands in your lap, looking down, embarrassed.
"Hey doll" Bucky called.
You looked up and made eye contact through the rear-view mirror.
"I love you" he smiled softly.
"I love you too" you replied.

Y/n Odinsdottir 2Where stories live. Discover now