Chapter Seven

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*narrator pov*
-after the explosion of the Asgardian vessel-
The guardians found Thor, and they took him away, they saved him. 
Not far away, you stared at him, eyes wide open.
You tried to call out, to tell them you were there too, you were alive.
But your screams were silenced in space.
They never noticed you.
You drifted through the air, and were forced to watch as your brother was taken away from you.
You were forced to see the dozens of bodies floating around you - your people that you failed to protect. 
Several hours passed as you just lay awake.
Not passing out again.
Not dying.
Your body lost in space until it was starvation that could finally kill you.
A blast of energy suddenly shot across the sky in front of you.
A shooting star, you thought. And you made the wish that it would hit you, kill you, end it.
It was heading straight towards you.
You thought maybe it would kill you. 
The blast of energy, it was a person. A woman.
She flew past you, and grabbed hold of you.
She held you as you shot through space, and crashed into the atmosphere of a planet.
"I've got you" she whispered as you fell through the air.
She landed gracefully on the ground, with you in her arms.
The woman put you down on the floor, and knelt over your body.
As you looked up at her, tears filled your eyes.
"It's okay" she nodded and brushed your hair from your face. "You're safe now."
You sat up slowly, shaking all over.
"Come on. Let's find you somewhere to stay, and you need to eat something" she said as she helped you up.
She helped you all the way to the edge of a nearby town, and took you to the closest house.
The family inside opened up their home, and let you rest.
When you awoke, the woman that had saved you was still there.
You sat up in bed and stared across the room at where she was sitting in a chair.
"Um, who are you?" you asked.
"I could ask you the same thing... not everyone can survive space without dying. Yet, here you are after being lost for what must have been at least hours."
"You were out there too. And I asked first."
"I'm Carol Danvers."
"Y/n Odinsdottir."
"As in of Asgard?"
"That's the one."
"What were you doing in space?"
"Asgard No longer exists. That ship is... was all that was left. Until Thanos destroyed it."
Carol adjusted in her seat.
"You know Thanos?" you asked.
"I've heard the name. So he exploded your ship?"
"Mhm. And he killed my brother. Right in front of me. Then, my other brother... I don't know. I saw another ship take him. God knows if he's alive." 
"The types of people that fly around? I'm sorry to say it's not likely." 
You sat back in the bed, leaning against the wall.
Suddenly, you heard screams from outside.
You and Carol both shot up and ran outdoors.
The town before you was erupting with chaos, as people started to... dissolve.
"What's going on?" you asked.
Suddenly, something in Carol's pocket bleeped. She pulled out a small pager.
"This is not good" she sighed.
"What is it?"
"Can you stay here for a while? I'll be back."
"O-okay. P-please just come back."
"I will. I promise."
Over the next few years, you aided Carol in dealing with the chaos caused by Thanos.
You managed to keep your powers secret for the first year, but when Carol found out, she took you to help with more serious problems.
You couldn't travel between planets on your own, so if you wanted to go somewhere, you had to go with her.
There weren't many places you particularly wanted to visit, though.
You didn't want to visit Earth, as you couldn't bare to accept the fact that some people were gone. You didn't want to know if Bucky was on that list.
So you stayed put, helping Carol occasionally.
One day, however, she had a hologram conference with someone.
You were bored so decided to listen in.
"We may have found a way to reverse the effects."
You recognised Nat's voice immediately and smiled to yourself.
"That's if Stark can figure it out, and if he actually agrees to do it."
Now you knew Stark was alive too.
If he could figure this out, he could bring everyone back, and you could see Bucky regardless of whether he blipped or not.
"Okay. Let me know how it goes" Carol nodded, and she ended the call.
You ran up to her as soon as she walked through the door.
"Carol! You have to take me to Earth!" you begged.
"Woah hey slow down... why do you need to go to Earth?"
"I, uh, could help."
"They don't need help. They have people there dealing with the situation."
"Yeah. I know. The avengers. I know them."
"You do?"
You nodded enthusiastically.
"How come you never told me?" she asked. "I have been talking to them for the past five years."
"Well I've never eavesdropped until now. Please can you take me! I really need to see them!"
"Okay okay!"
You hugged her tightly and let out a deep sigh of relief.
At least you knew for sure Nat and Tony were still alive. And that they had an idea to undo everything.
You knew it wouldn't bring your brothers back, but it was still worth it.
Carol took you to Earth the next day.
"Where do you want to go?" she asked when you had temporarily landed on the Statue of Liberty.
"Can we go see Stark first?"
She picked you up and flew through the air.
After a while, you landed again next to a large lake, and a small cabin.
"Okay I've got to go. I can't stay. But I'll check up on you soon. Bye y/n."
"Bye Carol."
You waved as she left you alone on the ground.
You turned to face the cabin.
The back door was unlocked so you let yourself in.
No one seemed to be around right now.
You slowly wandered around downstairs and eventually found yourself in the living room.
You picked up a photo frame from the bookcase and smiled softly.
Tony had his arm around you and Peter, and was grinning at you two, while you were both laughing at each other.
"Who are you?"
You spun round to see a little girl standing across the couch from you.
"Oh... hi... what's your name?" you asked, and put the photo down on the coffee table.
"Morgan" she grinned.
"Hi Morgan. Do you, uh, do you know Tony?"
"That's my dad! Are you one of his friends?"
Tony had a kid. You couldn't believe it. It had been so long, and now he was a father.
"Morgan?" a voice outside called. "Honey, who are you talking to?"
You heard footsteps approaching the room, and Tony walked through the door.
He froze as he saw you.
You took a deep breath and stared back.
"Hey Tony" you smiled lightly.
He stepped towards you cautiously.
Morgan looked curiously between her dad and you.
When Tony was barely inches from you, he spoke.
"Y/n?" he whispered.
You smiled and nodded gently.
Tony paused for a moment, before grabbing you desperately.
You chuckled and hugged him back.
"When did- how did you- I thought you were dead!" he cried.
"Nope. I'm as alive as you are" you laughed as you held back tears of happiness.
"What happened to you?"
"Thanos conveniently came to visit the exact time I did. And it turns out I had been carrying around the Space stone."
"What? I thought that was inside the Tesseract?"
"Yeah it was. But the Tesseract was destroyed on Asgard, and Loki took the stone from inside to gift to me hidden in a necklace. I had no idea. Until Thanos took it. And Loki... Loki tried to stop him, but... um..." you looked sadly down at your feet.
"I'm so sorry..."
"No no. It's fine. I just... Well then Thanos blew up our ship and I lost Thor. It took hours for someone to find me - I honestly thought no one would. But someone did in the end. Carol - she helped me and made sure I was safe. All these years."
"What made you come back? Why didn't you come sooner?"
"I wanted to. But I was scared. That you would all be gone and I'd be coming for nothing. I... I guess I was in denial all this time."
You stared at Tony for a moment.
"He's gone, isn't he?"
Tony looked at you with sorrow in his eyes.
"Well. When do I ever get what I want, hm?"
"Y/n I'm so sorry" Tony apologised.
"It's not your fault. It's just my life" you chuckled, trying not to cry.
"It shouldn't have to be" Tony said, as he held you in his arms for another hug.
Small arms wrapped around your legs.
You looked down at Morgan, joining in the hug.
You stepped back and wiped your eyes as Tony picked her up on his side. He smiled weakly and tickled her stomach.
"Tony..." you interrupted. "The reason I came..."
"Yeah?" he asked when you drifted off.
"You know how to fix this?"
Tony sighed.
"Why don't you go find mommy? Tell her we have a guest for dinner. We'll come find you soon" Tony smiled and Morgan ran off when he put her down.
"Tony if somehow you can undo what Thanos did..."
"Y/n, I'm sorry. Whatever you heard... whoever you heard it from... it's crap. We lost. And now I got a second chance. 'Cause I got a kid."
"But what about..."
"I'm sorry. No."
You took a deep breath.
"Okay" you nodded and turned to leave.
"Y/n wait. Please stay. Have dinner with us."
You left Tony alone in the room.
He sighed and sat down on the couch for a moment.
He spotted the photo frame that you had moved to the coffee table.
He looked at the smiles spread wide across yours and Peter's face.
You were sitting next to Morgan, opposite Tony and Pepper.
A fake smile was painted across your face as Morgan was explaining a dream she had the night before.
"Oh y/n is it true my dad said you used to play pranks on people and you put like paint all over someone" Morgan giggled.
You stopped smiling, just for a moment, as you thought about Bucky.
"Uh yeah" you chuckled lightly.
"And he said you had nerf fights and made big messes because he told me because I found the toy guns in the garage" she smiled.
You thought about Peter.
Tony noticed your expression.
"Y/n, I-" Tony started.
"Excuse me for a minute" you interrupted and left the table before they could stop you.
Tony ran after you.
You were sitting silently on Morgan's bed, fidgeting with your hands.
"I don't... want to talk right now."
"Just listen..."
"No, Tony! I don't want to listen! I understand you have a family now, I really do... but I don't have anyone. I'm so sorry that I'm upset about losing my brother. And my best friend. And the love of my fucking life! I'm so sorry that I can't be happy for you right now! I am so FUCKING SORRY YOU HAVE A PERFECT LIFE AND I DON'T! But I lost everyone and I miss Loki! And Thor! And Bucky! And Pe-"
"Y/n I'm going to do it!" Tony yelled, cutting you off.
You gulped nervously at his sudden outburst.
"What?" you whispered.
"I'm going to do it. I can't promise you it will work but I'm going to try."
"Really? Tony, don't fuck with me..."
"I promise y/n. I am going to try."
"Thank you" you said quietly.
"Come here kid" he held up his arms and you stood to hug him.
You tried to thank him again but you were sobbing into his T-shirt.
He stroked his hand through your hair as he held your head close to his chest comfortingly.
"I promise I'm going to try y/n."
"Th-thank y-you Tony."

Y/n Odinsdottir 2Where stories live. Discover now