Chapter Twenty-Three

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*narrator pov*
"Hey Peter I'm gonna get another drink" you yelled over the music. "Do you want anything?"
"No I'll wait here!" he yelled back.
"Okay. Back in a sec" you left to go get drinks.
Peter saw Ned and MJ looking at him not far away, and he waved as he walked over to them.
"Hey guys... you look so serious. What's wrong?"
"Peter, how do you know y/n?" MJ enquired.
"Um, old friend, why?"
"She knows" Ned mouthed, but Peter couldn't make out what he was saying before MJ continued.
"Where did you meet? When did you meet?"
"Aha, what's with all the questions?" Peter asked nervously.
"Do you know who she really is?" MJ raised an eyebrow accusingly.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" Peter smiled innocently.
"Really?" MJ pulled out her phone. "So you don't know about any of this?"
The screen displayed a photo of Tony on stage at his Stark party the week before, from an article about his retirement. MJ zoomed in and sitting on the edge of the stage, chin in hand, Peter could see you.
"That's uh- that's blurry. That could be anyone."
MJ shrugged and swiped.
Another photo showed your face clearly. It was just after Tony's speech, and he was talking to you in the photo.
"Your friend seems really close with Stark."
"Well yeah she does the Stark internship with me."
"Why didn't you say that in the first place?"
"It didn't seem important."
"This... didn't seem like something you wanted to tell us. Warn us about, perhaps."
She swiped again, and a video started playing.
It was from many years ago - the first time you had seen Bucky since the 1940's. On the bridge. The time you put him to sleep then ran off. The footage was from a nearby surveillance camera, and was a link on a news article. It talked about the Winter Soldier, but you were unnamed. MJ played it until you ran off the screen.
"Wow you found a lot in not a lot of time... but that's not y/n" Peter objected.
"Yes it is."
"I swear! It's not!"
"Why are you lying? Is she dangerous?"
"No! She is so kind and sweet, she doesn't mean any harm."
"So you admit that it's her?"
"Okay fine, yes. Please don't tell anyone!"
"Don't tell anyone what?" you grinned as you returned with your drink. "What? What are you guys talking about?"
They didn't say anything.
"Guys? Peter?"
"She knows" he muttered.
"She knows, y/n. I'm sorry."
"Knows what?" you smiled innocently.
"About you."
Your smile disappeared.
"Peter what are you talking about?"
"I'm really sorry. She figured it out. MJ's like really smart."
"What exactly did she figure it out?" you asked, giving MJ a side look.
MJ held up her phone and you took it off her. You swiped through the attachments she had found.
"That's not me" you denied.
"It's very clearly you-" MJ protested.
You dropped her phone in your cup.
"Oops. Now we'll never know."
You handed her your cup and walked off.
"Y/n wait!" Peter ran after you.
You hurried into the kitchen, grabbed a full bottle, then legged up the stairs two at a time.
You locked yourself in the bathroom and leaned back against the door.
You opened the bottle and took a swig.
Peter knocked on the door.
"Y/n I saw you go in there. Open the door. Please."
You ignored him.
"Y/n! Please just open the door. We can talk about this" Peter begged.
When you still didn't say anything, Peter sat and leant against the door on the other side.
You stared at the toilet while drinking straight from the bottle you had grabbed.
You'd gotten three quarters way through the bottle when there was another knock on the door.
"Hey open up I ne- ughghhh- I need to-" someone gagged. "I need to puke!"
You groaned and opened the door, and a girl ran past you to start vomiting in the toilet.
Peter was no longer outside.
You leaned on the doorway and stared blankly in the direction of the stranger as they threw up; you were gulping down alcohol.
The person collapsed to sit on the floor and looked at you.
"I wouldn't drink that much if I was you" she laughed. "Or you'll end up li-"
She put her head in the toilet again before she could finish.
You dropped your now-empty bottle onto the floor and went downstairs to find another.
Peter spotted you at the bottom of the stairs.
"There you are!" he cried. "I called May. She'll be here soon. Ned's already left."
You shook your head and pushed past him.
"I know you're mad... I'm sorry. But MJ's my friend, and she promised not to tell anyone."
"I'm not mad Pete" you groaned as you entered the kitchen.
"You're not?"
"Okay. Well, I just called May so she'll be here soon."
"We've barely been here! I'm not going home yet!"
"So what? You want me to tell her to turn around?"
"Exactly. She's so sweet, she won't mind."
"Y/n, it's late."
"I'm not going home yet, Pete" you sighed and sipped your drink as you moved on through the house.
"Y/n..." Peter called and tried to follow you through the crowd.
"Hey beautiful" a guy put an arm around you. "Do you wanna play a game with us?"
He gestured at a small group gathered and sitting round on couches in a circle.
"Sure" you shrugged. "What game?"
"Truth or dare."
"Sounds good" you said and went to join them.
Before you could sit down, you noticed Peter glaring at you.
"Excuse me for a minute" you smiled at the guys and got up to talk to Peter.
You took off your jacket and handed it to him.
"Can you take care of this for me? My phone's in there..."
"Y/n we've gotta go soon."
"Ugh! I'm not going anywhere. We've barely been here Peter!"
You started walking away.
"Don't lose that!" you pointed back at the jacket in his hands before you sat down with the group on the couches.
"Your turn little lady" the guy that had invited you over smirked. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare" you grinned.
"I dare you to kiss the next person that walks through the door?"
"Kiss? I've got a boyfriend."
"Is he here?"
"Then he won't know."
"Can I pass?"
"Fine" you rolled your eyes. It was just a dare. And you weren't about to lose straight away.
You watched the door intently, planning to give a very brief kiss on the cheek to the next person that walked through.
To your utter disappointment, Flash entered first.
"There's your target" someone grinned.
"Seriously?!" you moaned, but got up regardless.
"Hi, y/n is it?" Flash smirked.
"Shut up."
"You're so rude, but I think it's cute."
"Just clarifying, this is a dare" you warned, before kissing him abruptly on the side of his face.
You pulled back quickly and stared disgustedly at him.
"That was nice, do it again" he smirked.
"Gross" you frowned and turned away.
Peter was standing in front of you, staring in disbelief.
"Don't say anything. It was a dare" you explained.
"But she enjoyed it. Are you jealous Penis Parker?"
You swung around and landed a punch in the middle of Flash's face, causing his nose to bleed.
There was a drunken cheer from the group behind you.
"Ow! You bitch!" Flash exclaimed, blood dripping down his face.
"I fucking warned you" you spat at him.
You turned and, ignoring Peter, went to sit down again.
"That was a little more than a kiss" one of them laughed.
"He's a jerk. He had it coming" you said plainly.
"Fair enough. At least you did the dare."
"That's all that matters" you grinned. "Okay who's turn is it now?"
You continued to play the game.
Peter frowned worriedly from a distance.
"She's fucking mental" Flash muttered as he pushed past Peter angrily.
Peter stood clueless, with no idea what to do.
May was on her way, but there was no chance of getting you to leave.
He got worried as shot glasses were laid out on the table and several more bottles were revealed.
You were surely drunk enough already.
Peter finally decided on what to do, and he pulled out his phone.
The phone rang for a few seconds, but connected a moment later.
"Hi, I uh- I need your help."

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