Chapter Thirteen

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*narrator pov*
The floor of the entire battlefield was shaking. It was light enough for the armies to continue fighting, but definitely noticeable all the same.
Some of the debris from the compound began to rise into the air.
A few of the avengers turned to face the situation.
"What did you need to tell me?" Peter asked without taking his eyes off it.
His jaw dropped slightly as he pieced it together.
You appeared in the middle of the mess, glowing purple and full of rage. 
A flying Chitauri alien flew through the sky towards you, and you shot some of the pieces of the compound with it, a long with a large blast of energy.
The Chitauri monster tore in two and each half fell to the floor.
You raised your arms and shot the rest of the flying debris in the direction of Thanos's army.
You flew down and landed in the middle of a group of aliens.
They jumped at you, but you sent a wave of energy around you in a circle, firing them all backwards.
They fell dead to the floor.
You looked up at Tony, who was smirking at you proudly.
Next to him, Peter was staring at you in disbelief.
The anger in your face was washed away as you made eye contact.
You smiled widely at him.
He stepped towards you cautiously.
You laughed and ran towards him at full speed.
He caught you in his arms as you grabbed him happily. 
"Shit Pete I missed you!" you cried.
"I missed you too! I thought you were dead..."
"Mhm. Nope. I'm alive" you chuckled.
You stepped back and looked out at the war happening next to you.
"We should..." Peter started.
"Yeah..." you finished. "Hey have you seen..."
"No. But I'll look and let you know" Peter smiled.
"Thanks Pete."
"Are you gonna be okay? Safe?"
"Did you really just ask me that? May I remind you I won all our arm wrestles..."
"I let you win."
"I'll be fine" you laughed. "You don't need to worry."
You spun round to head back into battle, and saw an alien charging towards you.
It jumped up and a claw-looking hand reached out to your face.
Peter shot it back with a web that flew right across your shoulder.
"I don't need to worry, huh?" he smirked.
You rolled your eyes jokingly and went to help the others.
You were killing dozens a minute, making your way through the crowd, searching.
"Y/n" Steve nodded at you as you stormed past him, firing at the aliens coming towards you.
"Steve" you nodded back.
"Hey what's wrong?" he asked.
"Aha, what's wrong?! We're in the middle of a war, Steve. Am I... am I not being smiley enough, or dancing around as much as I should be? I'm new at this... should I perhaps be singing?!" you cried sarcastically. You raised your hand as an alien was about to jump at you from behind, and your power caused it to fly up into the air and was thrown away from you.
You glared at Steve. 
"Y/n..." he began.
"UGH!" you exclaimed.
You faced away from Steve, and searched around you.
You pointed your hands at one of the flying Chitauri monsters. It froze suspended in the air. 
You focused, and as you pulled your hands apart, the monster in the air began to rip itself apart. 
It separated into hundreds of pieces, and each bit crashed into a part of Thanos' army. 
You looked back at Steve smugly, and pointed your middle finger at him.
"Be careful when you do that. Remember we have people out there too."
"I'm aware of that Steve!"
"Hey why are you getting mad at me?"
"I'm not doing this right now..."
You walked away from him to continue fighting the battle.
You used your power to raise the weapons out of several warriors hands, then pointed them and fired them right back into their heads.
The mad Titan who had began this whole mess was observing you closely.
Thanos addressed someone who had been fighting by his side.
"Open fire" Thanos ordered.
"But sire our troops..."
"Just do it!"
Up in the sky, cannons started to appear out of the spaceship.
They instantly started to fire.
You looked up and noticed three missiles heading directly for you.
You were about to stop them when suddenly the ground beneath your feet disappeared.
You fell through a portal, and landed on the floor next to Dr Strange, underneath a shield hovering in the air.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yeah. Thanks."
He helped you off the floor and you prepared to fight again. 
"Be careful. With what you can do, you're not exactly Thanos' favourite."
You nodded, but ran out from underneath the shield all the same. 
But you didn't run far. 
The man you had been looking for was standing before you, fighting off aliens.
You paused a moment, until he was no longer being attacked.
"Bucky" you said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.
He turned at the sound of his name.
When he saw you, he lowered his gun in disbelief.
You stared at each other for a moment, stuck in place.
You took a deep breath and smiled, and began to ran towards him.
He dropped his gun and caught you in his arms.
Bucky spun you round in the air as you hugged him.
When your feet landed on the ground again, you looked up at him as he rested his forehead on yours.
You started to cry with tears of happiness and relief. 
Bucky cupped your cheek in his hand and wiped away your tears. 
You stared happily into his eyes and smiled wider.
"Ahem" Strange coughed from next to you, and you broke free of the trance. "Could you possibly do this after we save the universe?"
"Right of course" you nodded and pulled away from Bucky.
He quickly stopped you as his arm behind your back pulled you close again.
Bucky grinned and kissed you briefly on the lips. 
You bit your lip as your face parted from his, but you noticed Strange still looking at you disappointedly.
You latched onto Bucky's lips once more for a second before stepping away from him completely.
You smiled innocently at Strange and prepared to go fight again.
Bucky was holding your hand, and he tugged you slightly.
"Please be safe doll" he whispered into your ear.
"I will. You be safe too Buck. Please."
"You know I will" he grinned.  
You gave him a kiss on the cheek and turned to go fight again.
Your smile disappeared as you saw Spider-Man fall from the sky.
"Peter!" you screamed.
You left Bucky to fight on his own as you ran to where Peter had landed.
Just as you were about to reach him, someone else landed in front of him.
She looked at you, and so did Peter as he stood up.
"Hey y/n" Carol smiled.
"Hey. Hi" you said as you stepped over to where they were standing.
Carol looked back at Peter, holding the gauntlet.
"Hi. I'm... Peter Parker."
"Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?"
"I don't know how you're going to get it through all that" Peter remarked as he handed her the glove.
"Don't worry" Wanda arrived by Carol's side.
"She's got help" Okoye appeared.
Valkyrie approached, followed by Pepper, Mantis, Shuri, Hope, Gamora, and Nebula.
The women started to charge through Thanos' army, heading for the Quantum tunnel in the van. 
You were about to follow when Peter grabbed your hand.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
He looked at you worriedly.
"Please be careful y/n."
"Yeah of course Pete."
"Don't do anything really stupid."
"Well what counts as really stupid?"
"Hm... dying."
"Oh see there goes my plans" you joked.
He chuckled half-heartedly, and you gave him a hug.
You gave him a small kiss on the cheek then went to follow the others.
You spotted Thanos in the crowd.
Flashbacks rushed to your head from your last meeting with him - when he killed your brother.
You filled with rage again and you headed towards him.
You stood in front of him, but did not fight yet.
He slowly turned to face you. 
"Y/n Odinsdottir."
"You know I am?"
"Of Asgard. You are Loki's sister. He was very fond of you" Thanos recalled.
"Don't you dare say his name" you hissed angrily at him. You raised your hands, preparing to fight.
"You could see him again."
You shook your head slowly.
"I know you want to. Help me, and together we can bring him back."
"You're lying. NOTHING can bring him back. He is dead! And it is your fault! I will never help you!"
"I can wipe out half a universe with the snap of my fingers. You think I can't manage to bring back one man?"
"No... you can't!"
"I can. I will. If you join the right side."
"You're a monster" you spat as a tear rolled down your cheek.
"Maybe. But so are you. You have hurt and killed so many people. Innocent lives have been taken because of you. Your kingdom, Asgard, your people... you couldn't save them. They are all dead because of you."
"And your brother... you are responsible for his death. You killed him y/n. It is all your fault."
"No. Shut up!"
"You are the monster. No wonder why your own father wanted you dead."
You were paralysed with guilt and despair and fear, and so did not move as Thanos stepped towards you.
He put his hand on your head, and forcefully turned you to face the countless battles happening in front of you.
"Everyone out there will die. But if you get me the gauntlet, not all of them have to."
You didn't respond; you just stared silently and sadly at the battle.
You felt helpless.
You knew there was no way you could turn and fight him now - he was much stronger than you.
If you helped him, he'd wipe out half the universe but you'd still have some of the others.
If you didn't help him, he'd kill them too. 
"LET HER GO!" Thor came crashing down on top of Thanos, causing him to let go of you, and you fell to the floor.
Thor attacked Thanos; Wanda and Carol helped him.  
An Iron Man suit flew towards you, and the mask came off revealing Pepper was the one wearing it.
"Hey y/n are you okay?" she asked and she offered out a hand to help you up.
You nodded shakily and stood up with her help.
"Let's get you out of here?" Pepper suggested.
"No... no I'm fine. I can do this" you claimed.
You looked at where the avengers were taking it in turns to hit Thanos, but he was hitting them away one by one.
He made eye contact with you and smirked slightly.
Pepper noticed.
"Y/n what did he say to you?"
"N-nothing" you lied, and started to walk towards the van with the Quantum tunnel.
Before you got there, though, Thanos threw a weapon at it, completely destroying it.
Carol was blasted back by the impact, and she dropped the gauntlet in the process.
It landed on the floor by your feet, and you bent down quickly to pick it up.
You hugged it to your chest and froze, not knowing what to do.
Tony's suit came and landed in front of you.
"Okay give it here" he held out his hand. 
You looked at Thanos, then back at Tony, and you slowly stepped back.
"Y/n?" Tony was confused. "Come on. Give it to me." 
You gulped nervously and held the gauntlet tighter. 

Y/n Odinsdottir 2Where stories live. Discover now