Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*narrator pov*
Sharon shot at you, and the bullet hit the pillow as you quickly rolled over, falling out the bed on the other side.
You pulled Bucky's jacket off the back of a chair and grabbed the gun from the pocket.
You peered over the top of the bed, then ducked quickly as another shot fired, missing you again.
You reached up with Bucky's gun and shot blindly multiple times until you had to reload.
Only one bullet had hit so far, lodging into her wrist.
It delayed her shooting back long enough for you to reload the gun.
"Seriously, what are you doing?!" you yelled.
"Solving everyone's problem."
"Rude! You're the problem!"
"I told you I would come for you, but you seem so useless that I might as well kill you."
"Wha- shit you're the Power Broker."
"Congratulations, too bad no one will know."
You stood up quickly and shot her in the stomach before she could even point her gun at you.
She leaned back against the wall and slowly sat down.
Bucky, Sam, Tony and Peter ran in.
"She's crazy" Sharon cried. "She just started shooting at me out of no where!"
The guys looked between Sharon bleeding out from her stomach and you holding the gun.
"Sharon, if you think any of us are going to believe you over her then you're the crazy one" Sam said.
"What?" Sharon gasped.
Hospital security arrived shortly, handcuffed Sharon,  and took her away.
Bucky helped you back into bed but Peter hopped him before him.
You and Peter giggled as Bucky was forced to settle in his chair.
Peter handed you the chicken nuggets he had fetched for you from the cafeteria.
"You okay?" he asked as you stuffed your face.
"Yes, except these taste like crap" you complained jokingly. 
"Y/n, why was Sharon trying to kill you?" Bucky enquired.
"Cause she's jealous of me" you shrugged.
"Oh yeah and she's the power broker."
"Yeah I figured it out."
"Madripoor is going to be a mess for a while" Sam commented.
"It's an island full of fucked up people, Sam. It's always gonna be a mess" you pointed out.
The guys sat around as you ate your food.
Peter was leaning on your chest, and he eventually drifted off.
You stopped eating so you wouldn't drop crumbs in his hair.
"So... what happens now?" you asked.
"The Wakandan's are coming to take that off" Tony pointed at the device around your neck.
"Then we can go home doll" Bucky smiled, kissing your hand.
You looked down at your hand in his, and couldn't help noticing the absence of a ring. It was the biggest mistake you had ever made. You regretted it so much. You didn't know if he still had it, so you didn't know if you could ask for it back.
Instead, you just looked up at him and smiled back.
"Am I interrupting something?"
Bucky's therapist stood in the doorway of the hospital room.
"I don't really want a session right now, doc" Bucky sighed. "And I thought Walker cleared me."
"I'm not here for you" Raynor answered, looking suggestively at you.
Bucky looked between her and you, quickly realising her intentions.
"No. No, you don't need to talk to her. She..."
"Bucky, it's okay" you took his hand and kissed it gently. "It'll only take a minute."
"It'll be longer than a minute" Raynor said.
Bucky still seemed hesitant.
"Okay. I'm walking back in here in ten minutes" he declared before walking out.
Sam and Tony followed, and you looked down at Peter still asleep on you.
"It's fine if he stays, right?" you asked Dr Raynor.
"Yes I suppose that's fine."
The therapist settled in a chair and pulled out a notebook, but didn't say anything.
"So..." you said to break the silence. "Why are you here?"
"Y/n I want to talk about you."
"Right, I gathered that..."
"You've been through a lot. And you don't exactly have support that you can talk to about it."
"I have Bucky."
"Bucky has been through a lot too. It's not healthy for two people that have experienced traumatic events share with each other. Your problems are just a weight on his shoulders, when he's already dealing with his own past."
"So I'm a burden to him?"
"You should talk to a trained professional. Someone that can help you work through and process everything. Someone trained to help you find closure."
"But I have closure. And everything I've been through, Bucky has always been there. We listen to each other and we're okay with it."
"You had a fight, correct?"
"During that last mission, you got into a fight and you ended up in danger."
"Well yes but-"
"What was the fight about?"
"Um. It was nothing, Bucky was just not being a great boyfriend at times, but it had nothing to do with our traumatic pasts or whatever."
"What about the bit where he told someone about your powers?"
"Yeah I guess I was mad about that. But he was just upset that I didn't help, which was really selfish of me."
"Why didn't you help y/n?"
"Because I didn't want anyone to know I had powers."
"Because I didn't want to use them. My powers are dangerous."
"So you think you're a dangerous person?"
You didn't respond.
"I'll take that as a yes."
"I'm not... I don't think I'm dangerous. I can control them."
"Then why hide them?"
"I-" you trailed off, not knowing what to say.
"Tell me about Asgard."
"What about Asgard- wait how do you even know about all of this?"
"Y/n if you think you've managed to hide from the government every time you've come to Earth, you are wrong. I know all about you. Now tell me about Asgard. You're Thor's sister, so you're..."
"A goddess, technically. And kinda a princess."
"I'm guessing that came with a lot of responsibility and high standards."
"Well yeah-"
"At what age did you start having panic attacks?"
"Seriously, doc, how do you know?"
"I'm a professional. So, answer my question."
"I don't know. Ever since I can remember. I... don't like it when loads of people are looking at me and they expect so much of me and I just have to be... perfect all the time."
She nodded her head. Like she could understand. She could never.
"When you were on Asgard, how did you deal with these panic attacks? What happened?"
"My brother Loki... he would help me."
"Your parents?"
"They told me to... 'get over these silly anxieties'."
"So they never supported you."
"That must've been hard."
"Yeah I guess. But I had my brother..."
"Where is he now?"
"I'm sorry. When was the first panic attack since he died?"
"I, Uh. I supposed i panicked a bit when we were fighting Thanos."
"What happened when you began to feel anxious?"
"I made a really stupid decision that put everyone in danger."
"But it saved the universe, correct?"
"Yeah but I didn't know it was going to work. They all could've died."
"But they didn't."
"But they could've!"
"Okay... I'm guessing you haven't forgiven yourself for that yet?"
"... no."
"The next panic attack, when was that?"
"Well I was fine. I suppose the next serious one was the one in Madripoor."
"And that was a few days ago?"
"And what happened then?"
"I- accidentally sort of destroyed everything in about a 500m radius."
"Have you forgiven yourself for that?"
You shook your head.
"Was it brought on by your fight with Bucky?"
"I suppose so. I- I was jealous and mad, but I was more upset than anything. He broke my trust... and I had just gotten this threatening text from the power broker and I realised the one person I wanted to tell was gone."
"You were scared what was going to happen?"
"I didn't care what was going to happen. I just wanted Bucky to come back."
"Even though you were upset with him?"
"Yeah because like I said he's always there."
"What happened next?"
"I called Tony because I know he cared, and he came to help me..."
"What's wrong?"
"Then he broke my trust as well."
"So you feel as though you can't trust people?"
"No, I forgive him. He was right. They were both right. I should've helped Bucky in Madripoor and Tony had every right to be cautious because I... I am a dangerous person."
"So you don't trust yourself?"
"I- I don't know."
"It sounds like it. If you can't trust yourself, it's hard for other people to trust you. Did you ever tell Tony how you felt after the attack with Thanos?"
"Yes. I told him that I thought what I did was wrong and dangerous and I told him that I didn't want to tell anyone because I could be dangerous."
"Okay so do you think maybe you not trusting yourself lead to Tony being cautious?"
"Okay good, see we're making progress."
You smiled weakly.
"So you need to learn to trust yourself..."
"But I don't know how to do that. I don't want to hurt anyone. That's why I don't use my powers just in case something really bad happens."
"Do you have something in mind?"
"What do you mean?"
"Has something really bad ever happened before?"
You paused to think.
"Think out loud. Talk me through it."
"I always knew I had powers, because you know I was, um... am a goddess. So I could do basic stuff like levitation and I could change my outfit with the flick of my wrist. Simple stuff like that. And I knew I could conjure balls of energy for attack and things like that."
"You're the goddess of dreams, right? Surely you knew you that your powers had something to do with that?"
"No. I found on my own. See my father sorta locked me in the palace for almost eighty years so I had a lot of time to myself. And I started experimenting and found out I could make animals drift off to sleep."
"When did you first try on a human?"
"The first time wasn't intentional... and I kinda accidentally put the whole of Asgard to sleep."
"You put a whole realm to sleep?"
"And you're saying it was by accident?"
"Yes... I think this may be part of the reason I don't trust myself. Because I couldn't control my power."
"What happened next? Did you wake them up?"
"Eventually. But they found out what I did so I ran away. To Earth. And I had another panic attack, then I ended up... putting myself to sleep... it was a few years before someone woke me up."
"Loki. He was the only one that could undo my magic. If it happens again, I don't think it can be reversed."
"So you'd be asleep forever?"
"Do you remember what caused you to put Asgard to sleep?"
"I was trying to get to Earth to see Loki."
"I think I see a connection here."
"Your powers were out of control because you wanted to see your brother. Then Thanos, he killed Loki and you used your powers to avenge him. Y/n, in Madripoor, did anything-"
"Bucky mentioned Loki."
"How did you grieve his death?"
"I- didn't... I didn't have time. I was with him on the ship then it blew up and I was found then everyone blipped. Then we got everyone back but Thanos returned and I..." tears came to your eyes. "Loki was the only one that could ever calm me down."
"And now you don't trust yourself because he's gone, and you feel no one is there for you like he was."
You nodded slowly as you started to cry.
"He understood... now he's gone... I'm sorry I-"
"Don't apologise. Crying is good."
You nodded, but wiped your eyes anyway.
"Well I've run out of time so Bucky will probably be coming in any minute now. Y/n I can't force you to do anything but to me, it seems like this may have started to help. If you would like, I'd be happy to help you get started in therapy."
"I- I'll think about" you promised.
She smiled comfortingly and walked out.
The moment the door shut behind her, arms wrapped around you and squeezed you tightly.
You had completely forgotten Peter was there.
"Peter" you laughed lightly. "How long have you been awake?"
"Long enough to know you need this."

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