Unforeseen Circumstances

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[Narrator's POV]

The apartment is quite and pitch black, with the curtains closed not allowing anyone to see the inside of the apartment. Nini takes off her shoes while Luka follows in suit, Nini then heads over to the light switch on the wall and turns on the lights to the living room.

With the lights on, Luka was able to get a better layout of the apartment, as soon as you walk in, there is a little coat and shoe rack to keep things organized, then there is the living room with the tv right next to the wall with a small couch facing it while having a coffee table in between. Then on your right there's an entry way to the kitchen and further down there are stairs to an upstairs area.

As Luka walks further in, he sees by the window that there is a wall to floor bookshelf filled with books and a hammock by the window thats covered. "What's with the hammock?"

"I like hammock's, besides they're more comfortable to take naps in and I like to read in there." Nini then disappear towards the right side of the stairs, where there is a hallway that Luka had not seen when he walked in. Nini then reappears with a with a towel and hands it to Luka.

"Thank you" As Luka begins drying his hair, the rains seems to begin to come down harder and with buzz of their phones, a weather warning is displayed.


Another notification appears on Luka's phone.

Mom ⚓️: Luka, are you alright? It's raining a lot and I just wanted to make sure you're ok?

Luka: I'm fine mom, a friend of mine is letting me crash at their place at the moment. 

Mom ⚓️: Well let's hope that the rain doesn't last forever. Stay safe.

"Luka, do you wanna change out of those clothes? They're kinda soaked and I don't want you getting a cold." Before Luka can even agree, Nini is running up the stairs and into what seems to be her bedroom. Not even a minute upstairs and she comes back downstairs with some emerald green sweatpants and four baggy band tees.

"Okay so I brought down some of my band tees. So which one Paramore, ACDC, Jagged Stone or Twisted Sister?

Luka felt a wave of relive flood him Oh thank god, she's not those psychos who like that wannabe XY. Luka grabbed the sweatpants and shirt he wanted"I'll take the Jagged Stone one, thank you very much." 

Nini smiled and then realized why he picked that one. "I now just saw your shirt under your jacket, I didn't realize you were a Jagged Stone fan too. Give a sec I'm gonna change upstairs, as for you, go down the hall and the first door on your left is the bathroom."

The two went to go change and as Luka was changing, he noticed that there wasn't anyone else there in the apartment, making him start to wonder where her parents were, or if she even had any. As Luka walked out of the bathroom and headed back into the living room, Nini was already sitting on the stairs.

A strange but very familiar feeling started to arise in Luka. He didn't know whether it was because of how precious Nini looked when stepping out of the sudden rain or how adorable and small she looks in her Melanie Martinez shirt. Nini had let her hair out of the ponytail she had earlier, now letting it hang lose with her dropping over her knees, making it seem like the shirt would swallow her whole.

Nini got up and went over to the kitchen "So... do you wanna watch a movie and bake some cookies?" 

Luka nodded his head and then the two of them went on to bake not only some amazing chocolate chip cookies, but also some pretzels while they decided to make fun of Twilight together. By then, the two of them had moved to upstairs, in her room.

Nini could not contain her laughter, this is the most fun she's had with someone in a while. Sure Lila was one of her closest friends she has since they both moved to France around the same time, they both stuck by each other and had been there for each other since the beginning of their friendship. But with Luka, she senses this sincerity that she longed for. 

Luka just seems to be perfect in her eyes. It's strange, to Nini, how funny fate is. In her time of a short heart break, she meets Luka, someone whom she always dreamt of meeting. Someone who is kind to her and even though they just met, Nini feels as if she can trust Luka with anything. 

Nini turns away from the screen and faces him "Hey Luka..."

Luka puts the volume down and turns to face her "Is everything okay Nini?"

"Yea, everything's good but... don't think this is weird or strange?" Nini starts to shift around awkwardly.

Luka on the other hand is confused "What do you mean?"

Nini sighed "Well, here's the thing, we both just so happen to bump into each other. We get along great and get some ice cream and you walk me home but just so happens it's starts to rain crazy and now you're stuck here for the night. Don't you think that weird?"

Luka picked up the remote and paused the movie, and then started to move closer to Nini "No, I don't think it's necessarily strange. I think it's fate that the universe just some happened to make us bump into each other. I think this is pretty cool that I just so happen to bump into a cute girl."

Nini began to blush out of shock, "You think I'm cute?"

Luka stifled a laugh and nodded, "Yes, I think you're cute, but let me finish I was wasn't done yet. As I was saying, I just so happen to bump into a cute girl and practically get to take her out on a date, cuddle on a bench and then I end up baking some sweets at her place then we make fun of shitty movies and just so happens I end staying over the night with said cute girl. I think that's amazing, how about you?"

Nini smiled once again that evening, this time from Luka's genuine impression of the two of them, not his cheeky remarks of a creepy wolves and vampires who like dating girls years younger then them.

By now Luka has moved in closer to Nini, both of them right against the other. Luka slides his arms around Nini's waist and lifts her onto his lap. 

He gently cups her face, peering into her eyes, and pulls her into a kiss. A kiss that the two had never really felt before. Sure they've kissed other people, but it felt different, it felt real and passionate. It didn't feel like a kiss that would just be when someone if just starting out a relationship and it feels like puppy love or kiss that feels empty like when someone hooks up randomly in a drunken haze. This kiss felt like one was wanting the other with their feelings being reciprocated and it felt complete.

They both pull away, needing to regain their breath, staring at the other. Luka then mutters, "I think I've been wanting to do that all day" and goes in for another kiss.


AN: Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been busy with stuff and still trying to get a hang of trying to update a reasonable times. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, goodbye for now.

Also I will be uploading an OC character sheet so you can see what Nini would look/act like

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