Stirring the pot

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AN: Hello everyone, to make up from being on Hiatus for 3 months, I'm gonna try and upload as much as I can to make up for it


As Nini finished frying the last of the beignets, Luka decorates them with honey and powdered sugar.

Luka stares at the sugar treats, wanting to taste one of them as Nini turns off the stove and moves the hot oil, "Love, can I try one now?

"Sure Lu, can you put a couple of them on a plate for me and set up the TV so we can watch Princess and the Frog?" Nini asked as she wiped down the counter to make sure it wasn't dirty. Luka placed a couple of them on a plate for his muse, just like she asked and went over to go set up the movie.

As the two of them finally sat down on the couch, they started to watch the movie and Nini broke out in song and started singing along with every song. It had Luka mesmerized as how beautiful her voice sounded, it was like a siren luring a sailor to his doom but in this case for Luka, it led him to paradise on Earth. 

As Nini continued to sing whenever a song popped up and was in the middle of the love song Evangeline, Luka couldn't help himself but just stare at the girl he just met yesterday and can't help but feel he was being placed under a spell or if he was just dreaming.

Luka thought to himself If this is a dream and if god is real, please don't ever wake me up. He then pulled Nini close to him, lifting her off the couch to dance with her just as Tiana and Naveen had done. Luka couldn't help but smile at just how rare and lucky he was to meet her and fall in love her so quickly.

He dipped her down and started to place kisses on her cheek, trailing down her neck, continuing to darken the marks that Luka had placed on the evening before, as they moved back to the couch. As Luka started to blaze a trail of kisses all over her, with no pattern or rhythm, a series of knocks come from the door.

Nini looks at the door and before she can go to the door, Luka had already opened the door to see her best friend, Lila, with a hoard of strangers behind her.

Nini got up from the couch and ran up to stand behind Luka, "Hey Lila... um...what exactly are you doing here with... who are these people?" Nini spoke as her hand trailed up to wanting covering her neck, as she remembered of the extremely noticeable hickeys that covered her neck.

Lila smirks and gives a look between Luka and Nini, "Hey bestie~ So you know how I prefer face to face interactions, so I took it upon myself to come over and invite you to hangout with me and my classmates." Lila then brings forward Juleka and Marinette, two girsl Nini didn't recognize but people who Luka didn't really plan on seeing today. "Well I thought if you're going to be hanging out with Luka, you should know Juleka and Marinette."

This confused Nini, she would assume that Juleka is Jules, Luka's sister since they look very similar but she didn't know who this Marinette was and why was she so important? "Oh... ok, um, it's nice to meet you both and the group of people just standing behind you...Lila, why did yo-"

Luka then proceeds to wrap his arm around Nini, interrupting her question, with Lila chiming in, "I can explain once we go inside since it would be rude to just crowd the hallway, am I right?" Luka held onto Nini tighter, not really wanting the girl who has the song of a horribly played fiddle when the only amount of class she has is that of a cheap kazoo found in the gutter. Nini on the other hand, step to side and lead her best friend and the rest of these strangers into her apartment.

Nini gestured for Luka to lean down so she can ask, "Do you know recongize any of these people?" Luka sighed and nodded his head, "These people are friends of my sister and some of them are in my band."

This peaked Nini's interest, "You're in a band?"

Luka smirked, "I'm the leader of the band and I'm lead guitarist, and before you ask, the band is called Kitty Section."

Nini started to awe, "Ok that has to be the most cutest band name I've ever heard. Who came up with the name?"

Before Luka could answer, a blur of blonde stormed into Nini lifting her off the ground. "I can't believe your here Paris Nini, why didn't you tell when you got here?"




It took everything in Luka to not fight Adrien for being the biggest idiot known to man for so fucking oblivious to Marinette's obvious pinning for him. Like a small dog that humps anything it  can get it's paws on. But for also making Nini seemingly uncomfortable for which he'll need to find out as to why sooner or later.

Nini finally pried herself out of the Agreste boy's grip and took a couple of steps back for some space. "Well, I just never really got around to telling Adrien, I've been busy doing other things while I've been here."

Adrien throws a strangely disgusted look at the two new lovers, "Clearly, say just how long have you known Luka anyway? I mean if you knew him for a while, surely you would know who Marinette is."

Nini looked over to Marinette to see that the girl has a conflicted look on her face and how the other unamed strangers are just standing there awkwardly, "Um, if you guys want any, I made some Beignets earlier if you'd like any." The unnamed strangers seemed to be relived that they had a way out of the conversation and made their short way over to the kitchen counter that held the sugary sweets.

Marinette still unsure about what kind of girl Nini is, starts to ask some questions, "So Luka, Nini, when did the two of you meet each other anyway?"

Before Nini could answer, a flood gate of questions from the unnamed strangers in her apartment started to pour out the woodwork, asking some very personal questions that they really shouldn't be asking. 

How long have you've been dating?

What happened to your neck?

Why are you dressed like that?

She noticed how Luka was starting to become completely annoyed with the people present, especially with Marinette and how her questions definitely seemed out of pocket.

Luka, deciding that he isn't going to put up with Juleka's classmates intervenes and says,"Ok, since my girlfriend seems way to nice to ask all of you to leave, I'm going to do it for her because none you get to have the to intrude in on her space, especially since she doesn't even know who you guys even are." 

Marinette, shocked and confused, didn't really know that Luka was dating the girl, which now that she looks closer at Nini's living room, she could see that the two of them were in the middle of a date most likely and everyone here had ruined it. 

Lila seeing just how uncomfortable Nini went against her whole plan, the whole point being to make Marinette look like a jealous ex so Luka could call her out on it. Lila didn't think this through.

Juleka, having been silent the whole time, speaks up and says, "You've never acted like this before, this isn't like you."

Luka looked like he was about to snap until Nini spoke up and said, "Thank you all for the surprise visit, but I think it's time for all of you to leave now. Lila, I'll call you later so we can talk, ok?"

Lila nodded in agreement and finally done with such an awkward encounter, they all left being practically being pushed out and with Luka slamming the door.


AN: Hey I hoped you guys enjoyed enjoyed this chapter and again, so sorry for being gone for 3 months.

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