Peculiar Situations

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AN: Hello my lovely's, I hope you're having a great day today and that you're feeling well. I know I tend to update at weird intervals, but I think that I'm great somewhat better at updating. Maybe not, I hope you enjoy the chapter :)



That was only thing going through Adrien's mind, just how was he supposed to spend time with his favorite childhood best friend when Luka was treating him like a piece of shit. He didn't get it, all he wanted to do was spend time with Nini. To Adrien, Luka was being a jealous boyfriend and he couldn't understand why. 

When he learned from his father that there was going to be people coming over and that the Thornwall's were going to be there, he knew that Nini was going to be coming over. She had to be coming over! There's no way that she would miss the opportunity to see and spend some time with her parents. This had Adrien over the moon.

Plagg was beyond annoyed with how buzzed with energy Adrien was. He was practically bouncing all over his room. He couldn't help it. The last time he'd seen her, she said they would spend time together. She promised and now it's coming true!

All of his hopes of what would happen today were shown out the window when he saw Luka walk in with Nini. He couldn't believe he had to share his time with him.

Both Chloe and Kagami couldn't understand the sudden tension and aggravation that emitted from both Adrien and the blue haired boy. They've never seen Adrien this angry before and they couldn't understand why he would be feeling this way. 

Chloe immediately assumed it was towards Luka, knowing just how close Nini and Adrien were during their childhood. She remembered all the times when they played hide and seek, forcing Adrien to play dress up. Chloe remembered it all. She remembered how Nini was her true partner in crime, even though Nini couldn't be there all the time. It became even worse once Chloe started to go to public school. Nini and her used to be very close friends until Chloe spent more time... interacting with her classmates. She had her assistant, Sabrina who helped to make her life with the commoners more bearable.

Kagami however didn't understand why Adrien was so upset. She remembered Luka from the ice rink, he seemed nice enough last time she saw him. She thought he was dating Marinette. Though she didn't know the cute girl that walked in with him, hoping that the two were just friends. She hadn't spoken with Marinette in while, she made a note to herself, I need to fix that

The silence was starting to eat away at Nini, prompting a response to cut the tension, "Hey Adrien, Chloe, I haven't seen you guys in a while. So who's this, she's really pretty."

This caused Kagami to blush, really enjoying the fact that this girl was very direct and didn't hesitate to say what she thought of her, at least that's what Kagami hoped. She got up from the couch and walked over to the girl to shake her hand, "Nice to see you again Luka. My name is Kagami Tsurugi, what's your name?"

Nini returned the greeting, "Pleasure to meet you Kagami, I'm Nini. I haven't met you before but I'm glad that I get to change that today."

Luka, still glaring at Adrien, shook Kagami's hand in silence. The couple walked with Kagami to the couch, both boys still holding eye contact. 

Chloe got up from her sit and threw herself onto Nini, "Nini I missed you soooo much!!! We haven't been shopping together in over 2 months and I really want to check out this new shop and---" This got Adrien's attention, causing him to put his attention onto Nini.

He was now beyond furious. He'd been wanting to see his best friend for the longest time now, thinking that Nini was really busy that she couldn't hangout as much with friends. Now he's learning that not only Chloe knew that Nini was in Paris, but actually hangout on more than one occasion?! "Chloe, you knew that Nini was in Paris?!"

Chloe was confused, she thought Adrien knew, "Adrikins I though you knew that Nini was in Paris? I mean I text our bestie all the time, so of course I knew that she was in Paris. When was the last time you texted her?" She spoke with her arms crossed. Chloe didn't like the fact that Adrien was having an accusatory tone towards her. How was this her fault?

Adrien was unable to answer while Nini scoffed and pulled out her phone, looking through her text messages, "It's been more than 2 years since he's responded to any of my texts, after the first month of him not responding I just gave up, thinking that he didn't want to talk to me." Nini was flabbergasted, just what right did Adrien have to be angry at her for. He hasn't spoken to her in years. He had no right to think that she should update about the on goings of her life if he never met her half way and kept contact with her over the years.

Kagami crosses her arms looking at Adrien, "Honestly, you'd think that I would know just how much of a coward you really were, but you keep out doing yourself everyday. If I knew just how much of a lair and coward you were, we never would've dated in the first place. I can't understand what I ever saw in you?!" This made Nini laugh, knowing just how horrible Adrien's communication skills were.

"You know Adrien isn't all bad Kagami, he has... some good parts." Nini tried to defend Adrien, after all, they were childhood friends.

This amused both Kagami and Luka, prompting Luka to ask, "Like what? From what I'm hearing from the both you, he wouldn't be able to communicate his good traits with you."

Kagami bursted into a fit of laughter, falling onto the floor. This was unusual behavior for her, leaving Adrien and Chloe to be shocked. Both Nini and Luka didn't know her that well so they didn't think that much about it.

Chloe shook herself out of her shock, "I can't believe that the Ice Queen has a sense of humor?! Who knew that you were capable of laughter?"

Kagami tried to take deep breaths to calm herself, "Well with someone like Nini, who's so pretty and smart, trying to see the best in Adrien of all people, you can't help but laugh as you fall for her charm." She said as she got up to sit closer to Nini and place her hand onto her's.

This caused Nini to become flustered and Luka to be possibly be prone to freezing the Ice Queen by locking her in a walk in freezer. 

Nini, while quite flattered, had to clear the air, "Thank you for the compliment and the affection Kagami, really. I think you're quite wonderful too, but I think your gonna cause Luka to burst in anger for flirting with me in front of him."

Kagami, not exactly getting the hint, was confused. She hadn't spoken to Marinette in while, last she heard from her was that she was dating Luka. She had no idea that the two broke up, "What do you mean, I thought Luka was dating Marinette. I haven't spoken with her in while and I--"

Luka interrupted her questioning, deciding that he couldn't bare having to her Kagami talk about Marinette. "We broke up 2 months ago, Nini and I have been dating for a couple of weeks, almost a month now. I would appreciate it if you would not flirt with my girlfriend."

Kagami was quite startled with what Luka had said, "My apologies Luka, Nini. I didn't mean to make either one you uncomfortable, I respect the fact that you're with someone. I guess Marinette and I need to hangout again if I'm this much out of the loop."

Luka sighed, seeing that he did snap at her, "I'm sorry that snapped at you Kagami, you actually didn't know about the break up. You're not to blame." Nini wrapped her arms Luka to try and comfort him a bit.

"You've been through a lot today haven't you? You met my parents and had to introduce yourself as my boyfriend a lot today." Nini spoke as leaned her head to rest on Luka's shoulder.

With the display of affection that Adrien had seen set him a flame. He didn't like the way how Luka would react in certain situations, seeing that Nini needed to calm him down. Adrien once thought that Luka was very level headed, someone who you could confide in. But over time he's seen how emotional Luka can get with others, thinking how dangerous that can be with akuma's flying about.

Adrien, having enough of Luka's behavior, prompting possibly the most ignorant and dumbest question he could ask that very moment.

"What do you even see in him Nini?!"


AN: Hello everyone, wow, I did not think that I would be updating so soon. I know this chapter is pretty short but I'm trying to think just how badly this is gonna play out for Luka and Adrien.

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