White Lies from a Pretty Face

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Hello my lovely's, I know that I basically spammed you guys with updates but I plan to try to write as much as I can before having to adult controls my life once more. I hope you all enjoy the chapter


With a death like grip on the steel baseball bat, feeling and being more than to bash the head of whoever is on the other side of the door, only to see that there's more than one person there, it's hard to eliminate witnesses and you can't trust anyone's word, especially for who's in front of him., "What the fuck are you doing here? I told you don't come by here since you fucking hate me dating my girlfriend." scoffing seeing the other stragglers that were brought along, stepping outside and closing the door "Also, why the fuck are they here?"

Juleka and the others decided to just go with Kagami's idea of just talking to her directly, face to face, but it seemed like thy forgot the most obvious part of how the plan would fail, Luka. Chloe walked up to him, not having his attitude at all,  "Well it's called having a life Luka, your girlfriend, Nini has one but apparently once she started dating you, it didn't matter. As her friends we're concerned and want to see her right to make sure that she's ok. Once we see her, we'll leave. If says she never wants to see us again, fine by me, but I'm not moving till I see her."

Both individuals with arms crossed, Luka, quick with manipulating the truth says, "She's tired and needs to rest. Neither of us having been getting proper rest since that fucking idiot started harassing us daily."

This got Kagami's attention, not wanting the first person she actually had a genuine connection with that didn't feel forced, be harassed. None of the girls were ok with what they just heard. 

Seeing as how they got quite, knowing why Nini didn't touch her phone anymore, "I mean if you're so called friends then why hasn't Nini asked you for help? Oh right, I remember, you wouldn't believe her if she asked."

Lila noticed the slip up, for being a notorious liar, she spot the lie that was muddled in the truth. Nini would ask for help caused she trusts them. Just what is Luka trying to play at?, this had her stumped. Knowing that they only want to be there for her.

Marinette however couldn't believe what was happening. She knew all about how Luka changed apparently but Juleka never mentioned he changed physically. Within the time she last saw him, he had small lined muscle, barely noticeable unless you felt his arms. Now, it was quite clear that this was no longer the case. The Luka she saw now was internally different from the boy she saw not only 2-3 months ago. She also noticed how he had some new piercings and had 00 gauges now, she didn't know when he got them since the others haven't commentated, it was probably done a while back.

Just as Marinette snapped out of her trance she saw Luka putting on a shirt since he previously have one on. Upon seeing the annoyed look he had on his face, she wondered just what the hell she missed.

"I can't believe just how much you've changed Luka. I mean I can't understand you, not one bit. You're my brother Luka, my brother. Now I have no idea who you are?!" Juleka, now starting to hold back her tears, being comforted by Chloe of all people.

Luka stared and shot an arrow right threw her heart with his question, "Are you done yet? Cause I don't want to speak to you like this. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a girlfriend to comfort. Also if you're really her friends, get Adrien to stop stalking and harassing her so that she can feel safe steeping out of the apartment."

Having the door slammed in their face, Juleka almost collapsing to the floor if it weren't for Chloe and Lila holding her up and helping down the flights of stairs and out the building, guiding her to bench to sit at. "I can't believe he did that. I mean it happened but, how could not care about his family anymore? Was I really going to far? I didn't mean to push my brother away from me." 

Offering Juleka a hug, she threw herself into Marinette's arms, being consoled by one of her closet friends there. "Juleka you didn't do anything wrong. What concerns me is why he didn't even try to let see Nini. I don't know you guys, but something is definitely wrong and something happened."

Chloe, scoffing at the obvious, "Well of course Dupaine-Cheng, that something was Adrien."

Marinette, eyes widened in disbelief, "You believe what he said about Adrien?!" She really could believe what was happening today.

Chloe nodded, "I know he's telling the truth because I know Adrien. He's been practically obsessed with Nini thought our entire childhood. He's worse with his than you were Marinette. Even if Luka didn't say anything I would bet Adrien had something to do with this."

Lila grabbed something out her bag, a phone, but just not any phone. Marinette and Chloe recognized it quickly, "That's Adrien's phone?! Where did you get that?!"

Lila waved the phone, smiling at remembering how easy it was to get it "He forgot to put it in his bag and I was gonna try to give it back to him until I saw that Juleka needed us. Glad I didn't get the chance to give back to him." Chloe snatched the phone and put in his passcode and his searching through his text messages.

Marinette was not only confused but concerned as to why Chloe knew his password, "Don't ask your dumb question Dupaine-Cheng, I know everyone's password in our class, they were so easy to guess, the only difficult one is Max's and that's because he constantly changes his password once a month. Here, found Nini and Luka, he tried to hide them but he learned his skills from me, dumbass." 

While scrolling through the phone, they saw everything. The progression of Adrien's harassment to the pictures he sent today. This has gone way too far for far too long. Chloe whips out her phone and calls Officer Raincomprix, altering what Adrien has been doing and the evidence to prove it.

As the girls are taking care of the Adrien problem, Luka was grabbing snacks and finally went upstairs to see Nini watching Matilda, seeing how the little Matilda walked those 10 blacks to the library. "Good thing that I brought snacks, maybe instead of cooking tonight we should order out."

As Luka went to place a kiss on her forehead, "So who was at the door Luka?"

Luka shrugged, "Wrong apartment for a package that was delivered, I helped point them in the right direction, trying to be nice. How about we watch the movie and think about what we want for dinner."

Nini nodded along, remember seeing the group of girls leaving the apartment building that she hasn't spoken to in a while.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter my lovely's

Second Chance (Very Possessive & Controlling Luka Couffaine x Female Oc)Where stories live. Discover now