That was some night...and some morning

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AN: So right off the bat, this chapter is going to continue the events from the night before, I hope you're all ready! Also, please tell me if anything in my writing needs improve, I'm a new writer and can use all the feedback I can get.


Well, that was some night. Luka did keep his word and Nini felt her legs were tense and strained after running a marathon. As she sat up in her bed, she noticed that Luka was no where to be seen, thinking that he just left her and she was completely naive and stupid for what she did with a random stranger she just met, until she saw the flip of her hatch go up. Luka appeared to be wearing the his clothes since they were dry now and holding three big plastic bags with stuff inside.

Luka walks over to Nini and gives her a kiss on her forehead, "Good morning gorgeous, I stepped out to go grab some things that I think we're both gonna need."

Luka then proceeds to dump the first plastic bag, it was filled with snacks, "I don't want to take all of your snacks, especially since we raided your pantry last night, so I bought you some more of the stuff we had yesterday, and I still can't believe you didn't have any Oreos." 

"Anyway" Luka then pulls out 2 six packs of Dr.Pepper "We also finished this yesterday so I bought you some more, the other 2 packs are in the fridge already, I just wanted to show you them."

Luka then dumps out the final bag, "We got some pain meds, I noticed that in the bathroom you needed to stock up on more pads so I took a picture of the ones you currently had to restock them for you, then we have a heating pad, noticed you didn't have one and Jules, my sister, loves having this on her period, your welcome by the way. Now to the important stuff, 2 packs of birth control and 3 packs of condoms."

Nini, still completely shocked and still processing that Luka didn't abandon her, instead he went out and got all of this stuff for them, it made her heart melt and made her forget the fact that he bought 3 packs of condoms. "Luka, I swear if we do not become a couple it will probably be the biggest regret of my life. You're literally the perfect boyfriend, how the hell are you single?" 

Luka rubbed the nape of his neck, "About that, I also wanted to ask you if you wanted to try dating one another, I really like you and I've never felt so sure about loving someone so quickly, Nini, can I be your boyfriend?"

Nini felt as if she could die without regrets whatsoever, Luka had managed to make her believe that there are people out there who are kind to others and actually like them, the things that happen in fairytales. "Yes Luka, I'd love to date you and be your girlfriend." 

Luka cupped her face and pulled her in for a kiss, "Do you wanna go downstairs and have some breakfast."

"Sure, just let me put some shorts and a bra on, ok?"

Luka sighed and seemed a bit down like when a kid has to do something they don't wanna do, "Do you have to?"

Nini brust out tears of joy and laughed, "Luka, I don't have to, ok."

Nini got up and was immediately picked up by Luka, "Gorgeous you shouldn't have to walk and besides you need to save your strength for later."

"What?" Nini instantly became red, just to remember that Luka bought 3 packs of condoms.


Juleka and Rose were still shocked to see Luka this morning since he didn't come home because of the storm, great thing that the weather cleared up and Juleka though she and Rose could go walk together to go hangout with Marinette.

As they were walking they decided that they should go pick up some snacks at convince store nearby, they just so happen to see Luka picking out birth control and condoms.

To say the very least Juleka and Rose were shocked, Luka may have been in relationships in the past, but never did Juleka think she'd see her brother buy stuff like that, it was weird and awkward to say the least. But hey, at least he was being safe. 

"Jules, isn't that Luka?" Rose was looking at her phone and didn't notice Luka earlier. "Hey Luka!" Rose walked over to him while waving hello.

Luka proceeded to hide the items from Rose, whom he assumed hadn't seen what he planned to purchase, "Hey Rose, Jules, so what are you guys doing out so early? Thought you two would've slept in or something."

Juleka could understand her brothers confusion, Rose and her normally have sleepovers during the weekend and sleep in late. But she couldn't just say that their were heading over to Mari's place to have a picnic with their friends.

Rose knows that Luka kinda took it hard when he and Marinette broke up, but it doesn't mean that she should dodge the truth about what they're doing "We're actually gonna go hangout with some of our friends and, well, I would ask if you wanted to join, but it's we're meeting at, Marinette's place."

Unlike most times when Marinette was mentioned, Luka didn't look hurt or heartbroken. There wasn't visible reaction that Juleka could see, and it worried her. Sure she was glad that her brother was getting over Marinette, they hurt each other from what she knows. But Luka doesn't normally get over people this quickly, this reaction is new and she didn't know what to think of it.

Juleka grabbed Roses and ushered her saying, "Come on Rose, let's not bother Luka, I think he'll be pretty busy today. We can just hangout with him another time." The two girls waved goodbye and grabbed the snacks they came in for and Luka was still shopping around for the items he later brought back to where he was earlier, but Juleka had no clue.


Juleka and Rose finally made it to Marinette's place and everyone who came were downstairs in the bakery grabbing some sweets. Alya sees the girls  walk in and goes to greet them, "Hey, look who finally made it! We thought Adrien would take the longest, but turns out you two took forever." 

Alya noticed the plastic bags they were carrying, "Oh, so what did you guys bring?"

Juleka handed over the bag and mumbled an incoherent response with Rose swoop in answering the question, "Juleka brought up the idea that we should get some snacks for everyone since we weren't really assigned to bring something. And the weirdest thing, we bumped into Luka and we hadn't seem him since yesterday, but we're glad he's ok?"

This made Alya confused, her and Luka aren't super close but she naturally felt a bit concern with what Rose said. Because if Luka wasn't at home yesterday during the sudden hurricane storm, then where was he?


AN: Hey so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and will continue to read this book, I'm probably gonna do a couple spam posts since I'm motivated to write, so keep an look out in your notifications. Also I'm gonna try to make the chapters slowly longer as I progress through the story. As I mentioned in the very beginning, bare with me, I'm still relatively new to writing.

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