You Gotta Work Hard, To Make it Look Easy

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Hello my lovely's...


I had a major Hiatus on both of the stories I was writing and I just had, not still have a lot going on that it's up to the point where I barely have any free time to nor do I  have the energy to sit down and work on some chapters.

I hope that everyone is doing well, I'm so sorry for the VERY late update.

Also this song has been happily stuck in my head 🤩, it's like a constant jam session in my brain while doing anything throughout the day.

Another note, be prepared for Luka's... shift in behavior


With a pep in his step, Luka jumped out of bed. He leaped down from the top of the stairs to the bottom, dancing his way into the kitchen as he sung along to a song stuck in his head from the movie night "Fame! I'm gonna live forever, I'm gonna learn how to fly!" 

Rummaging through the fridge, Luka takes out some of the many ingredients to make their favorite weekly healthy breakfast, "I feel coming together, people will see me and cry!"

Taking out plenty off fruits; apples, strawberries, raspberries galore to be tossed into a bowl waiting to be rinsed in the sink as he grabbed the cutting board from the lower cabinets while mumbling more lyrics in the process. Once finding a knife in the draws, Luka grabbed the fresh pineapple and started to cut off the top and sides. 

"All my greatness, it doesn't come for free

All my talent, doesn't grow trees

Take a breather, they'll take it all away

If on top's where you wanna stay~"

Hearing a set a of light footsteps down the stairs, Luka looks up to see the wonderful smile that he is greeted by his muse every morning, "Morning ma vie, sleep well?" only receiving a murmur in response, Luka could only assume it was going to be one those mornings.

"Ma vie, make sure you eat your breakfast or am I gonna have to force it down your throat?" Noticing the smirk present on his beloved muse's face, Luka could see that his intent got across wonderfully as he heard the following.

"Ooh, kinky~! Agh!" Nini jumped away from sharp precise jab that spread from the side of her waist to the rest of her body, "Lu, don't be mean!? I was only joking." crossing her arms to not only protect her sides but to display emotions that were clear as a day to see.

Not bothering to hide his ever growing smile, "I know you were, but you just look so cute when I tease you right back" unable to stifle the laughter that decided to reveal itself once seeing how his muse turned to the side to hide the pout forming. 

Shooting her head back towards her love finishing the preparations of their breakfast,"Rude!!!" stomping over to the couch, "That was definitely not teasing Luka!" 

"I'm sorry my love, but you can't deny that you look absolutely adorable right now" finishing the last preparations of their fruit bowls.

Bringing herself to continue her petty behavior, "Maybe I shouldn't cuddle with you today"

"Ma vie"

"Maybe I should go for a walk, by myself." continuing to egg on.


"Maybe I shouldn't eat breakfast, maybe that'll teach you to not jab your wife's side, giving her cramps--" she didn't realize the severity of her words.

Second Chance (Very Possessive & Controlling Luka Couffaine x Female Oc)Where stories live. Discover now