Anger can lead to Madness

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AN: Hello my lovely's, I know, I'm horrible with updating...

Like I'm horrendous, but this chapter and future ones had me stumped with how I wanted things to progress in the story so I needed to take a step back and formulate a better road map before I continue trying to progress with this story so what your reading isn't shit. 

Also in this chapter, it alludes to them having sex in the end, but the act itself isn't written out. I hope life is treating you well and that you enjoy this chapter


Having to think about her past with Adrien was something Nini didn't ever expect to do when with Luka. He made her forget everything, he made her feel safe and loved. Luka was an oasis she once thought could never be reached. Luka was truly a form of salvation for her, for she never once thought she be able to love another the way she loves Luka. Having to think of someone else, especially those from her past wasn't for the best

She didn't enjoy having to remember Adrien's advances from their childhood from the far and few times that they got to see each other. One of the only reasons why she ever felt safe interacting with him was for Chloe being there. Without Chloe, anything could've happened to her and that's what terrifying her now. 

Knowing how even with these events taking place in the past, she knew that he could rest easy thinking that everything is okay, just going on about his life like nothing ever happened, or what he tried to make something happen.

With a voice full contempt, "... I don't think he has a crush on me Luka" Nini said as she moved away from Luka. Before he could a chance to argue, claiming that to not be the case, Nini continues on, " The feelings that Adrien has for me are disgusting Luka." feeling his arms slither around, tightening his hold, "What he feels isn't love, it isn't even lust...It's a form of control, Lu. Wanting me to be his, disregarding how I even felt about the situation."

Luka held onto her, feeling her normally cold hands felling even colder as she clung onto his shirt, with tears threatening to spill from her eyes. " Adrien doesn't care about how I feel at all, it's like he forgets that I'm a human being. I have feelings and I can think for myself. I just wish that Adrien could quit thinking that everything's okay when it isn't. I'm tired of having to pretend that everything is okay."

Luka held her as she started to cry, thinking about the moments that lead them here. Thinking about that filthy brat who had the audacity to even think of disrespecting his muse. 


How could anyone hurt you?

It doesn't make that much 

sense to me my muse, it truly doesn't.

I couldn't even protect you then and 

I can barely do so much now.

Well... anything I can do legally has been done. 


no, that could make them take her away.

She'll think we're crazy if we resort to that

Other's might think we're weak

How could 


think they're even worthy

Second Chance (Very Possessive & Controlling Luka Couffaine x Female Oc)Where stories live. Discover now