Out of your control

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Hello my lovely's I hope life is treating you well and that nothing is being too stressful, I'm currently a week in for the fall term, wish my luck


As the girls sauntered on, they've been focusing their time and energy into trying to get Adrien arrested in a proper jail cell instead being under house arrest in the Agreste Manor. They still haven't given up a way to try to see Nini. The girls are very confident in the fact that no one has left the apartment, only ever going onto the balcony for fresh air and that's about it. They spend all of their time inside, they don't leave and try to be normal couple, like going out on dates.

However, ever since Adrien stopped the text messages, Nini and Luka have been waiting for the other shoe to drop all week. It couldn't haven been that easy, Adrien just giving up. Neither of them believed he did until they saw on the news about what Adrien has done. Apparently someone from his class found out about his house arrest and sent it to all the major news stations in Paris. It was what every news station was talking about. The two of finally felt like they can breathe again.

As confusing as it was to both sides, they were both happy that Adrien couldn't do any harm to Nini at the moment. To each their own, they considered this a win. 

Now for the girls to tackle the main problem. No one understands or gets why Luka and Nini's relationship is bad and the police didn't care much, just seeing the pictures out of context, thinking that this how teens are now a days.

Juleka even tried to talk to her parents, they heard her out, thinking she might convince them until she heard some laughing. Her mom, trying to being reasonable, "Jules, it's not that we don't recognize your concern, we do. But it's not my place to get involved in this, neither is it yours."

Juleka, enraged, not understanding her mom, "What do mean it's not our place?! He'a my brother and he's your son and--"

"And Luka made the choice to move out and be an adult, didn't he?" Jagged intervened, not wanting the to argue, "Also don't you and your girlfriend practically stay at her place all the time?" Crossing his arms, trying to make a valid point.

Juleka sighed, "It's not about living with her, it's about how it is toxic for both of them to be together and--" being interrupted once by the look on her mother's face.

Sighing, despising the fact that her daughter is so distraught, "Juleka, Luka has to figure that out on his own. He decided to be a grownup and live with his girlfriend and legally he is a grownup. Now, am I happy with how little he talks to us, of course not. But he needs to grow into his own person, give him the chance to be on his own, ok?" now hugging her daughter, comforting the only child she has left until Luka comes to his senses.

The girls not knowing what do, being on the verge of giving up found hope in the last opportune moment.


Finally feeling safe enough to leave the apartment, the couple decided to go grocery shopping in person instead doing delivery, noticing how much Nini was yearning to step outside just like Rapunzel leaving her tower. That would make Luka, Flynn Ryder, minus the thief part and being healed by magical hair. 

As the two of them walked around the aisle, filling up their roll-up cart that they brought from home, Luka couldn't help but feel like someone was starting at Nini. As they walked around the store, the feeling never went away it grew stronger. Then it hit him, like a decrepit smell of a rotting corpse soaked in booze. He briefly turned around to see some fucking creep who looks be one foot in the grave, wanting the fucker to trip and land face first being buried alive so no one can hear him scream.

Seeing the fucking creep trying to walk towards them, Luka ushers Nini straight to the cashier clerk, hoping that it might scare the creep off. It only worked briefly because once they left the store, the replica of morticians practice on opened it's fucking mouth, "WheRE--do yOu thINk yOU'rE goin yOU lil spOTted sluT *hic*!" 

Trying to refrain himself from committing crime in front his muse, he ushered them closer to an area where police officers often patrol. The more the drunk spoke, the more energy it took out of him to not drag the fucker's ass into the alleyway next to him and break the glass bottle the creeps holding and slit its throat , hopefully chocking on its fucking blood and--. Being snapped out of thought process, he spots some officers and walks up them, "Hi, so there's this drunk that's been following us for 10 blocks now and we're hoping you can help."

Some of the female police officers looked over to see Nini, the poor girl is practically shaking, about to offer their help till one of them says, "You seem like the girlfriend seems to like the attention, doesn't she? I mean who walks out looking like leopard, dressed like that and not be asking fo some attention."

Before Luka can react, one of the officers smacked him on the head, saying how he has kids our age, then some of the female officers saying he's definitely getting written up, while the others were trying apologize for what just happened. Finally spotting the creep and him being arrested for public intoxication and sexual harassment.

All the while, Nini was trying to pull up her shirt, thinking that maybe it was a little bit too showy to wear outside. Luka saw that and stopped her hand, holding it in his own, "Don't Nini, what your wearing is perfectly fine and you look super cute. Besides the fact that you're wearing a long skirt and flats, which is covering a lot may I mind you. Your shirt just so happens to allow your skin some wiggle room to breathe, the summer season just started and that officer had no right to say that to you."

Nini, raising her hand, feeling her neck as it's still wrapped to cover the majority of the hickeys, but they can clearly be seen on her collarbone, "Love, if it bothers you, I can help you cover them next time we go out. But you shouldn't feel as if you need to, just because of what others say love." Luka wrapped his arm around her waist, guiding her back to their safe haven.

As the two walked away, making sure the tub of dark chocolate ice cream that they bought hasn't melted too much. They speed walked back to the apartment, not wanting the ice cream to be outside. Finally reaching the harsh cool air inside the apartment, Nini quickly waddled over to the freezer and put the ice cream in first. Feeling a weight being removed from her chest, not enjoying how others treated her today.

As time passed on within the day, the two decided that they should order out and get pizza, not feeling up to cooking after putting away all the groceries. They decided to watch Heathers while waiting for their dinner. Having changed into much more comfortable clothing than earlier. Then they heard knocking on, Nini got up, grabbed the cash on the counter and opened the door.  

The delivery personnel, the one person she didn't want to see, it was him "So your total is 20 euros and-- Nini, when did you learn how to have some fun? Last I've seen of you, you were somewhat of prude." He was eyeing her up and down, clearly showing just how much of a degenerate he truly was, her not believing she cried about this shithead. "I mean it probably wasn't real fun unless it was with me. So how about we--"

The door suddenly slammed fully open and beside Nini, her loving boyfriend stood next her and yanked the pizza out of the guy's hands, "Leave my girlfriend alone jackass. Take the money and leave." putting the pizza on the side table, pulling Nini away and slamming the door shut.


Hello my lovely's I hope you enjoyed this chapter and more in the future, I'm gonna re-read some of the chapters to see if there are parts I need to edit out, like grammatical errors that I missed

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