Love Me, Love Me, Love Me

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Hello my lovely's, I hope that the month of December is treating everyone well. It's final's week for me so bare with me. I kinda rushed this chapter a bit, but I'm committed and stubborn to update this on time rather than do my projects and finals.


"What are you doing here?" Looking at individual in front of him, Luka could only hope that he contain the flames of his rage to maintain the image of warmth and solace for his muse.

"Luka, please we need to talk," stepping closer to the couple, wanting to plead any possible rational explanation to get them to see sense.

He couldn't believe it, Luka couldn't understand as to why. He just wants to be with Nini, how could they view his love as a crime, "Go away Juleka, I don't even want to see you, what makes you think that I'll waste anymore time to speak to you."

Under her breath, "well you're doing that right now" mumbling about the hypocrisy that was present.

"Jules! No, no, I'm not doing this, we're not doing this." taking Nini  by the hand, he tried to walk away only for him to be stopped.

Nini couldn't move, she didn't want to. She couldn't possibly know what Juleka would want to say, Nini could only hope that she would apologize. Nini wished, wanting with every fiber of her being that Juleka was there to apologize. 


Looking over to Juleka, she could see her pleading with her eyes, begging Don't Leave. With that look, it strengthened her hope of Luka and Juleka mending their relationship. 

Things could change, they have to, right? Change is inevitable, no one can resist change, it's natural. Things can better, they have to 

Removing her hand from his hold "Lu, I can head back to the apartment" 

"Ma vie--"

"Mi vida please" placing her hand to cradle his face, "Just...try to hear her out, talk to your sister. If you don't want to talk to her or see after this I won't force you. I just don't want you to do anything you'll regret." removing herself from his embrace, grabbing her bags and walked away.

Seeing his muse leave, walking away, once again she left him in control. She left him with a choice. 

"5 minutes" turning to face his biological relation, "you get 5 minutes"


Scrolling through her playlist, she found a song she could sing along to. Måneskin was to say the least, one of her newest hyper fixations with music. Timezone was one of the few songs that altered her brain chemistry, wanting to have the words embedded into her being.

Humming along to the song, she couldn't help but notice the blur of yellow running towards her. Being tackled to the ground, she looked up to see a very eccentric blonde, "Nini! I missed you so much and I can't believe you went to Madame Cique's Boutique without moi!" only for said blonde to shake her back and forth from her shoulders.

"Chloe, get off of Nini, you're gonna crush her!" Lila ran over to pull her off while Kagami and Marinette grabbed the bags that fell to the ground.

Wiping the nonexistent dirt of her clothes, "Well excusez-moi, I--"

Lila pulled Nini up from the ground,"Shut up Chloe, Nini we really missed you, Luka wouldn't let us see you like at all." pulling the startled girl into a hug.

Whil being handed her bags,"Oh, right. I remember seeing you guys leave that one time..." she remembered the conversation her and Luka had earlier on.

"What?" Lila didn't think that Nini knew they came to see her, "So those things you said in the group chat were actually from you?"

"Groupchat?" unsure of what Lila was referring to, Lila handed her phone over to Nini. 

Scrolling through the messages, she saw the messages. Messages, messages, messages... these aren't messages, this is harassment, "You planned to send this to me?"

"Nini, we just want you to be ok--"

Shoving Lila's phone back to her, "I am ok, I'm fine. If anything, all of you were hurting me. No wonder Luka told me only Juleka tried to talk to me, he was trying to protect me from, from this!"feeling tears starting to well up, trying to stop them from falling.

In complete disbelief, "For fucks sake Nini, Luka is controlling you! God he is so possessive and controlling of anything that revolves around you!" Chloe couldn't understand why Nini kept on defending Luka's behavior. 

Turning away to walk from her friends, "All of you, your all wrong, Luka is--"

Only for Chloe to step back in front of her, "A controlling, manipulative, possessive person who locks you away from the world and you deserve better than this!" to stop her in her path


The girls all turned the source, seeing the one thing that they thought they had accounted for, Luka.


I'm a fucking genius, stepping back and letting them destroy their connection to my muse all on their own is working.

Seeing his muse surrounded by all those opposed them, for Nini to run straight into his embrace, "Luka!" 

"What's going on? Nini?" feigning innocence, controlling the urge to smirk at the near defeat of his rivals.

Shaking her head in disbelief, "I just wanna go home. Please, I just want us to go home." gripping onto her bags, swaying in pace to calm her nerves as she felt her voice begin to break.

Chloe couldn't believe what was happening in front her, she refused to believe it, "Nini please, you're not seeing what we're seeing. We're your friends and all we want is for you to be happy and in a healthy relationship."

Sensing where she was taking this, "Chloe..." Lila tried to warn the blonde from continuing her rampage, only to be ignored.

Chloe continued to speak, her words flowing from her fast than she could process the words she was saying, "Fuck, you may be happy now, but you're in a toxic relationship and being with Luka is going to make things worse. You think being locked inside is going to help your agoraphobia? Well it's not, you know you need to get over it and--" only for her to hit the final nail on her coffin, finishing her deathbed for where their friendship will lie.

Slowing looking over to the blonde"get over it?..."

Finally processing her words, she tried to apologize, "Get over it? ", key word tried

Being released from Luka's hold, "Get over it?! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?! Chloe you at of all people have known me the longest but you barely know anything at all!" getting into Chloe's face, not wanting to put up with their assault any longer.

Kagami and Marinette have only been observers at this point, but Marinette could tell that Luka was different, a bad different. Call it her Ladybug instinct, but she sensed darkness in Luka and she could see it seeping into Nini, affecting her the more time she spent with him, "Nini, we're just concerned about you and--"

"I'm thankful for your concern, but if Luka was really controlling me, he wouldn't let me have a choice, right?" stopping anyone else who would just continue to hurt Luka, "I understand that Luka might've not been a good partner for you, but he's wonderful for me. None of you understand and I'm tired of having to explain it to you all. "

Looking back at Luka, he was waiting there, waiting for what she was going to do. He was leaving her with the choice, he always let her make her own decisions, her friends just don't understand, " I just want to go home."

Instantaneously, Luka grabbed her bags and her hand. Walking away with her back to their safe haven, they left the girls there as any other plan they create would only crumble and fall apart.


Hello my lovely's, so sorry that I updated like an hour late, but finals have been a pain in the fucking ass and I'm using this as a break.

Second Chance (Very Possessive & Controlling Luka Couffaine x Female Oc)Where stories live. Discover now