Well that escalated quickly...

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!!! WARNING !!!

There will be smut/lemon in this chapter, if you are not comfortable reading this then please pay attention to the star signs (***) to know when it starts and ends, but it basically takes up the entire chapter so...yea

Also fair warning, first time writing a smut/lemon scene so I'm apologizing now if it's horrible. 

And this chapter will be a bit longer than others for... reasons


Now this kiss was just plan needy and lustful. They both knew exactly how the other felt. They both knew that it's strange for two individuals who just met to be so closely intense and intimate with each other, but it felt like second nature.

The way how their bodies felt against each other while kissed was so breathtaking, they never wanted to stop. Luka the started to trail kisses down from her jaw to her necks, with him receiving moans of validation and approval of his actions.

Nini, growing impatient, started to groan and whimper, wanting feel some friction between the two. So she tightened her grip her legs had around his waist, humping against Luka so he understand her need and want to just fuck him. 

Luka held onto her hips, stopping any momentary pleasure that arose in her while she grinned against him, "I need you to tell me, exactly what you want me to do Nini."

Nini started to whimper, wanting Luka to just take her, litter her body with love bites and hickeys, and to make her feel ecstatic, "please..."

Luka, beginning to get off at the fact that Nini was going to beg, began to tease her, "Sorry, what was that? I need you to speak up darling~"

He began to chuckle as he heard her groan in annoyance, knowing quite well exactly what she wanted.


With a deep breath Nini asked, "Please just fuck me already~ Fuck me till I can't take it anymore."

Given with that permission, Luka needed to one more, very important thing, "Baby, do you have safe word you wanna use?"

"Ummm..." Nini hadn't necessarily thought that far ahead, for her mind was clouded with lust and want.

"How about apple?" Nini thought it was simple enough to remember. 

"Ok, apple it is. Now I want you to just sit back and relax, ok?" Nini nodded as Luka cupped her face once more and brought her into a kiss while he began to lift up her baggy shirt to see she was wearing only panties underneath.

Luka grinned, wondering if Nini purposefully did this to entice him or really didn't care about what she wore in front of others "Do you normally not wear a bra and shorts when hanging out with a stranger you just met?"

Nini's face reddened, not because of Luka touch but because of his words, she normally doesn't wear a bra when home and she thought the shirt would be long enough that she wouldn't need shorts.

"It's okay gorgeous, it's kinda cute. It just means for now on whenever I stay over, I get to see this precious body of yours practically bare, just for me." 

He began giving Nini some more kisses to reassure that everything was ok. Until he felt her push against his chest, tapping him, "Wait, umm pineapple, wait no umm it was apple, right?"

Luka never seen someone so flustered, it was endearing to him, "Yes gorgeous, do you wanna stop? We can go back to watching the movie if you want?"

Nini shook her head, "No! I mean no, it's just... I don't have any birth control and I don't think you'd just carry condoms on you. I just don't wanna... you know... have bun in the oven."

Luka understood her concern but Nini didn't need to worry, "Darling, I kinda thought ahead knowing that would be the case. I originally had something else in mind, don't worry it's the pull out method, god knows that doesn't work. I was thinking of just focusing on you. I'm more of a giver than a receiver during sex anyway, so I just want you to relax, ok. Let me take care of you."

Nini nodded her head once more, "Ok, can we continue?"

Luka nodded his head and began kissing her once more as he slowly started to trail down to her neck, kissing her until he the right spot that made her moan, a melody that he immediately became addicted to. He began to smoother that part of her neck with affection, leaving hickeys and love bites that it'll take expert usage of makeup to cover.

Once he left his very big, noticeable hickey, he lifted her shirt up a little to gain better access to see wear he needed to hook his fingers to yank Nini's panties off. Once he removed them, he was about to take off Nini's shirt, but decided against it. Not only did it turn him on to see Nini in baggy clothes, Luka didn't want Nini to be uncomfortable for their first time together. 

Instead, he removed his top so that Nini wasn't the only one almost completely naked. Luka then slowly placed her on his lap, her back facing him with her shirt rolled up to where it was only showing below Nini's waist. He then gently placed his hand on her thighs, slowly tracing them up and down.

"Now, if you want to stop at anytime, just say the word and I'll stop, ok?"

Nini nodded her head, but that wasn't enough for Luka, "Gorgeous, I need a verbal reposonse, ok?"

Nini nodded her head once more, "...ok, i understand."

"Good" Luka then began to continue to trace and slowly drag his fingers up along her thighs. Hearing her let out a whimper, he turned her head to kiss her and he started to drag his fingers along the outside of her entrance, slightly but barely touching her clit to give her any relief or satisfaction.

Nini felt Luka hot breath against her ear as he whispered, "Now I want you to stare at my fingers, as each one begins to slowly disappear inside of you as you get closer and closer to releasing darling." And with that Nini immediately felt and saw two fingers slowly going into her and being brought back out, a pattern the increased rapidly while another two fingers from Luka's left hand began to trace, pinch and rub her clit. 

A feeling of contentment and ecstasy was something Nini never thought a man could bring, since any of her prior "experience" was actually educating others about the vagina. Luka was touching her in place she herself didn't know that could be reached with just fingers, it was an ethereal feeling that both experienced.

Luka had been with both genders and those non-comforting, but anything sexual didn't feel liberating or amazing as it should. Luka never thought he could just be satisfied with just hearing Nini's moans and panting, losing her composure entirely. He felt her grip onto him, barely being able to wiggle a finger, he rearranged his legs to help Nini's from clamping down on him.

Once Nini's leg were spread more, she could easily see Luka was continuing to pleasure her body. As she began to feel a knot in her stomach, she began to thrust her hips onto Luka's fingers, which the action was responded to Luka stopping and holding her in place. "Gorgeous, I told you that you don't need to do anything, just relax. Besides that, this isn't the only time your cumming tonight."

Luka began to thrust his fingers into Nini faster, rebuliding the tension and knot within her, until Nini came all over his fingers.

Luka began to kiss Nini some more and then laid her down on her bed, "Did you feel good my darling~?" 

"yea... i did" Nini smiled and she stared up at Luka.

Luka than began to lick his hands clean and moaned in content, "Hmmm, wonder if you taste better straight from the source." He then trailed some kisses down from your stomach back down to your vagina.

"You did say for me to fuck you till you can't take it anymore. So, are you ready for round 2?"


AN: Hey so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, first time writing a smut/lemon, I hope it wasn't trash. Will be posting another chapter soon, good bye for now.

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