Understanding you

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There will be smut/lemon in this chapter, if you are not comfortable reading this then please pay attention to the star signs (***) to known when it starts and when it ends, but it takes up a good part of the chapter.

Also, sorry for the fact that I'm not very consistent with updates... And with the fact that I've been a ghost. A lot has been going on in my life and I'll try to be bit more consistent, but no grantees.


With the Lila and those nosey strangers gone from Nini's apartment, Luka stormed over to Nini and picked her up to sit down with her on the couch.

Luka then started to nuzzle into her neck and hold onto her, playing with her hair and stroking it to calm himself down.

Nini sighs as she holds onto Luka, starting to play with his hair as well "Lu, can you tell me what all that was about? I'm not upset with all those people coming into my apartment. You had no control over that, if anything I need to talk to Lila and find out why she brought them over. Like if she really wanted to hangout, she could've texted me instead of just coming unannounced, like who does that?"

"I just don't like the fact that Marinette and Juleka just barged into your apartment and think that they can ask questions that are way to personal and have say in what I get to do in my life." Luka then proceeds to lift Nini up into a position of her facing him while straddling his lap. " I especially fucking hate Marinette for making you uncomfortable, and how that shitshow went down because of her and those fucking classmates of hers."

Nini was quite confused, Luka's sister was one of the individuals there, did Luka and his sister not get along well? Nini leaned forward and started to place kisses on his cheek, "Luka, I understand that you're upset but they're gone now. So how about we finish the movie and cuddle some more, cause I'm guessing you'll have to go home soon, right?"

Luka then turns Nini's head and proceeds to kiss her lips passionately, "Well I think I could be persuaded to spend the night once more if a certain someone asked me to stay."

"Luka" he hummed in response to Nini "Would you like to stay another night here with me?"

"Of course gorgeous" Luka says as he smirks and leans in for another kiss.


Luka wraps his arms around Nini and starts continually kiss her while he places her legs to wrap his legs, "Hold on tight darling." He then proceeds to lift her up from the couch and carry her to her bedroom upstairs.

Luka manages to get them to her room and tosses Nini onto the bed while they both start to undress themselves. Luka looked over to Nini with hooded eyes, gazing at this girl who turned his life upside down as he slowly saunters over to her, like a predator with his prey "Fuck Nini, how is it that you have this pull over me? The way you make me feel like is something that I've never felt before. It's thrilling and electrifying." Luka then crawls on top of Nini and starts to leave a trail kisses from neck to her chest leading all the way to waist as he positions himself in front of her entrance.

Luka enjoyed giving to her more than he did receiving. He never truly felt so captivated by another human being. Sure he did receive pleasure formerly in the past and has been on the receiving end of things, but the way how he can make her just melt and crumble with only using his fingers, or better yet with his tongue is such a major turn on.

So knowing that his girlfriend just easily melts into his hands like putty makes it feel all the worth wile. But Nini had other plans, as she pushes herself up and wraps her legs around Luka's waist, "Slow down there Luka"

Nini pushes Luka to lay down onto the disarray of pillows on the bed, "How about you just sit back and relax? You always please me Luka, so let me please you."

She looked down as she lowered herself onto him, taking him in her as he fit completely. It felt intoxicating, feeling him trail his hands to squeeze her waist, to then rest them on her hips.

Even with Nini rolling her hips to constantly reconnect with him, Luka had strong grip to control and set the pace. Their moans filled the room as they're met with an eager release from the lovers.

Luka can't help but look upon the one person who controls him. The one person who within mere seconds of meeting had him on his knees to be with her. He can't help but want to display all the love he has for her.

As they both start to come down from their high, Luka flips Nini onto her backside and litters kisses across her collarbone, to mark and show a physical display of his emotions.

"Nini, my precious muse, please let me love you, let me show you how I feel." Luka continued to leave a trail of feverish kisses, bruising her more and more the lower he went.

Nini tilted her head to meet Luka's eyes, trying to speaking and breathe was growing to be quite difficult, "Lay all of your love onto me Luka, I can take it."

They both once more moved with one another, molding their form into one being, growing even more attached than before. With each thrust came an overwhelming dose of ecstasy. Bringing them to an oasis where they're able to be just the two them in such a troubling, invasive world.


Reaching their release once more together, the feeling of shared isolation faded from Luka's mind, now remembering the actions perviously within the day.

Nini, barely being able to be conscious, managed to wrap their arms around Luka to bring him into a kiss. Connecting the two once more.

While the two lovers had their shared time alone together, those outside the apartment walls continued to prod and poke at the relationship at hand.


AN: Hello everyone, I know that I'm absolutely horrible at updating this fanfic, bare with me. Although I hope you enjoying this story. The main reason why I did fanfic is because I hadn't seen other pics like this for Luka and he's my favorite. Also I saw some of the episodes from season 5, fore warning that this is taking place, around beginning of season 4 and is going far away from what's cannon.

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