Retail Therapy, super affective 😊

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Hello my lovely's, I hope that the end of the fall season is treating you all well as we head into the dreaded season for me at least... Christmas...

I have to deal with the fucking nutcrackers that are around my house, unable to escape the what, 80 nutcrackers my family (mainly my mother) has up.


Once satisfied with how they both looked, did Nini allow them to exit the apartment, After spending a hour straight rearranging and then scourging through the clothes in her wardrobe to find what she deemed "the perfect outfit" for their date.

Nini was truly over the moon, they didn't go out often. The couple enjoyed spending their time together, away from prying eyes, but she did want to experience some dates outside, occasionally that is.

Ever since dating Luka, Nini thought she would have to get over her dreaded fear of being in public spaces, a fear she's only developed over time. There were times, the far and few in between now, that she could handle or want to go outside, today being on of those days. It was as if someone, anyone of the deities that she followed, presented the perfect partner for her to be with.

Luka never forced her to do anything she didn't want to do. In fact, he encouraged her to stay inside and do things at her pace with anything that they did. It wasn't Luka's fault that they spent most of her time inside, it was hers.

That's what everyone had wrong.

Luka just wanted her to feel safe and comfortable in her own skin. How could anyone say anything negative about her boyfriend, the girl could only wonder.

Taking a deep breathe, "Ahh, the fresh air" strolling down the street holding onto her loving boyfriend. Smiling with glee and the two walked down the streets of Paris, reaching her favorite part of the city, the Triangle d'Or. This was the place for anyone who wished to shop the best of best quality of clothes.

However, she did feel slightly guilty for dragging Luka to the boutique she had been wanting to go to as of late. She just wanted to escape in retail therapy, this isn't such a bad thing, now is it. She would just go in, spend a short time looking through the clothes here and--

Nope, not gonna happen! Luka had mentally prepared himself to be there for the next 2 hours, and he didn't mind one bit. He loved seeing his muse light up and try on a multitude of outfits that started to create a pile in the dressing room. 

Jumping out through the dressing room curtains as she'd done for the past hour, "Lu! What do think about this one?!" spinning around to give Luka a full 360 view of yet the 28th outfit she had constructed with the clothes she found.

"You look wonderful Nini" feeling his heart grow with glee, loving the fact his muse wants him to be involved in her hobbies and passions. Standing up to inspect the outfit further,  "You should just buy everything, you look absolutely breath taking in these clothes. Especially that little dress you tried on earlier. Maybe you should wear that for the next date we go on?" 

Turning away from her reflection in the mirror, seeing the smile that warmed her heart every time she saw Luka, "Really?"

Pulling her into a quick embrace, "Really" placing a kiss upon her forehead and went to sit back in the waiting chair.

Entering back into the dressing room, it got Nini thinking, thinking about things she wished she could just ignore and forget.

They have to be wrong

They have to, I mean he's approving what choices I choose to make

He's not controlling, he's encouraging big difference

He lets me make my own decisions

Luka and I don't control each other

We trust each other, big difference

 It truly was a beautiful time he got to spent with his muse. That was until she went back into the dressing room till he noticed someone who was staring at his muse. That needed to change and it needed to change now.


Ahh, now everything's prefect. His muse payed for the mountain of clothes she tried on, not wanting to make more work for the individuals who worked at the boutique since she practically took a bit of everything she saw in the boutique. Gods bless her bank account, cause there's no way that Luka's account would've been able to recover when he saw the total at the register.

It was like these small few moments that reminded him just how different the two were. Luka had his job with delivery, emphasis on had. Nini, being probably just as clingy as her lovely boyfriend, being the oblivious bean she could be at times, just slightly, suggested that Luka could just basically be a trophy husband and let her handle the finances.

Now Nini, she has the privilege of starting to work for her parents for the past 2 years and gaining a lot of money to practically live on her own. It was one of contributing reasons as too why her parents let her live on her own. She was the one paying for her apartment, while simultaneously finishing her education throw online schooling.

Luka truly didn't mind, he thought it was a win win. His muse is happy that he's around more and he didn't have to leave her side, basically ever. To him it was perfect, barely a compromise. 

Though there were times like these, that Luka wanted to show that he isn't just taking advantage of Nini's generosity. So he would carry everything, he wouldn't let Nini do anything physically strenuous. He would clean the apartment top to bottom, he would handle any and all heavy lifting that didn't step on what Nini wanted to do.

So carrying the mass amount of bags from the boutique, only letting Nini carry 3 out of the 12 bags, did they mange to get to the restaurant Luka had planned for them to go. The restaurant was perfect for people who would love to shop in mass amounts, having a holding area for guests to place their bags.

Everything was going great today, the couple truly did enjoy their date. If only Quinn didn't message the group chat with a picture of Nini and Luka.


Hello my lovely's I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

I know, I know, I uploaded this chapter like an hour late, I was doing so well too 😭😭😭

However, being physically ill is a fucking bitch and I'm stubborn so I wanted to upload a chapter a today. Also my glasses literally decided to give out on me and break 😭 I actually like the frame that I have.

Second Chance (Very Possessive & Controlling Luka Couffaine x Female Oc)Where stories live. Discover now