It's easier to despise than forgive

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AN: Hello everyone, idk for any of you guys but life has been hectic for me. I literally just took one of my finals and I think I passed, hopefully. Anyway I hope your doing fine today, it's rainy rn where I'm at and I don't have an umbrella :(

Italics represent thoughts


Marinette Dupain-Cheng

Why the actual fuck are you here?!

Luka, completely enraged, as to why Marinette is even there. Tonight was supposed to go perfect. It was already going according to plan. 

- Introduce Nini properly to his mom and dad, so that way Juleka can butt out of his business. 

- Get the family to like Nini, why wouldn't they like my muse, she's ethereal, absolute perfection. 

-Then Nini is supposed to be happy since I've done a wonderful job as her boyfriend.

Now Marinette is ruining everything! She's not supposed be here, why is she even here, did she know that I was introducing Nini to my family? Did Juleka tell her to come? No that doesn't make any sense. Why is she here?!

It was quite difficult for Luka to remain calm, but luck must be on his side since the Moth bitch hasn't akumatized him yet. As for everyone else present, they feel the high tension and anger radiating off of Luka.

Marinette, standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do, started to ramble in hopes she could try to explain herself, "I must've come at the bad time. I thought it would be ok since Juleka didn't say that anything was going today and I just wanted to return her jacket and now I completely messed up your family dinner Juleka, I'm so so sorry I-" Marinette was interrupted by her rambling by Luka walking over and taking the jacket from Marinette's hands and shoving it towards Juleka.

"There, you've returned Juleka's jacket. As you've mentioned, we're having a family dinner, now if you would please leave, that would greatly appreciated." Marinette didn't really understand Luka's attitude, why was he acting like this? 

Surely she didn't mean to interrupt everything, but he didn't need to be so rude about it. Something seemed wrong with how Luka's acting, both times now that she's seen Luka with Nini and he's been rude.

Nini is Lila's best friend apparently, does that mean the Nini is just like Lila the lying manipulator, or even worse?! What if she's telling Luka that he can't be friends with me or even be polite to me?! No, Luka's smart, he wouldn't be acting like this just because his girlfriend told him to do so.

"I don't wanna cause any trouble, I should just le-" Marinette is interrupted once more but by Juleka, she's far from pleased by Luka's behavior.

Juleka had risen from her spot at the table, slamming her hands down, "What's gotten into you Lu?! You've never been this rude, ever! Why are you treating Marinette like she's vermin or the scum of the earth?! Yes, I understand that the two of you broke up and that it was messy for both of you, but it does not give you the right to be treating her like this! Isn't she still your friend just as she is mine? Why are you treating her like this?!"

Nini, was quite shocked and very confused at all of this. It made more sense to her as to why Lila and Adrien were stating why Marinette was important when they invaded her apartment. 

She's Luka's ex-girlfriend, of course she is. That probably explains why Lila wanted me to meet her, did she think that Marinette still has feelings for Luka? I don't think she does, besides what matters right now is that Luka and Juleka need to stop arguing.

Before Luka could respond to Juleka's outburst, Nini got up her seat and spoke, "Ms.Couffaine, dinner was absolutely lovely, thank you for inviting me. Jagged, it was wonderful to meet you, I'm such a big fan of your music. Jules, I'm glad that I got to know you better but I'm guessing it's time for Luka and I to leave. Marinette nice to see you again even though we didn't really talk to each other last time. Lu, could you be so kind as to walk me back home?"

Luka stormed over, still irritated from Marinette's presence and Juleka being even more nosy than she had been this past week. He grabbed Nini's hand and asked, "Is ok if I were to stay over again? I would much prefer to stay at your place so that way we can talk?"

Nini nodded her head in agreement, "Yes Lu, you can stay over. Goodbye everyone, it was wonderful to meet you all."

Without as much as a goodbye being able to leave Anarka's lips, the two of them stepped out onto the deck and left the boat, it was then that Nini turned to Luka to ask, "What was that back there Luka? What was with all the arguing and the anger?... Are you ok?"

Luka sighed, this was not apart of his plan. He was supposed to show how he's a great person to be near, to solidify their relationship, and how she should remain his girlfriend. "I shouldn't have reacted like that, it's just... Marinette, she... irks me, leaving me completely annoyed due to the fact that she can be so... so, stupid and completely oblivious of her actions and words, thinking that they don't have an effect on people, but they do."

Nini noticed how Luka's fist began to tighten the more he spoke, she placed her hands onto his, trying and hoping to calm him down.

It works, only slightly though; Luka still feels pissed that his plan went awry. But he can see that Nini wishes to calm him. He grabs hold of her hands, bringing them up to place a kiss onto them, "It's late, we should head home."

Nini smiles at him, happy that Luka and her were able to connect so quickly, and how at home they feel with one another. But she would still like to understand what is it that Marinette did, why she upset him so much?

As the couple walks away from the boathouse, neither noticed that the small blue haired girl was listening. Marinette started to become guilty for ruining their dinner but concerned for the couple. 

Since when did Luka have so much anger? And why is it being targeted towards me and everyone else? We're just concerned and I guess we could go showing it in a different way it that'll be better. I just hope that Nini is truly as kind as she appears to be, I don't want Luka to get hurt. I've already hurt him enough as it is.


AN: Hello everyone, sorry for such a short chapter, but there is more to come so hang in there.

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