Operation: Fallen Angel

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Hello my lovely's, I hope that this week has been eventful and that everyone is feeling the festive cheer as we start to enter the winter season.


Finally sitting down in Bistro des Champs, searching through the menu to find out exactly what they would like, only to be interrupted by the server doing her job.

"Good evening Monsieur and Mademoiselle, I am your server Lea, would you either of you like water to start off?" standing with clear perfected posture, only for it to falter when she locked eyes onto Nini's form.

Unaware of the change in atmosphere,"Yes, that'd be very much appreciated, thank you." Nini carried on with searching through the menu.

Luka, completely alert and aware of how Lea was eyeing his muse up down, tying to stabilize his raging desire to drag himself and Nini back to the privacy of their home. He began to drown himself with breathing techniques and calming exercises to ignore the burning want to--

"Lu? Are you alright?" looking over to see his muse's concern for his wellbeing

Luka reaches for Nini's hand across the table, holding onto her, "I'm alright love, promise." 

Attempting to dismiss her concern,"Well, Lea just came back and asked us if either of us know what we'd like to order. As for me I'm not sure just yet, how about you love, do you know what you would like?" just wanting to spend a nice evening with her boyfriend.

Noticing how Luka was unable to respond, Nini smiles at Lea, "We're both still looking over the menu, if you could give us some more time that'd be appreciated."

Lea nods her head, walking away as the couple continue for their search for what they'd like for dinner.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NINI AND LUKA ARE OUT ON A DATE?!" shouting to display her complete and utter shock, while the others thought as to how they can readjust their plan.

Marinette, trying to attempt to calm down the blonde, "No Chloe, this is good thing--"

Feeling her eye begin to twitch, "A good thing? A GOOD THING?! Dupain-Cheng, Nini and I were supposed to go to that boutique together and Luka has the audacity to take her there before moi!" the designer's attempt was all in vain, as the blonde flew off the handle, unable to contain her rage, "When I get my hands on that blue headed, charming, manipulative, lying son of a bitch--"

Lila latched onto Chloe's shoulders,"CHLOE! Breathe" to shake some sense into her.

"No Lila, how could Luka--" having enough of the blonde's complaints, Kagami stood up from her spot and walked over to the blonde, slapping her in face to get her to shut up.

The group was completely silent, Marinette was worried for what Chloe would do, "Thank you Tsurugi, I needed that" only for her worry to turn into shock since Kagami was able to get away with slapping Chloe. 

Taking the lead, "We can focus on shopping later, right now we have the perfect opportunity to execute plan C- 6, Operation Fallen Angel." Kagami directed the girls  to get back on track.

Opening up the group chat to review the photos, "Quinn sent us the photo of them entering the Bistro des Champs, that's near the fashion district, since they were previously in the Etoile Boutique." seeing Chloe trying to take deep breathes as she saw the mass amounts of bags from the boutique, "If we take a cab, we should be be there by the time before they finish at the Bistro."

Chiming in,"Well, that's if Nini likes what's there" seeing Chloe nod in agreement

"What do you mean?" confusing the half go the group that knew Nini the least

Standing up, "Well we know Luka is practically obsessed with Nini." receiving nods of understanding, motion for her to continue. "If Nini doesn't like the food, why stay there." making a very valid point.

Opening her purse, "No way am I getting in a cab, let's go bitches" Chloe takes out her car keys and drags the girls out the door to rescue her best friend.


"What are you doing?" Feeling sudden contact on her thigh, Nini haphazardly turned her head at speeds that should've caused her to accidentally snap her neck. 

Smiling, no smirking at his love,"What do you mean my muse? I'm just eating my meal." as he continued to creep up her thigh, drawing incoherent shapes along the way.

Quickly getting up, "I have to go to the bathroom!" announcing quite loudly, trying to escape the clear teasing Luka was trying to do. 

Before Luka could respond, Nini zoomed from the table and rushed into the restroom. Splashing some water onto her face to cool off, did Nini notice Lea entering the restroom.

Lea walked over, "Hey I noticed that you ran from your table, are doing ok?" displaying genuine concern for Nini.

Wanting to clear any misunderstanding, "Oh! I'm fine, just a little flustered, that's all. I swear, my boyfriend takes any opportunity to make me flustered." grabbing the paper towels to dry her hands.

"You sure?" receiving a nod from Nini did the obvious tension from Lea's shoulder's released, "Ok, well, enjoy your date." leaving Nini to regain her composure.

Ok, deep breathes Nini. Deep breathes, deep... fucking hell Luka

Straightening out her clothes, Nini returned to the table, only to try once more to ignore Luka's teasing.


Peering at the entrance of the Bistro with her binoculars,"Oh! I see them leaving now" Marinette spotted the couple exiting with the mass amount of bags from the boutique.

Kagami took the binoculars to confirm Marinette's observation, calling their outside agent, "Ok, it's all on you. Commencing Plan C-6, Operation Fallen Angel is a go."

Watching from Chloe's Lexus, the group saw the plan unfold, waiting for their cue to jump in. 


Hello my lovely's, I hope everything is going well for you all. It was a little difficult to write this chapter due to the multiple scene cuts but this chapter still felt short to me, sorry about that. I do hope that you all enjoyed this chapter.

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