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Luka's POV

As I walk down the streets of Paris, her words replay like a mantra in my mind, emphasizing my pain and anguish that I feel towards her, Marinette.

"The truth Luka, is the only thing I can't give you."

Why, I understand why. I know who she really is and I know that were weren't meant to be.

I know what I getting myself into and let myself get hurt by her, over and over again, hoping that she'd pick me, the one who actually cared about her.

But I do have to say that they were meant for each other, Marinette and Adrien. The perfect couple. Both oblivious to how the other feels for them while the pine for their perfect half.

I find it revolting

Why does being myself get me screwed over, Marinette?

Is it karma for my past? The one time I actually care for a girl and her feelings is the one time I get screwed over, great.


As Luka's mind starts to swarm with anger and disgust for himself and those around him, on the other side of the street, a girl walks home alone, crying in a pitiful state.

How was she supposed to know that her crush was only being nice to her in hopes of getting closer to her friend Lila Rossi.

It disturbed her too her core, how could someone use others like that for her own benefit, at least she knows that she has a good friend, Lila told him straight forward that she wasn't interested in them.

She even offered to walk the poor girl home, but she denied, seeing how it was getting late and she didn't want her friend to walk home in the dark after ensuring her safety.

As to two reach the corner, turning to meet, them bump into each other and both fall to the ground.

Luka locks eyes with the teary eyed girl, breaking himself from his negative thoughts, wondering why was she so sad.

Until he heard the music coming from her heart. A single lonely harp, playing such a remorseful tune, sounding broken, empty but such a beautiful sight to behold. He'd never seen such beautiful eyes, as the more they cried added flakes green into her shades of golden brown. 

The girl looks at Luka cyan eyes, wondering just who else seemed to be so angry with the world just as she'd been.

"Sorry" Both spoke at the same time, gaining a laugh from Luka. He stands up and offers a hand to the girl. She looks between him and his hand and accepts his small bit of human decency she had yet to see today. 

"Thank you uh, I'm sorry what's your name?" The girl asked, "My name is Nini by the way, Nini Thornwall." 

"I'm Luka, Luka Couffaine. May I ask, are you okay?" He looked at her with empty, understanding that the pain Nini was feeling was from a broken heart. 

"In all honesty Luka..." she hesitated, wondering if she should really be telling a stranger this, "I'm not doing so well, but I'll mange, I always do."

Luka frowned, even though he just met her, his heart began to ache for he didn't want some whom seemed to be so sincere to be going through such agony over someone who probably doesn't deserve her tears.

With luck on his side, he spots Andre the ice-cream man, that's a good way to cheer someone up. Luka, still holding onto her hand, he pulls a little and points at Andre's direction "Come on, lets go get some ice-cream from Andre, that always tends to cheer me up."

Nini shifts away still sad from the events from earlier that day, "I don't think I have enough money for ice-cream, but thanks anyway. I sh-"

"Did I asked if you had any money for ice-cream?" 

Such a bold remark from Luka made Nini become flustered due to shock, "No you didn't, but I-"

"Na-uh, you answered my second question but not my first, so what will it be Gorgeous?" With blush on her becoming stronger and more apparent by the second, she responds to his deamands and says, "Sure, why not."

So the two of walk over to Andre, still holding onto one another and have yet to let go. Andre sees the two of them and his eyes sparkle in delight. "Oh what an amazing new couple has come to visit me today! Bonjour Luka and the new mademoiselle with you, tell me what is your name?" 

"My name is Nini, Monsieur." 

Andre scoffed, "Nonsense, called me Andre. So I have such a wonderful mixture to describe the two you. Pepp-" 

Luka interrupts Andre, "Actually we wondering if you could do us separately." 

Nini adds on "The thing is, we're not together, I mean not that we couldn't be together, I wouldn't mind being together with Luka, I mean- umm... we're not a couple." 

Luka laughs a bit as this cute girl stumbles around with her words but does pay attention to what she says. "We would really appreciate it if we could get our own." 

Andre sighs, "Well alright, for you Nini dear, peppermint for his bold bravery and blueberry for such mysterious eyes. And for you Luka, vanilla for the purity of her heart, strawberry for the color of her lips and dark chocolate with golden flakes for her passionate eyes. I hope you enjoy them and find the answers your looking for." 

Luka pays Andre and the two of them walk over to a nearby bench and sit down.

"Hey Luka, I wondering if we could switch ice-creams, I'm more of a chocolate kind of gal." Luka's a bit confused, since it isn't normal to switch Andre's ice-creams.

"You do know that ice-cream to supposed to represent your true love, right? I don't know about you but I like the way how mine was described so I'm not switching."

Nini was surprised, since she's never gotten ice-cream from Andre before. She studies the ice-cream and recalls how Andre described the flavors, she then turns to Luka and released that Andre described Luka. Well, what she thinks so anyway.

Maybe a part of Nini wanted it to be Luka anyway. A kind stranger whom she bumped into and who is now sitting down with her eating ice-cream.

As the two of them are eating their ice-cream, Nini mutters, "still wished I could've gotten some of that chocolate though."

Luka sighs, "Do you really, want some of my ice cream?" 

She perked up and her eyes started to shine like stars, "Really, you'd let me have some?!"

Luka smiled, "Of course I would... but for a small price, naturally."

Nini chuckled, "Oh great wonderful Luka, what do I need to do to get some of that chocolate ice-cream?"

Luka smirked, "You have to give me a kiss."


















"Excuse me?"


AN: Thank you for reading and I hope you'll continue reading!

Have a great day!

Second Chance (Very Possessive & Controlling Luka Couffaine x Female Oc)Where stories live. Discover now