Attached at the hip

616 19 4

Hello my lovely's, I hope today is treating you well and that everything is going at least decent for you. As for me, sleep loves to allude me, like I get 1 hour, maybe 3 hours of sleep at times or no sleep at all, then there other times I get like 10 or 12 hours. 

Do any of you guys know how to some consistent sleep?... Ok maybe this is wrong place to get advice for sleeping habits but I'm desperate here. 

Also, how are you guys enjoying this story so far? I'm gonna try a consistent POV this chapter, wish me luck, it'll just be Nini's perspective.


Waking up from the pizza that we destroyed yesterday gave me some serious heartburn... or what I can recognize as heartburn. Glaring at the sun for peaking through the curtains, it occurs to me that my clingy Koloa bear of a boyfriend Luka hasn't said good morning to me or smoother me with kisses yet. Turning onto my side, propping my arm up for support trying to be all sneaky like, looking at my sleeping beauty. Rarely was Luka ever the one to be still asleep at... 7 am!? 

Damn...I guess I'm the one who's messed up our rhythm...sorry Lu

Sitting more upright, I decided to take this opportunity to actual look at Luka. I've never felt so much love for a single person in my entire existence. Luka is the only one, only him. Luka is the one to take the sit down with me to watch movies together I rant about how much I love said movie. Luka is the one who sings with me at the top of our lungs for all of Paris to hear when we hear a song that we like. Luka has done more and been more than I could ever want from him.

Rolling out of our shared bed, I want to be the one to surprise Luka with breakfast this time around. Wanting show him that he isn't the only one who enjoys doing these little things for each other. Practically jumping down the stairs, only to stop to not make noise that could ruin my surprise. Feeling all wound up like a jack-in-a box, wanting to explode with how giddy I am, like Fizzarolli who.

Excited to finally be the one to start our day, I perused through our newly purchased groceries, humming random tunes as I decided on making Lu his favorite simple breakfast, French toast. But once I cracked the first egg for the mixture, I heard a harsh crash and scream upstairs.

It was as if thunder and lightning were truly personified. Luka had already made it to the bottom of the stairs before I heard his footsteps pummel the floor. He drastically looked around, only stopping once we made eye contact. He looked at me, then to the egg shells in my hand, then back to my eyes.

Did Luka have a sixth sense for when I start cooking?!

Just as the storm he personified, he swiftly swept me into his arms, constricting me against him feeling his arms embed themselves towards my ribcage. Forcing my neck to extend as Luka harshly buried himself attempting to crawl into me to keep me close. 

Playing with my hair, attempting to ground himself to remind him that I'm here, "I was so scarred love. I was fucking terrified that you just decided to leave me because of yesterday, or that all of this, us being together was just in my head and you weren't real." Placing kisses onto my forehead in way he's never done. It felt so gentle, such care that made me feel we'd shatter if either one of us moved the wrong way, "Me seeing you laying next to me every morning reminds that all of this is real, that you're real. Seeing you first thing in the morning reminds me how lucky I am to have such an amazing girlfriend."

Returning his embrace, after finally getting some wiggle room to put down the egg shells and wiping my hand. I pucker my lips to receive an immediate proper good morning greeting, "Well good morning to you too Luka. After I finish making my no longer surprise breakfast, can we talk about what just happened."

Nodding his his head, I grab his chin and make him look at me, "Hey, you said we need to verbally confirm things with each other. I would appreciate either a yes or a no, ok mi vida?"

Nodding once more, "Yes ma vie, you're right, we need to try to talk about, why I reacted that way." Placing another kiss upon my forehead, this time it felt normal, leaving the impression of passion through his touch... 

However, he didn't let go of me and I need all my appendages to make us the nutrients that we need to live, "Luka, mi vida, love of my life, you gotta let me go for like 5 minutes, I have to use my arms to finish making us breakfast."

 Instead of letting me go, Luka decides that he must be the multitasker between the two of us. He turns me to face him while simultaneously taking over making our breakfast, "If you needed help making breakfast gorgeous and giving me some well needed attention, why didn't you say so?" smirking as he's pinning my back to the counter and pressing me onto him, cheeky bastard. Rolling my eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold him closer and instead of this bothering him, he just picked me up and placed me on the counter while he still managed to start cooking our French toast.

As we snuck in kisses every now and then, I managed to be able to help by making us little fruit bowls and prepped our spot in the window nook next to the kitchen. We were cuddled up as we ate our breakfast, knowing that Luka is someone who needs constant physical contact. "So about what about what happened when you woke up Lu?"

Not even having to turn my head to know that Luka didn't want t talk about it, wanting to sweep it under the rug. But we should talk about these things, I want to know how I'm triggering such a response from Luka and how to avoid causing him stress. But before either of us got to discuss, a ping alerted us to my phone and Luka glared at it, "Who's texting you?"


Hello my lovely's, I literally don't know how I'm functioning at the moment. Like my body don't know what sleep is and I be getting at least 12 assignments a week, I hope adulting for others isn't as difficult. I do enjoy writing and creating stories for you all to read, it's like an escape from the bullshit. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I'm doing so well with consistency as to updating.

As for any other fanfics I'll be uploading on this account, I'll be creating the chapters and possibly post them once a I get a test reader.

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