Uniquely Awkward Introductions

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AN: Hello everyone, I hope your day is going well, I'll be trying to have some sort of schedule, still working out the pacing, my apologies.

Also Key for this chapter

Italics = thoughts

Italics + unlined = text messages

Unlined = ASL

Bold = English

Bold + Unlined = Speaking English while signing


Waking up the next morning was quite interesting to say the least. Nini woke up to something that only happens on rare occasions, she hadn't thought this would happen just yet but it has. She wasn't necessarily unprepared, but she hadn't expected for it to happen.

Nini thought she would wake up to the normal sight of Luka either holding her to his chest or his face smothered by hers. Though she did wake up to holding her lovely boyfriend close to her, the notification on her phone was quite unexpected. She thought it was probably Lila trying to text her, but Nini hadn't expected them to text her

Her parental units finally checked in on her

Hello our dearest child, we wanted to inform you that we'll be in Paris by next week to discuss business with Gabriel and we do wish to see you during our visit.

As Nini was reading the text, Luka had already woken up and read the text as well. Dread and terror jolted him up from the warm comfort he loved to cling onto. He wasn't exactly that confident in meeting her parents. Sure he was polite and a respectful young man... but his appearance did not really reflect that.

Over the years, Luka got more piercings, recently getting 00 gauges and more smaller sized piercings along his upper lobe on both sides, not to mention his helix. Then that started the cycle of him wanting to get more, definitely getting a nose piercing, can't forget about getting a snake bite piercing, might as well stick the label of being the boyfriend most parents warn their daughters to avoid.

Luka felt as if he wasn't doing himself any favors. Most of his friends were pretty accepting, but he always receive certain... looks from their parents. They'd always be on edge around him, thinking the absolute worse about him. It felt like adults who didn't know him always assumed the worst about him. He was pretty shocked that the Dupain-Cheng's were as accepting of Luka as they were, maybe because they already knew Juleka and they didn't think much of his style choices.

He was scared that Nini's parents wouldn't approve of him, he wanted their approval since it'll be better in the long run of their relationship. 

Nini could visibly see the distress on Luka's face. She asked her parents if she could bring along someone who she'd like for them to meet, receiving an immediate response to show their approval. This reassured her as to that her parents would be ok with meeting Luka but she was worried as to how he'd react. She never really talked about her parents much, or any part of her family. All she told him was that she lived alone and that her parents are constantly traveling for work. She never really got to stay in one place for so long, even though they have either an apartment or house in each country they tend to travel to for work. She wondered how Luka would react to her parents, they weren't necessarily normal or conventional parents, but just like Luka's parents, she'd think that he'd understand them.

Nini wet to hold onto his hand, "Luka you don't need to worry, I promise. My parents are gonna love you, trust me." placing a kiss on his hand.

With no response from Luka, he left Nini to wonder as to what will happen in the days to come.

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