Knock Knock

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AN: I'm so so sorry for being MIA for like 3 months, had some shit to deal with so I barely had time to write. Anyway I'm gonna try to get back on track with updating. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Nini had just hung up on the call with her friend, Lila. She was practically on cloud 9, her and Luka are gonna try to be a thing. She never really had such an instantaneous connection with anyone before. It all felt so magical and surreal. As Nini gained her bearings, she headed back to her room where Luka set up the movie their were gonna watch. 

Luka saw her enter the room and went over to scoop her up, and toss her onto her bed. "So I was thinking, do you even want to continue the movie marathon from last night," Luka proceeded to place his arms on either side of her and his thighs found themselves wrapping onto her waist, "or, would you like to do something else?"

Luka then proceeded to place kisses along her neck, forgetting the movie on the screen. The two became enraptured in each other, and wanted nothing more than the others touch.


The group of school friends still couldn't believe that Luka, had what they would assume a one night stand, with someone who only Lila knew. To say Marinette was conflicted was an understatement. 

Marinette thought how could Luka do such a thing, he seemed like someone who cares deeply about those he loves and last she saw him it looked like his everything was taken away. How can some stranger just switch his entire mood like that? Sure she was happy that he moved on, but it was rather strange that the girl happens to be friends with such a notorious liar. The two seemed pretty close, and Marinette felt strangely uneasy with Luka being close to some girl who could be just like Lila.

Alya seemed just as shocked but tried to talk to Juleka who also seemed to be in shock "Well Juleka, at least now you where your brother is." Alya tried to make light of the situation, she was just as confused as everyone currently present.

Juleka just nodded to Alya's commentary, everyone had seem to be in shock. They didn't know what to do with the information they just received. 

Lila, deciding to spike up the drama that was manifesting in the situation, seeing how distraught Marinette seemed, she suggested, "Would you like for me to show you were Nini lives? I mean they're there now anyway, I think we should invite the two of them so you guys can get to know Nini better. She's super nice and she's such a sweetheart, I think you all would love her." Lila spoke with a sickly sweet smile that made Marinette's heart feel like it was ripped out of chest.

But what Lila said struck a lightbulb inside of Marinette, maybe she can try to find just what kind of girl is Lila's friend and if she's even good enough for Luka. Marinette can't believe the words that are about to leave her mouth until they spewed from her lips "Lila, that is such a great idea. Can you take us over so that way we all can meet her?"

Lila smiled, "Gladly, I just hope that Nini doesn't mind us popping by."


By the time the movie was finished, Luka and Nini had gone through 2 out of the 4 packs of Dr.Pepper and ate 3 bins of popcorn, but the two them were still hungry. Sure the two didn't really pay attention to the movie, they just focused on each other and joked around while eating some popcorn.

"So gorgeous, what would you like to do now?" Luka leaned in closer as he spoke, "because I for one would love know about these baking skills you keep bragging about. What's your specialty?"

Nini leaned in to meet him half way, "but that would ruin the surprise, you're gonna have to guess". 

As the two of them were about to kiss, Nini quickly turns her head away and goes downstairs into kitchen, only to hear Luka yell with an oomph indicating he probably fell back dramatically, "Ughhh, your such a tease!"

Which caused Nini to laugh and yell back, "Yea, but I'm your tease Luka, you can't get rid of me that easily" which made Nini laugh as she ventured to the kitchen.

Which prompted a thought in Luka's head to emerge, like I'd ever let you go. He then proceeded to see just what Nini was gonna do, only to find some flour, salt, butter, water and oil on the counter with his cute new girlfriend digging for something in her pantry.

"Hey Lu, can you grab me 2 eggs from the fridge?" Her request made Luka stop in tracks, sure he's been given nicknames before and in his past relationships he's received the general stereotypical pet-names, but the only people who've called him were his sister and mom. Luka liked the idea of another girl in his life calling him Lu, it's like fate's way of saying that this girl is gonna stick around.

With a smile on his face, Luka opened the fridge and pulled out the carton of eggs, "Do you need anything else, Nini?" 

Nini thought for a moment, "Can you check to see if I have a can of evaporated milk opened in the fridge?

Luka was now really curious as to just what the hell Nini was gonna be making, "You have an unopened one in the fridge but you seriously need to tell me what we're making."

Nina sighed, "Fine, we're making Beignets, I wanted it to be a surprise but you seemed like you would've died of curiosity."

"What are Beignets?" Luka, having been friends with and previously dated the daughter of one of most well know bakers of Paris, has yet to eat beignets.

Nini took a deep breath, "Luka, it still amazes me that whenever I mention Beignets, people for some reason don't know what they are. Ok, important question, have you seen Princess and the Frog?"


The group of curious teen trailed behind Lila like baby ducks would with their mother, but in this case it felt like a big mystery that the group of teens wanted to solve. Just who was this girl with Luka and how does Lila know her so well?

Such questions are running a mile a minute in Marinette's mind, she wonders if the way how Lila described her friend was just another one of her lies. But sadly to Marinette's disappointment, so far everything that Lila said has been true. The Montgomery Apartment Complex that Alya and Juleka supposedly tracked Luka too is the exact place Lila brought us to. 

As we made our way up the flights of stairs, Marinette can only help but wonder what exactly made Luka move on after supposedly being so heart broken 2 days ago. Maybe it's just how Luka is choosing to nurse his broken heart? Marinette didn't even know what to think of this situation.

But she didn't need to worry for much longer because Lila had already knocked on the door only to have Luka standing on the other side of it.


AN: Hey, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and again I'm sorry for being on Hiatus for 3 months. I'm gonna try to get back to updating a bit more.  

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