This is quite the Predicament

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AN: Hello my lovely's I hope this day is treating you well. I would like to thank these 3 consistent users so far that I've seen commenting in the past few chapters, they definitely been giving me motivation to try and update consistently





Thank you for interacting in the comments, it lets me know that there are people out there who enjoy what I'm writing :)


"What?" Adrien's accusation left Nini not only confused but dumbfounded. 

What right did he have to question my relationship with Luka?! First he ignores me for the past 2 years, now he's demanding to know what is going on with my life?! Fuck, can't he be consistent and try to stick to however he functions?! It's like he's a god damn child who never grew up, fuck is he Peter Pan, I don't think so. He needs to chill the fuck out before I knock some sense into him.

It took all of Nini's self control to not beat the absolute living shit out Adrien, however it seemed like Luka did not have that kind of self control, "Agreste your out of line. I suggest that you fucking think about the next words that spew out of your mouth that better form some sort of apology to Nini and I."

Scoffing at Luka's words, Adrien spat out what he really thought, "Don't get me started with you Luka, I know that your still in love with Marinette, there's o way that you could've possible move on from someone like her."

Luka shot up from his spot on the couch, "Your more oblivious than I thought you little son of a bitch. You clearly fucking need a hearing aid when I mentioned how 'we' broke up. Marinette didn't fucking break up with me, I broke up with her because she was a dishonest conniving little bitch who thought that I didn't know the truth. She always called me 'Adrien' when we were dating. She might've cared for me, but she completely obsessed with you, you stupid ignorant piece of shit."

Adrien rolled his eyes, denying the words Luka had just said, "Your lying Luka, there's no way Marinette would do those things. Besides, she's just a friend--"

Luka tried to jump towards Adrien wanting to beat the ever living life out of him, hoping he chokes on his blood. Only to be held back by Kagami and Nini.

Chloe stood in front of Adrien, seeing that she needed to be the voice of reason of all people, "Ok Luka, chill out and take a breather. Adrien is saying stupid shit he doesn't understand. Adrien, get the fuck out of here or shut the hell up because your out of line, and that's rich coming from me."

Adrien, not taking the hint, continues on, "But it's true, he was so in love with Marinette and I heard that you were so heart broken when you broke up, there's no way that you moved on so quickly. You're porabably jus using Nini and as her childhood best friend, I want to make sure she knows exactly who she's dating. Your a fucking fraud Luka, you only love Marinette you fucking simp."

A loud clash of one's hand leaving a bloody gash marks on Adrien's face made everyone silent as he clung onto his cheek. Blood dripped from their nails as the gripped Adrien's face to look at them.

Chloe grabbed a tissue from the tissue box on the table and slowly tipped the blood off her nails, "You're a fucking idiot if you think that Nini is your friend. Now Adrien, you know that I care about you, but your fucking pushing your luck."

Luka, quite thankful that Chloe struck first so tat way he could not be blamed, decided to speak once more, "Let me get this through your thick skull Agreste. I don't love Marinette, I fucking hate her. Anyone from your fucking class can tell you that. The only person I love and care for right now in this world is Nini and if I hear you try to insult whatever choices she's made that led to me being with her, you wish for that slap any day of the week. I'll make whatever Chloe said look like child's play."

Kagami had let go of Luka, secretly wanting him to attack Adrien. Both Nini and her let go, Kagami deciding to back away in case a fight were to occur. She wanted a good seat to watch Adrien get beaten to a pulp if that was the case, he had it coming anyway.

Nini, wrapped her arms around Luka, burying her head into his back, "You don't need to defend me Luka, I could've handled it."

Before much else was said, Natalie walked into the room, only to see that Adrien was hurt, "Dinner is ready, if you'll follow me downstairs I'l-- ADRIEN!!! My god what happened?!" She ran over to him to see he was bleeding.

Chloe showed Natalie her nails, seeing that one of her acrylics were cracked, "Adrien owes me for a new set of nails, these were fucking expense but well worth it to nock some sense into him. Besides he won't die from scratch Natalie. I don't know about you guys, but I'm starved and I know my way to the Dinning Room."

As Chloe said her piece she picked up her purse and walked out of Adrien's room the way any queen would. Kagami, Luka and Nini followed her out as Natalie ran to Adrien's bathroom and started to patch him up, asking him what happened for her to not receive an answer.


After the awkward conversation of having to explain what happened in Adrien's room, dinner went along rather smoothly, trying to forget what happened. 

As everyone left, the first to leave were the Thornwall's as they had a car waiting for them to drive them to the airport. They bid their farewells to Nini and Luka, wishing them happiness in their relationship. Victor insisted that Luka was more than welcome to move in with Nini if they ever decided to get more serious, causing Nini to become flustered and made Luka feel much better than what he thought of Nini's parents, seeing just how loving and welcoming they were, just like Nini was.

The two walked back home in silence, not sure of how the two should talk about the argument that took place. Nini was quite disturbed while Luka was still seething rage, it was a miracle that Hawkmoth hasn't akumatized at all.

They've been back at the apartment for 2 hours now. The couple was back at the apartment they call home, only to feel the tension that's built up from the events that happened earlier today. Luka desperately wanted to strangle the dumb blond, but the way how Adrien spoke about Nini made him question things about the boy. Questioning Adrien's true intentions of what he said. Luka knew they needed to talk about what happened, they couldn't sweep it under the rug and ignore what happened.

"Nini, my muse... I ask you this in confidence." Luka spoke as Nini brought herself closer from her spot on the bed.

Luka sighed as he asked this, knowing that this conversation wasn't going to be easy, but they needed to talk, "Love, did Adrien ever have a crush on you?"


AN: Sorry everyone for the short chapter, but I do hope that you all enjoyed it though :)

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