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A month later, Brandi sat looking out to the night sky when Jasper walked in. He didn't say a word as he watched her. He hated that he couldn't hold her. Jasper sighed as he walked away from her room. Brandi looked back at the door way as she knew that Jasper was there, but was respecting her. She stood up and walked to her desk and started writing a letter to him.

I'm so sorry that I'm causing you pain. I don't mean too, but I can't help but be afraid. I know you will think that it's been a month, but I can't help it. Your family has been trying to help too, but I don't know. The fear of someone hurting me again will always be there. Then there is this baby...

Brandi sighed as she wiped her tears. She didn't want to hurt him, but she is by not letting him around her. Frankie saw Brandi crying over a piece of paper and walked in. "Brandi?"


"Can we talk? Just us girls?"

Brandi nodded as Frankie shut the door and sat on her bed. Brandi stood in the same spot afraid to sit down beside her. "I'm sorry..."

"Brandi, we understand, but you don't see how bad Jasper wants to be there for you."

"Have you ever been in my shoes?"

"No, but Jasper has." She said. "Brandi, listen to me. I know what that bastard did to you has you afraid of us, but it's been a month and no one hasn't tried to do anything to you because we don't want you afraid of us. We want to help you and that baby."

"How? I mean, you all see me as a fragile human carrying a vampire baby. No one hardly said a word to me since that day I talked to Jasper."

"Because we were giving you space." Frankie says as Alice and Rosalie walked in. "Will you finally give us a chance?"

Brandi looked at her than to Rosalie and Alice. "Okay."

Rosalie walked over to her and sighed. "Brandi, I'm here to help you get past your fear." She said as she looked at Alice and Frankie. "By myself."

They nodded as they left Rosalie and Brandi together.
Brandi walked outside and started to search for a spot to sit down at. Emmett saw her and walked over to her. "Hey." Brandi looked up. "Can we talk?"


"Brandi, don't be afraid of Jasper because you two have something in common." Emmett tells her as Edward arrived.

"Frankie said the same thing."

"She's not lying." Edward causing Brandi to jump. "Sorry."

"Don't do that." She tells him. "I can't help it though..."

"We know, but once you let Jasper tell you his story, you will see that you two have something in common. Just give him that chance."

Brandi looked up to see Jasper watching them. She got up and walked over to him as Emmett and Edward watched them walk in. "I think she wants to know."

"That's a good change." Edward said. "We just have to continue to get her to see none of us is like that man."

After Jasper told Brandi his story, she looked at him shocked that he was used and abused, but in different ways. "I'm so sorry, Jasper."

"I wanted to tell you, but was afraid to because you wouldn't let me."

"I made the worst mistake in my life, Jasper and now I feel like I'm drowning." She tells him. "Drowning because of my fear."

Jasper hugged her causing Brandi to cry as she hugged him back. This is the first time in a month that someone actually held her that didn't want to hurt her. Jasper smiled as he felt her emotions. Happy. He kept her in his arms not seeing Frankie or the others watching them hug. "That was a big step."

"She'll be scared till she's ready to accept him. Right now, she's starting to trust him."

"What's next?" Frankie asked.

"Whatever is decided by Brandi." Alice said walking away.

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