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Brandi was shocked to find out that Edward left due to Bella's scent. "I don't know if you asked him, but is him leaving a good idea?" She asked. "Bella could be the other human to find out what you guys are."

Jasper looked at her as she made sense. "She's right. Edward's attitude towards Bella and his sudden disappearance may cause her to be curious about him."

Rosalie growled causing Brandi to jump at the sound. She still wasn't used to the sound. Jasper held her in his arms causing Rosalie to look at her. "I'm so sorry, Brandi." She tells her.

"Rosalie, it's okay. I'll eventually get used to it, but it's taking time." She tells them. "I'm going to get something to eat."

Jasper watched as she left and looked back at them. "I don't know how Carlisle will feel about this, but I'll say it. Shut the hell up about this human. Edward made his decision and he will live with it once he realizes what he has done." He says as he stood up. "My mate is pregnant and is due anytime. Don't do this to her. Not after her actually trying to know all of you."

Frankie watched her brother leave and looked at the others. "He made point. We can't do this to Brandi, especially after her trying her best to heal. This isn't helping her."

"Let's talk about this without her being involved. I don't want to lose her trust because of our point of view."
Jasper found Brandi sipping of a glass of milk. He walked over to her and sat down. "I heard what you said." She tells him. "Thank you."

"I'm just looking out for you. Yes, we may need to talk to Carlisle soon, but right now, I have someone that I need to focus on."

Brandi smiled as she leaned in and kissed him. Jasper was shocked, but excited as he finally got a kiss from Brandi. They pulled apart smiling. "I think that kiss was way over due."

"It was." Jasper says as he kissed her again making Brandi laughed.

A kick caused Brandi to groan in pain causing Jasper to pull back and look at her. "I'm fine."

"That didn't sound fine." He said. "Brandi, let's get you to Carlisle."

The blonde looked at him. "Jasper, I was thinking about taking leave from school." She tells him. "This baby is due any day and knowing there is going to be stress."

Jasper nodded. "Then I'll do the same."


"Brandi, I refuse to let you go through this alone." He says grabbing her hand making her smile. "I promised to be there for you and this baby and that is what I'm going to do."

Brandi smiled as she knew. "I love you."

Jasper was shocked that she finally said that. "Really?" She nodded causing him to smile. "I love you, too."

Sorry it's short. This chapter was only meant for Brandi and Jasper. Till next time.

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