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Brandi woke up to the sun shining in her room. She raised up and looked around. She was trusting Jasper and the others more and more. Even started catching feelings for him. Brandi touched her stomach as she couldn't wait to meet her little one. "Are you going to school?"

"Are you?"

"No. We can't be out in the sun." Jasper tells her.

Brandi sighed and nodded. "I think I want to stay in. I don't want them asking me sympathy questions."

Jasper nodded as he walked over to Brandi to show her what happens in the sun. She looked at him to see him sparkling. Jasper looked at her as he felt a hand touch his face. Frankie watched them stare at each other causing her to smile. Watching Jasper slowly place his hands on her waist had Frankie running to get a camera. "What are you..."

"Shh." She said. "Just follow me, Alice."

Alice followed her mate and saw that she stopped in front of Jasper's room. She looked in to see Jasper and Brandi staring at one another. Frankie took a picture of them and ran off.
"I told you it wouldn't be long." Frankie tells Rosalie as she showed the picture. "You can see it."

Rosalie looked at the picture and smiled as Brandi was getting stronger. She was accepting Jasper as days goes by. Jasper smiled at her emotions and knew that she was falling for him. Something he never felt before.

Brandi looked up at him smiling. "Thank you for showing me this." She tells him. "I never knew vampires does this in the sun."

"That's because that bastard didn't tell you anything about vampires." Jasper tells her. "Come on, I want to tell you everything, but not here."


"Frankie is watching us and it doesn't take a mind reader to know who's watching us."

Brandi laughed as she nodded. Jasper tossed her on his back before jumping out of the window. Brandi screamed out, but not from fear, but from excitement.

Frankie looked at the others smiling. Edward shook his head smiling. He may not have met that someone yet, but he gained a sister he became overprotective of. "I think she's close."

"Brandi is finally happy." Rosalie said as she looked at Carlisle. "How's her baby?"

"Healthy. I'm still shock that she managed to have a normal pregnancy."

"Maybe it's a gift that no one knew."

The two blondes sat beside each other in a field. It wasn't the perfect spot, but it was relaxing. Brandi didn't care if they had a place to hide. She was enjoying her moments with Jasper.

"Why me?"

Jasper looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"Despite the mate bond, why did you really want to be around me. To be with me?"

"Because we share the same history and plus, I wanted to know the beauty who captured my eyes on my first day." He tells her as he looked out towards the trees. "That first letter your wrote to me and told me that a monster lived in your house..."

"A stranger we can tell everything too, but those that's close to you would never believe it or just laugh about it."

Jasper nodded. "I know you don't want to say it, but I will. For the past three months, you and that baby became important to me. I fell in love with both of you. I want to raise the baby as mine and show you the love you deserve."

Brandi smiled with tears in her eyes. "Jasper, I know I'm causing you pain, but I want to know you more before actually being with you."

Jasper smiled and kissed her head. "I'll be there with you every step of the way, Brandi."


"I promise."

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