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Jasper laid with Brandi as she slept. These past few months have been great. She was showing and was due anytime before prom. Jasper knew she trusted him more than anyone as she was still afraid of getting hurt. Brandi stirred in her sleep causing Jasper to look at her. "Jasper?"

"I'm right here."

"Is it time to..."

"No. Get some more sleep."

Brandi raised up and looked at him. "Lay down and close your eyes. I want to feel as though you are asleep."

Jasper smiled as he kissed her head before acting like he could sleep. All this for Brandi.
The next day, Brandi was by her locker with her hand on her bump. Jasper walked over to her and kissed her head. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. The baby's kicking like crazy." She tells him taking his hand and placing it on her bump just for him to smile from the kick. "Anytime now."

"That's true." He said kissing her head. "Brandi, have we talked about..."

"No, but if you want too." She said. "It would be a better idea after school to talk more about it. Too many prying ears."

Jasper laughed as he shut her locker and walked her to class. Bella saw a girl that was ready to give birth, but she didn't let that bother her as she needed to get to class. Jasper kissed Brandi's head. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to send someone to come and get me."

"Jasper, we've been over this the past few months. I'll be okay. Go to class before Frankie decides to murder you."

"She's right." Frankie says. "Alice is in there with Brandi. She's going to be okay."

Jasper watched Brandi walk in and sigh. He was worried that the baby would come sooner than later. He looked back in the class to see Brandi and Alice talking. Frankie pushed her brother so they can get today over with. Edward shook his head as he looked at Emmett. "We need to keep an eye on her. Jasper would freak out if anything happens while he wasn't around."

"He basically is the father..."

"He is the father. Jasper talked to Brandi about that after she let him in." Rosalie says. "He really has his heart set out on this baby. So let him know if something happens."

They nodded as they went to class. Brandi smiled at Alice as class started.
By the time lunch came, Brandi was a bit terrified to go as she was not liking the smell. At all. As she stood up, she grabbed her head. "Brandi?" Jessica asked. "Are you okay?"

Jessica caught Brandi as soon as she fainted. "I need help!" She called out as she looked at her new friend with worried. "Get Jasper!"

Rosalie walked into the classroom to see Brandi. She saw her brother running in with human speed and grabbed Brandi. "An ambulance has been called."

"I'll take her." He said as he looked at his sister. "Tell them what happened and I will keep you posted."

Rosalie nodded as she watched Jasper leave with a very pale looking Brandi. "I hope the baby is alright." Jessica said as she looked at Angela. "Let's go."
Jasper sat with his hand in Brandi's as Carlisle walked in. "She's not been eating right. Correct?" Jasper nodded. "I think we need to give her some blood to see if that will help."

"I'll stay by her side." Jasper says. "I'm strong enough to watch her drink it."

Carlisle looked at him as Brandi stirred awake. "Brandi, I think it's time for you to start drinking  more blood, but we have to bring it to you in something so no one won't know." She nodded weakly. "I'll get you a glass going and I'll be right back."

Brandi nodded as she closed her eyes. Jasper heard arguing and knew something happened, but that wasn't important. Brandi and this baby is. Always will be too.

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