Twenty three

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A couple months went by and Brandi was loving every moment. She had her daughter and husband with her. Jasper and Brandi continued trying for a baby, but the baby idea wasn't happening yet. Or at least that is what they thought.

Jasper was gone hunting, Chelsea was taking a nap and Brandi was getting dressed to surprise Jasper before running to the bathroom. She threw up causing her to hold her hair. "I hate that." She mumbled as she raised up. Flushing the toilet, the blonde went to the sink to rinse her mouth out. 


"In here, baby." She says as he walked in. "Is Chelsea still asleep?"

"Yeah, but I like what you have on." She smiled as she laid the cup down and over to him. "I got something for you."


"Happy Valentine's Day, darlin." 

Brandi opened it to see a picture of her and Jasper from the first time they got together. A tear fell causing her to hug Jasper as she didn't know what she was going to give could beat this till she ran to the bathroom. "This is the second time."

"Maybe we can wait on what you had planned for me. You need to rest."

"What about the..."

"Brandi, you're sick and need rest. We can worry about trying again later."

She nodded as she looked at him. "Will you lay with me?"

Later that day, Jasper was reading to Chelsea when he heard a third heartbeat. He looked at his daughter who was looking up at him. "I think mommy is carrying a little baby."


Jasper laughed as he went to go check on Brandi. He heard her in the bathroom and walked in as Chelsea looked in the room. "Darlin?"


Brandi walked out to see her two favorite people. "Hey. Is something wrong?'

"Darlin', have you took the last test?"

She shook her head and went back in. Jasper put Chelsea on the ground and couldn't believe that she was about to be a year old. He looked away from her and focused on Brandi. Looking at her stomach, he focused on the sound only and heard the heartbeat causing him to smile. "Jasper, honey, I..."

"I know. I heard the heartbeat." He says as she ran in and hugged him. "We're having another one."

"Baby Hale #2." She tells him as she kissed him. 

Chelsea squealed out as she watched her mom and dad kiss. They looked at her and walked over to her. "Well, baby girl, you're going to be a big sister."


They laughed as they shared a look. Their love continued to grow and they both knew that they like the feeling of drowning in their love. Something they both never thought would happen and now, their family grows by one. 

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