Twenty eight

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Getting home was the first thing Brandi and Jasper wanted to do. The other Cullens smiled when they saw the newly weds. Brandi got out revealing her pregnancy bump causing them to smile. Jasper kissed her head. "You get Chelsea and I'll get our stuff."

The blonde nodded as she walked in. Jasper started grabbing their things causing Emmett to run out and help. Frankie ran to her brother to help him. Rosalie smiled as she helped Brandi inside. "Are you okay?"

"I will be." She tells them. "I can't wait for this one to be born." She says. "Even though Jasper is kid overjoyed here and wanting more after this one, but I had talked to him about it and he agreed to wait. We want to see this one grow up some before trying again."

Rosalie nodded. "Any names."

"If it's a boy, he's name will be Lucas Mason Hale. If a girl, her name will be Angel."

Smiling, Brandi sat down on the couch as Rosalie sat down beside her. They started talking about anything as long as it didn't involve Bella Swan.
Jasper helped Brandi through school as she was due anytime. "I love you." He says. "If you need me, just text."

"I will honey, but Alice will be right there."

Alice smiled as she linked her arms with her best friend. "That's a promise, Jasper. You know she's in good hands." Jasper nodded as he walked away. "Come on, let's get to class."

Brandi nodded as she walked with Alice. She didn't say much as she was tired and wanted to be in bed. Alice noticed that Brandi hasn't said much as she sat down. Alice looked at her and had to ask. "Are you okay, Brandi."

"Yeah. Just tired." She tells her. "This baby has me tired already and I wished this one will hurry yup because I'm ready to meet him or her." She sighed. "Jasper is worried, isn't he."

"Yeah. He is worried that you will have this baby sooner than later." She tells her. "Your due date is coming up and Jasper is just like when you were having Chelsea. He was worried. He didn't trust Bella at all..."

"Still doesn't."

"But he knows his main priority is you and his children." She tells her. "Don't worry about anything else. Bella is Edward's to protect, but you are the rest of ours to protect along with those precious children."

Brandi smiled as she never thought that before. She looked towards the front as it was time to take notes. Feeling her baby kick, Brandi smiled as she put her hand on her bump. Alice looked and did the same. She smiled at how the baby was kicking and moving around. She looked at her friend as she knew that soon, this one will be born. When, they don't know.
Jasper found Brandi leaning against the locker. He ran to her and got her to look at her as Alice, Frankie, Bella and Edward followed. "Baby?" He says as he got to her. "What's wrong?"

"I think I'm having contractions." She tells him. "I don't like this pain."

"Come on, let's get you home."

Bella watched as Jasper picked her up and carried her off. "I hope she's okay." Bella asked as she was worried.

Edward smiled as he kissed her head. "She'll be okay. That baby is just ready to meet his or hers amazing parents." He tells her. "Let's get to class and find out what is happening."
"She's having contractions." Carlisle tells them. "I gave the school a note that said that Brandi and Jasper are on home bond due to the contractions. When will Brandi deliver this baby, we don't know, but this one is doing everything he or she can to not be seen. This child wants to surprise Jasper and Brandi."

"At least we're here to help." Rosalie tells him. "We can help Jasper and Brandi be more prepared than what they were when they had Chelsea."

"That one was too soon." Emmett pointed out. "But Chelsea is growing like a weed and she is such a daddy's girl."

"Let's hope this one is a boy." Rosalie says.

"Chelsea will eventually become her mom's best friend and still be daddy's girl."

Carlisle shook his head as he couldn't believe how his children were talking. At least they are focus on Brandi and this baby and not what Alice had texted him about. Victoria is back and this wasn't the time for that news. They truly need to focus on Brandi's delivery. That's more important at the moment.

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