Twenty four

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Filler chapter
Frankie screamed out as she couldn't believe that is was happening. Another baby. "Baby!" She called out as she went looking for her. "It's happening."

"What is?" Alice asked confused.

"Baby Hale #2."

Peter and Charolette knew that it was time for them to go visit the newly weds and meet Chelsea. Alice and Frankie knew just by the way the other two shared a look that it was time for them to meet Brandi and Chelsea. The woman who gave Jasper nothing but love.
"Hey, baby girl." Jasper says as he laid in the floor with her. "Mommy will be down in a bit. What would you like to do today."

Chelsea smiled as she stood up and sped off causing Jasper to shake his head as she came pushing her stroller. He laughed as he knew what she wanted. A stroll. Brandi walked down to see the stroller out causing her to laugh. "You asked her and she went and got it."

"Yep." He says. "I spoiled her.'

"That's the truth."

Jasper looked at his wife as she smiled at him. He stood up causing her to run. Chelsea sat laughing as she watched her dad catch her mom and kiss her. They heard laughing and looked at their daughter. "I love you."

"I love you." She got out of his arms and over to Chelsea. "Mommy and daddy loves you and this little one."

Jasper groaned at the name daddy knowing when Chelsea is asleep, she's in trouble.

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