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Short chapter

The weekend came and Jasper had something planned for him and Brandi. He saw her sleeping as was his little girl. He loved his family and because of Brandi's love for him, he felt good. He never thought he would find someone like Brandi, but destiny did that job for him.


"I'm here baby." He says. "Go back to sleep."

Brandi looked at him. "Not if you act like your asleep too." She tells him. "It feels better."

Jasper smiled as he held Brandi close as he closed his eyes. Hopefully she says yes.
The next day, Brandi didn't hear a sound when she woke up. She walked over to see Chelsea napping. Looking to her left, she saw the bottle that was empty. "That man." She mumbles as she walked out of the room. "Jasper?"

"Down here, darlin'."

Brandi wondered what on earth was this man doing. She walked downstairs as she heard people whispering and shook her head. "You guys forget I can hear you know."

Hearing them shushing, Brandi had to know what was going on. She walked into the living and stopped seeing Jasper on one knee. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Brandi, from the moment I met you, I knew something was wrong and I will never regret those letters. I was drowning myself. I was afraid of things because of my upbringing, but the more I got to know you and the moment I became a father, I knew that I had to accept that I can't be living in the past. You're my mate and Chelsea is my daughter, but I want us to be more of a family."

"Are you..."

"Will you marry me, Brandi?"

Brandi ran over to him and got on her knees with tears. "Yes. A million times yes."

Frankie smiled as she watched her brother and her future sister in law share a kiss. Rosalie looked at Emmett smiling as their family was going to be completed. Well, to her it will be. Hearing the cry of Chelsea, Rosalie smiled at them. "You two go celebrate. I'll babysit."

"Thank you." Brandi says. "Let's go hunt."

Jasper nodded as they left. Esme looked at Carlisle who smiled. "What's on your mind?"

"I need to get her a crest." Carlisle says. "And I have the perfect gift."

"She's already a part of this family. With or without a crest." Alice says. "You of all people know that. Frankie, let's go on a date."

"My baby reads my mind." Frankie says leaving as Esme and Carlisle shook their heads.

"We're almost whole."

'That we are."

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