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Four months later and Brandi smiled as she stood looking at the nursery. Esme walked in and smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good." She said looking at her. "Thank you for this nursery."

"Brandi, you are getting closer to having that baby. Carlisle thinks before prom you will have the baby."

Brandi placed her hand on her hump smiling. She thought about it for months since meeting Jasper. She fell in love with him and she was ready to be with him. "Esme?"

"Yes, Brandi."

"I'm ready to be with Jasper."

Esme smiled at those words as she knows his ready for her.
Jasper sat in his room thinking of Brandi. Is she going to accept him after all these months? Brandi walked in and smiled as she went to his bed and sat beside him. "Jasper?"


"I'm ready to be with you." She tells him. "These past six months have been amazing. You showed me nothing, but love and I want that with you."

Jasper smiled as he kissed her head. "Thank you for accepting me."

Brandi smiled as she laid her head on his shoulder. Jasper moved his head on hers as they looked out the window.

Frankie smiled as she was happy, but her mate saw Edward's someone coming. She walked away as Alice smiled. "She's finally with him."

"Yay. We're all going to be happy when the other one gets here."

Brandi and Jasper walked to the living room and looked at the others as Edward walked in from behind them. "I'm accepting you all as my family. You all helped me heal in some way and I will forever be grateful." She looked beside her at Edward and smiled. "Don't give up on finding your mate, Edward. She's out there and who knows she will come here to Forks."

"Thanks, Brandi."

"I just need something from Carlisle." He looked at her as she smiled a little bit. "I'm craving blood."

Carlisle nodded as he knew what she meant. Jasper looked a little unsure causing Brandi to look at him. "Don't force yourself to be with me when I drink it."

Jasper smiled and hugged her. "I'm staying right here with you." He tells her. "We're in this together."

The others smiled as they watched Brandi and Jasper leave with Carlisle. Rosalie smiled as her brother was finally happy with his mate.
Carlisle watched Jasper as he held Brandi's hand as she drank. Carlisle smiled as Brandi made Jasper stronger. He wasn't thirsting for blood. His concerned is Brandi and the baby.

Thank you for accepting him, Brandi. You saved him.

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