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Bella noted that now it wasn't just Edward missing, but Brandi and Jasper. Which she kind of understands Brandi's part because she was due anytime, but Jasper, it's like he didn't want to leave her side. Like he was protecting her from everyone around her that may bring back memories. "How long has Jasper and Brandi been together?" Bella asked.

"A few months, but Jasper had his eyes on her for two years."

"He saved her. Even when she discovered the baby." Angela tells her. "Jasper wanted her safe and the only person she trusted is Jasper and still is. It takes time."

Bella felt like that wasn't the full story or that was just what they know. She looked to see the other Cullens staring at her, Rosalie held a glare as Frankie was ready to kill Bella for asking about Brandi. Alice kissed her to calm her down. "Jasper is not going to like that Bella was asking about his mate." Emmett says. "Wonder how they are doing since she is on leave?"

"I'm sure she's fine."
At the Cullens, Jasper smiled as Brandi was looking at the nursery. She looked at Jasper smiling. "Thank you so much."

"We needed stuff and now the nursery looks better. Esme helped me while you were asleep."

Brandi walked over to him and hugged him. "Remember when I told you I was drowning." He nodded. "I still am, but I'm drowning with your love. You showed me that I could trust you and that we both helped each other. Thank you for your love, Jasper."

Jasper got her to look at him. "Brandi, I always loved you. I was just afraid to tell you because I didn't want you to feel like I was lying." He tells her. "You and this baby are important to me."

Brandi smiled as she felt a kick that caused her to fall to her knees causing Jasper to grab her. "Darlin'?"

"Okay, I think we need to see Carlisle." She tells him. "Somethings causing this baby to do a lot of kicking."

Jasper picked her up just for him to feel something wet and looked. "Brandi, I think the baby is coming."

"Oh no."
When Rosalie and the others got back, Esme looked at them as they were confused. "Brandi went into labor a few hours ago. She had a little girl."

"Is Brandi okay?"

"She's in transition. She was fading fast and Jasper turned her before she died." Esme tells them. "No one saw as they were busy with the baby."

"What happened?"

"The baby and Brandi were both dying. Carlisle managed to save their daughter as Jasper saved his mate." Esme says. "They're on their way home."

Rosalie hugged Emmett at the thought of losing both of their family members. Jasper walked through the door holding his mate. "Rosalie, can you get Chelsea?" He asked just for her to nod. "Thank you."

Frankie hugged Alice as Jasper went to his room with Brandi in his arms. They gained a new member as the other one will wake up like them. "She will be stunning when she wakes up." Alice tells her. "But she's just like Chelsea."

"Really?" Frankie asked as Alice nodded. "So there will be little Jasper and Brandi's running around."

"I guess so."

Frankie smiled than groaned as she knew how Jasper is when it comes to kids. Overprotective. "What's wrong?" Esme asked.

"Let's just say that we will be seeing Major a lot more since he now has two people to protect. Brandi and Chelsea."

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