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The sun was out meaning only Brandi could have went to school, but she didn't. She didn't want to go without Jasper. She smiled as she saw Jasper feeding Chelsea and walked over to him. Feeling arms wrap around him, Jasper smiled. Brandi kissed his cheek as she looked at her daughter. Since they've been doing other stuff that hasn't involved sex, Brandi was getting closer to giving in. "What's wrong, darlin'?"

"Nothing really."

Jasper stood up and took a sleeping Chelsea to her crib. Brandi looked at Jasper as he laid their little girl down causing her to smile. He turned around and walked over to her. Moving her hair out of her face, she looked up at him. Jasper leaned in and kissed her. Brandi pulled back biting her lip as Jasper looked at her. Neither of them said a word as they stared at one another.

Brandi grabbed Jasper's hand and pulled him to the bed to cuddle with him. Her mind was on them ever having sex. She was close to letting it happen, but she wanted it to be the perfect time. Feeling a hand moving down, Brandi looked at Jasper as she kissed him to keep from moaning and not waking up Chelsea.
Later that day, Brandi sat with Rosalie talking. "I've been doing a lot of thinking for the past month."

"You have?" Rosalie says. "About what?"

"About having sex with Jasper. Yes, I'm a bit scared, but that man has been doing everything that makes me fall deeper in love with him." She says not seeing Jasper with Chelsea. "He accepted that I wasn't ready at the time, but as the days go by, he has shown me something that I always wanted in a relationship." Brandi looked at her engagement ring. "I can't wait till our wedding day."

Jasper smiled as he looked at his little girl in his arm before taking her to the stroller. The sun was setting and he thinks that they should have a family outing. "Let's spend sometime with mommy."

Brandi walked into the room that Jasper was in to see him and Chelsea. "What are you doing?"

"Since the sun is setting, why don't us three go for a stroll."

Brandi kissed him smiling. "You know how to make me feel so special. I love you."

"I love you." Jasper says as he kissed her. "I heard you."


"Don't worry, baby. I'm going to wait till our honeymoon. Make it more special."

Brandi smiled as she leaned her head against his chest. "I love you so much, Jasper and I'm so glad those letters brought us together. Even though..."

"Brandi, that's the past. This is now." He says. "Let's focus on us now."

Brandi nodded as she kissed him. "Let's go on that stroll."

The others watched the couple leave with their daughter causing Alice to smile. "Bella finds out tonight."

"Is she safe?" Esme asked as Alice nodded. "I wonder how those two will handle Bella knowing."

"Easy." Frankie says. "They'll keep their distance."

They watched Frankie leave to hunt causing Rosalie to follow her sister. No one said a word as this may be an issue to the small Hale family. Something that is unsettling to Esme.

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