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Edward announced that he was bringing Bella over causing Brandi to start planning something for her and Jasper. She didn't want to be around the girl and neither did Jasper. Since he was gone hunting, Brandi started getting things ready for her, Chelsea and Jasper. Just another day out and hopefully a cute little dress for Chelsea for the wedding coming soon.

"Brandi, what are you doing?"

"Once Jasper gets back, the three of us are going out for a bit. I don't trust Bella." Brandi tells Rosalie. "Something about that girl will bring danger and I'm refusing someone to put my child in danger because she couldn't keep her noise to herself."

She turned around and walked out with Chelsea. Rosalie followed. "Frankie feels the same way and so do we all, but Edward is wanting this to happen."

"Him or her?" Brandi asked as they got downstairs. "Because Edward never did this till Bella came and it's like she is forcing him to give all the stories that he knows." She looked at Rosalie. "I love you all, but you are letting Edward run this coven when Carlisle put this coven together. Yes, I'm new and so is Chelsea, but I never stuck my nose in someone else's business. That's not right."

"Will you stay till they get here?"

"That's the plan, Rosalie." She says as she found the bassinet that Jasper bought for downstairs. "I just need time. This isn't time."

"I get what you are saying and you have a point."

Brandi walked to the kitchen to see Esme, Carlisle, and Emmett looking at them. "I know you heard, but I'm only telling the truth."

"You are." Carlisle says. "I will have a talk..."

"Will Edward listen?" She asked not seeing Bella and Edward walking in as Rosalie continued to help Emmett. "You've spoke to him before and that still didn't work." Brandi turned to see Bella. "I spoke my peace."

Bella and Edward watched her walk out.
Jasper arrived with Alice and Frankie to see no Brandi. "She's in the living room packing."

"For what?"

"A day with her fiancée and daughter."

Jasper nodded as he went to where she was. He stopped at the sight of Brandi laying Chelsea back down, but the look on her face had him worried. "Darlin'?"

"I think Chelsea is sick." She tells him as he walked over. "She's barely eating."

"I'll get Carlisle."

"I've done told him." She tells him. "He is going to take us to the hospital and see what's wrong with her."

Jasper kissed her head. "Could be a cold. She's still young and is easy to get sick faster than those older."

Brandi nodded as she saw Edward and Bella going upstairs. "He's making a big mistake."

"That he is, darlin'. Just ignore them." Brandi smiled as she kissed Jasper. "I can't wait to marry you."

After getting home, Jasper laid his little girl in her crib as Brandi was getting in the shower. He looked towards the bathroom and decided to join her. Brandi had her eyes closed as her daughter just had a cold and the stress of Edward and Bella washing away. She felt a hand and looked to see Jasper. She didn't say a word as she kissed him.

Jasper pulled back and looked at her. "I know you are waiting for our wedding night."

"But how long can we last till then, because I'm ready, but I want it to be perfect." She says as Jasper ran his fingers through her hair.

"I don't know." He says. "I guess we continue with what we have been doing till our wedding night."

Brandi nodded as she felt Jasper kissing her neck causing her to moan. She turned around as he continued to kiss her neck. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she couldn't wait till their wedding night for them to complete the bond and in Brandi's case, another child.

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