Twenty two

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Wedding Night

It was dark by the time the Hales arrived at the house they were going to live at. Brandi walked in with Chelsea as Jasper brought in the crib. "I'll get this together and we can finish our wedding night."

"Okay." Brandi says looking at her daughter who looked and smiled at her. "Daddy is going to fix your bed and you can finally get some sleep."

Jasper groaned as he was going to make sure Brandi see what calling him 'daddy' does to him. He knows she's talking to Chelsea, but there are times Brandi calls him daddy and it's not to their daughter. He looked at the crib and smiled as it didn't take him long to get it fixed. He put the mattress in and walked downstairs to see Chelsea sound asleep.

"I have her crib ready."

"That was fast."

"I remember how to put it together." He says picking up his daughter. "I'll get this one in the bed."

"And I'll be in the bedroom waiting." She says as she kissed him. "Daddy."

Jasper looked at his wife as she walked upstairs. He went to his daughter's room and laid her in her crib. He kissed her head before walking to their room to see his wife taking her dress off. He ran up behind her and grabbed her hand. "I got this."

"Okay." She says as he finished taking her dress off. "Jasper?"


"I'm ready." She says looking at him. "I want you tonight. No more touching, no more teasing, I have to have you now."

Jasper kissed her. He had to have her. He picked her up causing her to smile as he carried her to their bed. Brandi ripped his shirt off then reached down to unbutton his pants. Once she was laying on her back, Jasper kicked his jeans off and kissed his wife. She felt his hand causing her to moan till he entered her. "Oh, Jasper."

"You're mine forever, Brandi Hale."

"I'll always be yours." She moaned out.

Jasper kissed her as they continued mating. Something that was way over due.

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