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Filler chapter
When they got home, Jasper and Brandi saw everyone outside. "Brandi, take Chelsea inside."

The blonde nodded as she went inside as Jasper looked at them. "What happened?"

"Bella almost died today because she cut her hand." Frankie tells him. 'And I lost control."

Jasper walked over and hugged her. "Frankie, you are still learning, but I know that you are strong. Don't let Edward get to you because of his mistake. He knows how clumsy that girl can be." He didn't see Brandi standing by the door. "I would have killed him if he tried that with Brandi. She is as calm as any of us. Now, I'm going to pack mine, Brandi and our daughter's things and leave."

"What about the wedding?" Alice asked.

"You have Edward and Bella once he realize the mistake he is making. We're going to elope."

Brandi stood there as Jasper turned and stopped seeing her. She walked over to him and hugged him. "Thank you for all that you have said." She tells him. "Let's go."

They all watched the couple go in to do what they were going to do. Brandi looked at Jasper smiling. They were finally going to be married soon.

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