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Carlisle looked at the fragile sleeping human named Brandi. She was bit, fed from, abused, and raped. This girl lived a nightmare and he knew once she's fully awake and more in control, she's going to be terrified. "How is she?" Frankie asked.

"She's going to be okay. Same for the baby."

Frankie sighed as she sat down. "Carlisle, Jasper won't come in here because he felt her fear." She said. "How do we get her to see that Jasper is nothing like that bastard? I don't want to see Jasper hurting over this."

"It's going to take time." He said. "Just give her time and she'll see Jasper as we do. She won't be afraid then, but for now..."

"Give her time." Frankie says. "Okay"
Brandi woke up screaming causing Jasper to appear in the room. "Brandi, it's okay." He said. "He's gone." Brandi looked at him and nodded. "Get some rest."

"Are you going to hurt me just like Mack?"

Jasper looked at her. "Never. When the time comes, I hope you see that I will never hurt you or use you." He tells her kissing her forehead before standing up. "If you need anything, I'll be downstairs."

Brandi nodded as he walked out. She saw a note and looked at it before opening it.

I know you are scared of me, but I want to prove to you that I will never harm you or the baby. First, I'll let you decide what you want and then from there we can work together knowing one another better.

She responded to the letter and laid down as she fell back to sleep. Jasper arrived to see Brandi still asleep, but he saw the letter and knew she just went back to bed. Grabbing the letter, Jasper walked put of the room.

I just need time. I know you won't hurt me, Jasper, but being used and abused caused me to lose trust in everyone. I would like to know you though, but I don't want you to be offended if something is said or someone's actions. I'll eventually heal, with your help.

Jasper looked up and smiled at her. "I'll help you, Brandi."
The next day, Brandi walked through the halls of the Cullen house. She didn't go to school as she didn't want people staring at her with sympathy. Thinking she was alone, she snuck downstairs to see Jasper sitting on the couch reading. "I thought you were gone."

"No." He said. "I'm staying here to keep an eye on you."

"You don't have too." She tells him. "I'm sure there is someone out there that you need to be with."

"Yeah, you." He tells her. "I don't know if that monster told you anything about mates." Brandi looked at him shocked. "I know you are afraid of me right now, but I promise you that I will never hurt you or the baby."

Biting her lip, Brandi went to the other couch and sat down. Jasper looked away from his book to see her sitting on the other couch. The blonde sighed as she looked at him. "Can we start knowing one another?"

Jasper smiled. "I would like that."
When Frankie got home with the others, they heard talking. They shared a look and walked close to the living room to see Jasper and Brandi talking. "My parents died in a fire accident when I was ten. I wasn't home." She tells him. "I was with my aunt till I was kicked out. Got my own place and met..."

"Hey, don't bring him up." He tells her.

Brandi nodded. "Well, you know the rest."

"What do you like to do?"

"I used to play the piano till my life turned upside down." She tells him.

Jasper stood up and held his hand out. Brandi looked at him a little terrified, but slowly placed her hand in his. The others quickly hid as Jasper took Brandi to another room. "We need to find a way for her to see that Jasper will never harm her."

"Yes, but how." Rosalie asked.

"Easy." Frankie says smiling. "We prove to her that we are her friends and get to know her too."

Alice smiled as that is exactly how she saw it. Brandi will see Jasper as someone to love not to fear. Frankie's plan will work.

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