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Halloween chapter (costume pageant)

Brandi saw the paper that Alice had in her face. Not how she was wanting to start her morning. "Why are you showing me this?"

"Because it's a pageant for families." She says. "Jasper has been wanting to do everything with the two of you and I think showing this two you and him might spark an idea."

The blonde looked at the paper and smiled. "Fine. I'll bring it with up to him." She laughed a little. "It would be fun."

"That it would be." Alice says. "Thanks to Frankie for finding this."

"Yeah." She says. "Alice, I'm going to get ready and go find costumes for my family."

Alice nodded as she walked out. Brandi watched as Alice walked away. Brandi walked to the closet and grabbed her things. Today, it wasn't about Bella and Edward. Never was to her and her family.

She knew there will be a game soon, but she wasn't playing. Jasper arrived to see Brandi getting dressed. He walked up behind her and kissed her bare shoulder. "What are you doing, darlin'?"

"We are joining a costume pageant for families." She replies. "We need to find our costumes."

"I don't know..."

"Please, baby." Brandi says. "It will be fun."

Jasper sighed. "I can never say no to you." He says. "Especially when it comes to spending time with my two favorite girls."

Brandi jumped in his arms and kissed him. "Thank you." She tells him. "I love you."

"I love you."
After finding their costumes, Jasper and Brandi walked around the little pageant seeing all the families dressed up. "There is a lot of people here."


"We're just doing this for the fun of it." Brandi tells him as she saw Chelsea sound asleep. "Something the two of us can look back on."

"Excuse me?" The couple looked to see a person with a camera. "May I get a picture of you three?"

Jasper started unstrapping Chelsea causing Brandi to nod. He pick her up and turned her to face the camera as her head rested on his arm. Brandi hugged up to Jasper as the flash went off. "Thank you."

"You three are a beautiful family."

"Thank you." Jasper says. "Darlin', are you ready?"

Brandi smiled. "Actually, I don't care about this pageant. I just want to have some fun with my family. Dressing up like this or whatever. It's fun."

"Let's keep a watch and on Halloween we will find something new."

"By then, Chelsea will be six months so, we will definitely have some fun."

"I love you."

"I love you. I can't wait till we're married."

"Me neither." He says. "I can't wait."

"What about June? Let's get married."


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