hold your peace

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Y/N pace back in forth in the dressing room and she was fumbling with her fingers. She was trying her best to remember her wedding vows but none of the words  were popping up in her head. It wouldn't been the smart idea to write them down on a piece of paper and then read off of that but she didn't want to do it. Ever since last night she's been having mixed feelings about today. Her family and friends told her if she wasn't sure that it will be ok and that they will support her. Of course they say that because everyone isn't too fond of her almost husband Elijah, especially her best friend Jordan since he was good friends with the both of them.

There has been some things that Jordan has discovered about Elijah, but doesn't want to tell Y/N because he wants his best friend to be happy. As of lately more and more feelings have developed and Jordan wishes that he was the one getting married to her rather than Eli. He thinks Eli doesn't deserve someone as sweet as Y/N. After coming back to his hotel from the bachelor party, he made the decision to speak up during the wedding and that's where he'll spill everything out.

As Y/N was fixing her makeup and playing with her veil she hears a knock on the door. Opening it she sees her best friend with the biggest smile on his face and a small box in his hand. It was almost time for the ceremony to start so everyone was taking their places so she was confused on why he was back here.

"Wow you look beautiful."

"Thank you you look handsome in your tux....Jordan I'm nervous."

Placing the box down he grabs her hands and she closes her eyes. They do this breathing exercise together whenever one of them gets nervous. After taking a few deep breaths Y/N opens her eyes and smiles at Jordan.

"What would I do without you?"

"You would probably be the same shy girl I met in college."

They stare at each other in silence and her tears start to brim her eyes again.

"Jojo im nervous something doesn't feel right."

"This is your time Jordan", he says in his head.

"Y/N there's something I need to show you."

Jordan pulls out his phone and starts showing her the proof that Eli's mistress has been sending him. From messages, to pictures of plane tickets, pictures of them on trips together, and so many more things. By now her foundation and mascara was streaking down her face as she cried hysterically.

"I know this isn't the best time to say this, but I'm in love with you. I've been in love with since the year after we've became friends. Whenever I think of someone I want to spend the rest of my life with it's you it has always been you. I've had a girlfriend here and there but I didn't love them they way I love you plus I was just using them to make you jealous. I see myself buying you a house, making love to you, having kids with you, being by your side while you're in labor, and giving you the love that you deserve. I love you and I will do whatever it takes to have you in my life as my wife."

Y/N was fanning her face trying to get herself to stop crying. Jordan couldn't tell if she was still crying out of sadness or were they happy tears. Another knock is played on the door and her father walks in to see what was going on.

"What's wrong baby girl?"

"The wedding is off I don't want to marry Eli...I want to be with Jordan."

Her father does a little happy dance and gets himself together fixing his tux.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that, but whew I always wanted Jordan to be my son in law than Eli I'll go inform everyone."

"Is it ok that I do it", Jordan ask.

"Yeah son go ahead."

• • •

Jordan walks into the alter wiping the lip gloss that Y/N had left on his lips. Everyone stops their conversations and their eyes follow him until he makes it to the front of the room.

"I'm sorry to inform you guys but the wedding is off."

All of her friends, family, and bridesmaids mutter a amen or thank you Jesus and turns their attention back on them. Eli was about to say something, but Jordan beats him to it.

"You see Elijah here has been cheating on Y/N since a month before he proposed to her. His side chick has been messaging me and sending me all of the evidence I needed to show Y/N and finally did today. Along with that I confessed my love for her as well. You see being her best friend I know what she wants and deserves and I know that she doesn't deserve this piece of shit that's standing behind me right now. We are very sorry we wasted your time but there will not be a wedding today."

Jordan walks out of the alter and back into the dressing room locking the door. Soon enough the can Eli in the hallway and the rest of the groomsmen trying to stop him.

"Come on we're going home", he smiles.

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