r: championship parade

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for potheadhippie 💐

This year has been kind of a hectic one, Sophia would say, but from April to now, it has been nothing but chaos. She has been in constant go mode due to her boyfriend, Jordan, having his first playoff game, winning the western conference finals, going into the finals, and then winning the championship as well. She is beyond proud of him and knows how much work he has put in to get to where he is now.

Sophia sat in the bleachers of the practice gym as the guys were scattered out on the floor, waiting for the buses to arrive. The championship parade is happening today, and her man is nothing but excited. Last night when he returned from Vegas, he went to the store to buy super soakers to shoot at the people in attendance. The young girl didn't understand why he would want to do that. His reasoning was that the kickoff to the Poole parties would be occurring the entire off-season. Releasing a yawn, she uses her elbow to cover her mouth so no one would snap a funny picture of her. She feels a presence next to her and gives the person a quick side eye before cracking a smile. A muscular arm she grew too familiar with wraps around her waist.

"You finally did it baby", she whispers.

"I finally did but I couldn't have done other without-"

"Noooooo this is all about you stop giving me credit."

"No because behind every successful man is a strong woman by his side."

His girlfriends cups his cheeks in her small hands before placing a kiss on his lips. Her eyes look down to see the water guns in his hands and happily takes one of them.

"You coming to the Poole party?"

"Of course I am but will there be one tonight though?"

"If I consume enough liquor be prepared to drown babygirl."

Her body erupts with laughter as Jordan place kisses on her cheek and neck. Since all of the families were here it was time to load up the buses. Jordan made sure to help his mother, girlfriend, and sister get on the bus safely and make sure his dad and best friends got on there as well. Sophia was still tired and pulls out the energy drink she got from the gas station they stopped at on the way here. Just from one sip she was already feel her bones shaking and her pupils dilating.

"Today is finna be a long one", she mumbles to herself.

• • •

And she was exactly right, but she's having the best time of her light right. Currently she was leaning over the edge of the upper level of the bus spraying the crowd with a water gun. Her boyfriend got his hands on a Moët bottle and was spraying some and taking a sip before the bottle finished.

Sophia looks back and smiles as his sister and mother were dancing to the music. She was honestly glad that his family was having a good time since they were stressed out during the finals. A pout forms on her lips when she noticed that her gun was dried out.

"What's wrong baby?"

"My gun is out of amo."

Jordan looks around the bus until his eyes land on his best friend Ralen.

"Ralen toss me two water bottles!"

He tosses Jordan the two and he quickly fills up the water gun. She plants a kiss on his cheek as a thank you for getting the job done so quickly.

"Thanks baby!"

Sophia sprays the crowd a little bit before resting her gun in a random seat on the bus. Her boyfriend grabs her hand and they rush downstairs so they can chill with the crowd and high five everyone. A few feet away Sophia saw Klay doing his infamous impression of Michael Jackson and decided to join in on the fun.

"Lil bit! You wanna shoot", he asked holding up a Henny bottle.

Now any normal day Sophia would not be drinking dark liquor, but it was the championship parade. Grabbing the bottle out of Klay's hand, she takes a few gulps surprising both Klay and Jordan. Once they notice she wasn't going to stop, the bottle gets taken out of her hands. She turns towards the crowd and gets them hype and giving everyone in the front rows high s fives.

As they were walking on the parade route she takes a few pictures with fans and takes pictures of jordan with fans. Dray hops off his bus and stops at an ice cream they were about to approach.

"Y'all want some ice cream?"

"I want some ice cream!"

"Well come one lil bit."

Walking into the establishment she was revealed with the cool air that was blasting out of the AC unit.

"Pick whatever flavor you want lil bit."

"Can I get wedding cake on a cone and a water bottle please."

The workers hands her the cup as Jordan pays for their things. Before she could even take a bite, her boyfriend forced the water bottle in her face making her groan.

"Drink it."

"But why?"

"So you won't be hungover tomorrow morning."

She downs the whole bottle and tosses it in the trash before walking outside.

"Why you keep downing drinks like that?"

"Because I'm thirsty quick shoot some water in my mouth."

Sophia closes her eyes opening her mouth wide so her boyfriend can spray some water in her mouth.

"No baby I'm not doing that", he laughs.

"You're no fun", she pouts.

Jordan large hand engulfs hers as she continue to lick her ice cream.

"Let me have some."

She holds the cone up to Jordan's mouth and gets a few licks in before running over to a crowd.


Making her way to the front she pulls out her phone to record this cute moment. He was dancing with a dog that was in crowd and Sophia thought it was so cute. Jordan gives him a farewell pat before taking his girlfriend's hand so they can head back on the bus.

Jordan rest his head agains Sophia's chest and she plays with his ear to calm him down.

"You did it baby and this is just the first one."

"And there's more to come", he smiles.

The two share a kiss before enjoying the final moments of the parade.

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