mommy's baby

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Giggles erupted all throughout the house as Y/N was tickling her baby boy. Junior is her pride and joy and she wouldn't trade him for anything in this world. Anyone looking from the outside in could tell that the three year old is a momma's boys and she's not mad about that. She absolutely loves that her little pumpkin always wants her attention and cries for her.

On the other hand it kind of made her boyfriend a little jealous. Jordan always craves for the type of relationship that junior and Y/N has. It honestly breaks his heart that he always goes to her to ask for stuff or wants her to tuck him in bed. Also it doesn't help that Jordan is the main one who disciplines him since Y/N can't do it. He always talks to her to try to toughen her skin up, but she can't imagine yelling at her little baby. Junior is a well behaved child it's just sometimes he doesn't listen and tries to do things on his own. Walking downstairs Jordan let's out a yawn and follows the laughs coming out of both of his son and the love of his life. He smiles once he sees the two of them playing in the living room with while paw patrols was playing on the tv.

Y/N looks up to see the love of her life staring at the two of them. She picks Junior up and walks over to his daddy giving him a kiss on his lips.

"Say good morning daddy."

"Good morning daddy."

Jordan holds his hands out and junior turns around putting his attention back on the tv. The grip he had on his mother got tighter and Y/N could see the sadness in Jordan's eyes.

"Pumpkin can you go watch tv so mommy can get started on breakfast and talk to daddy."

He nods his head and happily gives his momma a kiss. Once they see his attention is on the flat screen they start talking and pulling out food from the fridge to cook.

"So I plan on running some errands today to give you time to be with Junior."

"I don't know what happened...he always wanted to be under me when he was a baby up until he was two."

"Yeah but sometimes it's changes for kids...I think it might be because you started disciplining him."

"Because baby he's gotta learn that everything is not ok. Also you need to stop giving in and letting him sleep in our bed every night. He needs to get use to his big boy bed he has in his room."

"I know but Jordan he's just a baby."

Jordan decided to not talk more about the matter because it would just turn into an argument.

• • •
Y/N was by their front door making sure she had everything before she went out. Junior ran over to her with his shoes holding them up to his mommy.

"Oh baby mommy has a lot of errands to run you're going to stay with daddy."

Y/N could see the tears welling up in his eyes and knew he was about to blow.

"I can't come with you...why."

"Because baby you're going to spend time with daddy."

"But I don't want to spend time with daddy", he crosses his arms.

"Baby do not be like that daddy is so excited about spending time with you you don't want to hurt his feelings."

"Mommy I want to go with you", he cries.

Jordan picks him up and he kicks and screams as Y/N slips out of the door and hurried to the car. He cries to console him rocking him in his arms and his baby boy calms down a little bit. Junior lifts his head up and he gives his daddy a kiss on his cheek. Jordan walks upstairs into their bedroom so Junior can go ahead and take a nap.

• • •

Y/N walks back into the house to hear laughter and smiles to herself. Walking into the kitchen she quickly puts the groceries up and heads off to the playroom. She sees her two boys playing basketball on juniors toy hoop. Jordan lifts him up and helps him dunk and her baby stuck his arm in the rim.

"It seems like you guys are having fun."

"Hi mommy."

Junior didn't run to her like he normally does and she was taken back from that.

"You're not going to give momma a hug."

He runs to her giving his mom a quick hug before running back to his daddy.

"I guess I'll get dinner started then."

• • •
By now it was bed time and Y/N was getting Junior's area situated on their bed. Her boyfriend was handling getting their baby ready for bed.

"Alright say goodnight mommy."

"Good night mommy."

"I'm going to tuck him in and I'll be back."

"Tuck him in?"

"Yeah he's sleeping in his big boy bed tonight."

"Can I come", she pouts.

"Yeah come on", he laughs.

After ten minutes Junior was out like a light and the couple heads back to their master bedroom.

"Finally the bed to ourselves...take these pjs off."

She reluctantly takes them off because it's been a minute since the last time they had sex.

"And we don't have condoms either so Junior is going to have another sibling."

"No sir just pull out."

"No promises", he smiles.

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