saying goodbye

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Y/N sat next to her boyfriend as they were watching ESPN. Her hands rub his back in a comforting way since he's still a little upset about Juan leaving. Jordan is happy for his brother, but still...he never imagined him leaving.

"This just in Gary Payton II is signing a 28 million three year deal with the Portland Trailblazers-"

The young woman is startled when the remote makes contact with the tv causing the screen to crack.

"Fuck man!"

Jordan steps out to the backyard of their shared home taking a seat in on of their lawn chairs. She has never seen her boyfriend this angry before. Literally he is such a big teddy bear this was all new to her. She knows this is hurting him to see his friends go and that it's going to be a difficult time for him. To the public Jordan may seem like an outgoing guy, but in reality he is a true introvert. He's gives off extrovert characteristics once he's comfortable with people, but he likes staying in a shell and isn't too fond of change. His teammates already complain that he doesn't go out with them enough and now they're going to complain even more and Y/N has to hear it.

She peaks her head outside to see her boyfriend's back turned to her.

"Do you need a minute?"


Before she shut the door she can hear him sniffling and see him wiping his face.

"My poor baby", she thought to herself.

This means that she needs to devote her time to him during training camp to see how things are going.

Y/N's father passed away a few months ago and her mother sent her the information about the will. She would say that her father was very wealthy, but didn't tell anyone that. She works hard for everything she does and even started her own clothing line while being a full time content creator.

Once she steps out of their house, her phone starts ringing.

"Hey mom", she smiles.

"Hey baby how are you today?"

"Not so good you know free agency started so some of Jordan's teammates have already left."

"Is he doing ok", the woman's voice laced with concern.


"Sounds like I need to come over and make my apple pie that'll cheer him up."

"Yeah he would love that mom", she smiles.

Grabbing the mail out of their mailbox she walks back into the house and tells her mom goodbye and that she'll see her in a few. As soon as she walking in the kitchen Jordan enters the house. Her eyes soften when she sees his red face and puffy eyes.

"Awww baby come here."

He rushes over to her to her wrapping his long arms around her.

"Mom is coming over to make her apple pie", she smiles, "if you want you can take a nap and I'll wake you up when she gets here."

Jordan nods his head and walks up the steps to their bed room.

• • •

"You son of a bitch", Y/N laughs shaking her head.

She wipes her tears looking at the paper her father's lawyer sent to the address. Jordan sat next to her eating a slice of pie topped with ice cream while her mother sat on the other side of her.

After reading the will, her father, Mr. Y/L/N, left her and her mother so much money they roughly got 2.5 billion each.

"Wow I didn't know Mr. Y/L/N had it like that", Jordan laughs.

"I can't believe it."

That wasn't all they got though. Of course her mother got the house, all the cars, and more assets he had. Y/N gained access to her trust fund which has even more millions. She was just stunned that the man who wore Bass Pro Shop shorts and New Balance was looking out for her this entire time. While Y/N was talking to her mother, Jordan takes the piece of paper for a deeper read. His face scrunches and then his eyes widen and he taps his girlfriend's shoulder.

"I think you need to read this part."

No one knew about this except for Mr. Meyers, Mr. Lacob, Mr. Guber, and the entire coaching staff...I hear by pass down my 33 percent ownership of the Golden State Warriors to my daughter Miss Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N and my wife Mrs. Y/L/N .

"Holy shit!"


"Sorry mom", she laughs.

At such a young age, Y/N is an owner of her father's favorite basketball team.

" Looks like we have business to do mom."

Y/N was going to do everything in her power to make sure none of her boyfriend's teammates leave.

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