the hangover

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The sunlight beams through the blinds as the sun rises in Las Vegas, Nevada. Oh know what people say, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Y/N and her friends Mychal, Sandra, and Ryan decided to take a quick weekend trip to get their minds away from reality. The last time they went on a trip was during college and they wanted to bring that exact momentum back. 

They might've gotten carried away last night and done some damage last night. 

As if on cue Mychal, Sandra, and Ryan open the doors to their rooms in the suite. The collective three noticed that the living room was a complete mess and couldn't help but laugh. 

"My god what did we do last night."

"Beats me I don't remember shit", Sandra laughs.

"All I know is we had a good time."

Ryan and Mychal laugh giving each other high fives. 

"Is Y/N up yet?"

"I don't think so because you know she wakes up before all of us no matter what."

They decide to check up on their friend to see if she's still alive or if she even make it back to the room last night. Mychal quietly opens her door trying her best to not wake her best friend up. But, to their surprise, Y/N was sleeping peacefully in her bed with an unknown arm wrapped around her. Ryan, Mychal, and Sandra couldn't make out who it was and just assumed that it was some dude they met at the club. 

"Let's clean up the living room while she continues to sleep she partied harder than the rest of us."

"Only because you kept teasing her saying that she won't bring college Y/N out."

"I wanted her to loosen up", Sandra laughs.

They all head back into the living area to clean up all of the trash from last night. 

• • •

By now the girls had finished cleaning the living room, kitchen, and their rooms, and Y/N still wasn't up. 

"Are you sure she was alive when we went into her room?"

"Y'all were in there with me you saw her breathing", Mychal takes a quick look at her watch, "It's almost four in the afternoon she never sleeps in this late."

The three got up ready to go wake their best friend up until her room door opened revealing Y/N. Mychal, Ryan, and Sandra all cheer as she walks out and she quickly scrunched her face signaling that they're too loud. Her hair was all over the place and she had on an oversized Golden State shirt she found in her room. She was clueless about where it came from, but she just needed something to throw on. Walking over to the kitchen she makes herself a cup of coffee with the Keurig that came with the room. Mychal, Sandra, and Ryan continue to stare as they were worried because she hasn't said anything as of yet. Feeling the stares, she turns around to look at her friends with a blank look. 

"Y/N are you okay?"

"Can anyone please help me refresh my mind and explain to me where is there an NBA player in my bed?"


Y/N leads the way back to her room and her friends can finally see that the mystery man is Jordan Poole.

"Girl, you bagged Jordan Poole last night? When?"

"I'm trying to figure that out, but nothing is coming back to me."

Ryan looked down at her best friend's hand and let out a gasp.

"Um bestie...look at your left hand."

Y/N brings her hand into her view and her eyes go wide. On her ring finger there sat an engagement ring with a huge diamond on it along with a wedding ring with diamonds encrusted all around. This is new to the quartet because a wedding does not pop up in any of their memories. 

"Ryan, you still have your camera right?"


"Maybe we should go through the pictures to bring up the memories of last night."

• • •

The group of friends stare at the tv in amazement as they finished viewing all of the pictures off of Ryan's camera. 

"There's no way we did all of that."

"Yeah, there's proof."

They saw the pictures from the wedding and it was actually nice being that it was in a chapel. Y/N and Jordan looked so happy and in love, but might've been just the alcohol. There were also pictures of him getting on one knee in the club, them picking out the rings in a jewelry store, and them singing the papers at the chapel. 

"I can't believe I'm married."

"Yeah to Jordan Poole at that."

The door opens and Jordan walks out with sunglasses and grey sweats on. He makes a beeline to Y/N giving her a kiss on the lips before going to the kitchen to see what they had to eat. Y/N noticed that he has a ring on his finger as well. The quartet continues to watch him as he moves so comfortably in their suite. Y/N walks over to him and he smiles wrapping his arms around her body. 

"Good morning my beautiful wife."

"Do you remember what happened last night?"

"Of course, I remember I became the happiest man on this planet. I saw you at the club we talked for hours and I said to myself that I see you being my wife so I just asked you on the spot and you said yes...the rest is history baby."

"Were you drunk?"

"Who wasn't drunk", he laughs.

"You don't find it weird that you're married to a random person?"

"I said we talked at the club for hours I basically know everything about you and vice versa."

She could tell that he was very genuine with his words and he hasn't mentioned divorce in their conversation. 

"You don't mind being married?"

"Nope and why do you keep asking questions babe? You don't want to be married to me anymore?"

"No I'm just to remember what happened", she smiles. 

After Jordan placed some leftovers in the microwave he wraps his arms around her body again smiling at her. He notices that her friends are listening in on the conversation so he bends down closer to her ear.

"Last night was amazing as well I was pretty positive that you wouldn't be able to handle my size...I could give you a replay if you want", he whispers. 

"Y/N we're going to go get something to eat, you coming."

"No thanks I'm going to catch up with my husband", she smirks.

As soon as they left, Jordan throws her over his back and headed into the bedroom for a part two of last night. 

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