Return to New York Part 3

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We watch as Baxter Stockman took a step closer.

"Do you know the most beautiful thing about my brilliant plan? I used you, Shredder to transform me into this ultra cyborg you see before you. A truly superior work of genius but all good things must come to an end. It's time to bid you adieu" Baxter said.

He aims one of his robot arms toward us. "Incoming!"I yell and flew off. He shot three missiles. I doge the falling pieces of wood. I felt a shiver on my wing and I look back. The tip of my wing! I point at it and it took out the flame. I keep on dodging the falling pieces.

"Out of my way," Baxter said then made the elite ninjas fall. I flew down and managed to catch them. They look at me confused. "I know how weird this is but let's not think about this too much," I said. They nod then I drag them to safety. They wave as I flew back up.

"Now where did Hun get to?"Baxter said then found Hun. "There you are," He said. Hun grabs a touch and aims it at Baxter robot's chest. It didn't work. He pushes it and grabs Hun. "I've been so looking forward to this. It's payback time" he said.

He pushes Hun to a pillar. "Oh, oh that felt good. Now I'm going to take you apart piece by piece. A lovely irony wouldn't you say?"Baxter said. Shredder came and try to slice him. It...failed. "What?!"Shredder said. "It's a self-healing polymer acrylic," I said.

"Right on, Alison. Just one of 39 patented items I developed using your resources" Baxter said as Shredder growled. "You made it all possible shredder and didn't suspect a thing you pompous overblown ignoramus but the time has come for you to be re-educated in my brilliance," Baxter said.

He threw Shredder around. I landed next to the turtles. "It took everything we had to beat the Shredder last time," Raph said. "And robonut just took him out in 4.5 seconds. The shredder and hun" Donnie said. "Um, can we go home now?"Mikey said, raising his hand.

Baxter looks at us. "And now the freaks. It's most fortuitous that you're here. Really, you're on my list of parties responsible for recent misfortunes in my life. The charges are ruining my genius work interfering with my brilliant schemes and hampering my destiny as the world's foremost criminal and scientific prodigy" Baxter said then look at me.

"And if you be very kind, child...please move aside so the turtle can pay for their crime," He said. "But they are my friends, "I said as I flew a bit. "Alison. I know more about your...past. I can help you uncover the secret of your power. They will only slow you down" He said.

I glup. "As nice as that sound...I got to say no?"I said. "Oh well," he said then fire blast. I put my hand out as the turtles separated. I managed to send it back and went into hiding. Oh god, what should I do? I yelp as I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I must have burned myself a little.

"Master Splinter!"I heard them yell. I felt a glitch in my arm. I held it close to me. What is going on with me? I need to calm down and focus. If I can't focus then how can I help the turtles? I went to my knee. Calm down...You can do this.

I sigh then look at my arm. They were blue again...this time, darker. I rub my arm softly and it fades away slowly. "Is that all you've got?"Baxter said and send some missiles. I ran in front of Leo and caught them. I twirl and threw it back at them. They miss.

"Very nice...I must applause you for that" He said. Mikey and Donnie wrap ropes around Baxter's robot leg. "You try to stop me with ropes? How positively primitive" Baxter said. "We got your primitive right here," Raph said. We kick his glass and he fell into the huge gap.

We look down. "That's one minor annoyance disposed of now to finish you fools, "Shredder said. We glare at him but Baxter flew up. "You insufferable nitwit. Dr. Baxter Stockman is not so easily dismissed...Kiss your shells goodbye freaks" he said then send a fire blast.

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